Doing Miqote March - 2024
Bonded IRL to @ serakanote.bsky.social
Just a shy, elpis flower of a miqote.
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I got my glowsticks and pompoms ready to cheer you on! Never any pressure but I know you'll make some beauties!! ♡
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Please enjoy its colors and peacefulness! I listened to so much Raga while building this beauty to evoke and express my love into it. ♡
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But it feels like a back handed compliment when going but yours is different she doesn't look the same. I'd rather be told sorry your girl does have same face syndrome. So then I can work on her more or just accept I did a bad.
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Its kind of unfair to say they look the same when to me they look different. It's like saying all Asians are the same or I guess for you saying all white people are the same. To ME personally I see the difference, so maybe its just MY EYES that need checking >>
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Yeah I realize now what the original post meant thanks to people clarifying it, I get it now SORTA again I dont see the same face but that HAS to be on me. But it still feels like a bit of a back handed compliment an thats on me to process. Not on them. Just wish more people were aware words hurt.
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Something must be going on because I have a fever as well last night an my body did not want to sleep. Im sorry you went thru that kind of hecking trouble and I hope your temp goes back to normal. Drink those fluids and be gentle with yourself.
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The post allowed a platform for the sculpts to be called ugly. Let's not forget how mean people can be
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But I will admit this is coming from lack of 2 days of no sleep and a fever brain so perhaps the discourse or today and yesterday have taken their toll and I need to step back for awhile.
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Are said and maybe be more self aware? Like I'm understanding its not an attack on Vidhi but seeing hurtful things be said still hurts and seeing friends and moots agree even though they don't mean any harm feels like a bit of a back handed compliment when they go "but yours is different"
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I understand where Lia and others are coming from I think, but if the problem is that all sculpts look the same to them and are charging to much why not find a more tactful or nuance way of saying so or letting the looks be attacked. There comes a time when people do have to look at how things
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And made me feel really hurt from. Both types of discourse of fatphobic to I guess I would call this same face syndrome.
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But it hurt because seeing friends and others call them ugly and even going to say they wish we stopped playing the game in a different language was hurtful. I use a sculpt and I'm just thankful I dont get banned everyday because what we do is against TOS so seeing all this infighting has tired me >
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It was. I didn't understand and still don't to be honest because I see the differences in all those sculpts from button noses to pointy ones from downturn eyes to wider eyes and lips with different shapes. But people say the see the same so something must be wrong with me.
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Thank you Cherri for being so sweet and cheering me on. ♡ I'll be ok I just know I need to take a break an return when I'm ready and there is less discourse then needed on the timeline for now I hide like a turtle. >2<
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Thank you for taking the time to explain this to me in such a manner that I can understand clearer. I really appreciate you reaching out and taking the time to do so. I believe my mind has spiraled from the discourse of yesterday and today combined with lack of sleep, so I apologize if I hurt you.
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To be emotional about something so trivial yet I am. I appreciate the kindness and love people are giving I think I'm just mentally upset and exhausted about the discourse that I hoped wouldn't reach me.
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Thank you for this. I look at people both in game and out of game to see their imperfectionate beauty so when I saw the sculpt post I saw the different noses, eye shapes, lips and didn't understand how they all looked the same. I still don't. So I'm just hurt and confused and feel very silly >>>
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I think seeing as how I am very vulnerable I may take a bit of a social media break until moqo march at the earliest because I'm REALLY bad at not showing I'm hurt as of late. I wear my heart on my sleeve now and the amount of discourse is staggering.
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The comments of others was extremely hurtful and I worry that the same sentiments are shared across the bored. Which I'm thinking isn't the case? I dont know if I'm making much sense but I know now you wearnt aiming to hurt?
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Im really tired, and my brain isn't processing what nuance means even after having looked up the word. But I think I understand that you were not doing it to take a jab at me or others? I'm extremely vulnerable today so I may not make much sense but I guess seeing the picture and seeing
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Youre so kind, thank you no one does deserve to be treated cruel or be made fun of but alas here we are.
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Im just hurting because these people were my friends and moots an Im an idiot who loves easily so I care for them but upon seeing their likes and repost about the post making fun of said sculpt makes me realize they never had the courage to tell it to my face that Vidhi looked the same as everyone..
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I may just return to drawing again instead of engaging in final fantasy. I dont know I just...I really didn't want to think the community let alone my friends could be so mean or back handed or nasty. But I was naive. Im feel really bad right now and I will probably feel like this for days to come.
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I haven't yet, I'm still learning about customize to make Vidhi a bit bigger/thicker but then like all my energy got drained seeing people just hate and hate and hate. An I dont even think taking a break helps because I'll still have to face the reality that people I enjoyed just slapped my face.
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I dont know about this anymore Azzi, all I know is that this mean girl mentality is so hurtful even when I go out to touch grass it still lingers because at the end of the day we come back to the same bullshit.
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I was happy, I love Vidhi so much an have continued to love her thru the ups and downs of my emotions and heart. But when I see my own friends and people I enjoyed show this side. It really fuckings hurts. An I find myself crying and wanting to quit the community.
Im not made for such hate.
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It really is. Seeing that post be reposted by people here on bluesky where I thought we would get away from the Twitter/x mentally hurts. I genuinely liked or thought these people enjoyed me as a person but I see their true colors now.
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Im so sorry its uncomfortable, after a certain point it just hurts even if its not directed towards you. The causal cruelty in an already harsh world is just getting harder to shield from kindness seems hard to come by without a steep price. I hope kindness continues to find you ♡
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I have been told by my therapist I'm to self aware for my own good, but some people can really do with that self awareness with their words, actions and even thoughts. I dont expect everyone to get along though and I shouldnt be so soft but alas I am rabbit hearted and anxious at the best of times
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If I had the skills and equipment I would do it for more as well. ;=; I love so many meshups
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I wish for more fantasy
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Yesssss!! I LOVE WATCHING THEM VIBE. I also just love watching them walk around caring about nothing just vibes only good vibes. ♡ May you have that caby life one day my love. ♡
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Oh to be a capybara chilling in the spring. You're a caby in my heart. ♡
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Basically yes. It boils down to that. Its so LIKE WHY.