STEM geek & nature lover. Human rights are important. Totalitarianism is icky. Speak truth to power. Motivated by a search for truth.
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The trick, of course, is to use lots of shell organizations to launder the money & make it hard to track. That way Politico ( NPR, etc) can truthfully claim, "We don't get much money from USAID". Unsaid is that dozens of shell orgs hide where the money comes from.
This comic is the truth of it:
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Sure. Great request. I'll start with an easy target, Politico.
Here's Politico defending its funding source, USAID:
Here's Politico unable to pay its bills after USAID funding is turned off:
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Say the guys taking payments from the fraudsters!
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The people whose criminal fraud is being exposed are doing a TERRIFIC job of fighting back against the people exposing their fraud. Many people seem to be buying the deception, too!
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Muting CIA propaganda bot CCR. Here's a summary of its instruction manual:
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Hey, is this an ALLY of the CIA bot or just a confused person?
I ask because CIA propaganda bots operate in packs.
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Andy clearly doesn't know much about this topic. General Brown has known for MONTHS that he was going to be fired. Since NOVEMBER.
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That "imbecile" sure did paddle the Democrats' behinds. They must be even less intelligent than "imbecile".
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Hey, this CIA propaganda bot is spewing the usual CIA talking points. We've heard them before.
It fails to mention the CIA's 2014 coup d'etat against Ukraine's elected government, or how USA installed literal goose-stepping Nazis to positions of power & invited them to rape & kill ethnic Russians
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That's PRECISELY what the current destruction of the Administrative State (AS) is about! It's all about forcing the AS to follow orders from its rightfully elected commander, the POTUS.
Yes, government should be afraid of the people!
So you SUPPORT what Trump & Musk are doing, right?
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What's horrific?
That's standard work behavior. At the end of each week one writes up a summary of what one did at work, for the boss.
What's the problem here?
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That bird has flown. Fascism came to America a long time ago.
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"institutional journalists [sic] are doing the work"
LOL! Peter speaks as if institutional journalists can be trusted about ANYTHING. Peter seemingly hasn't figured out that they CONSTANTLY LIE.
Wow, some people are just cluelessly naive!
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CIA-controlled propaganda bot detected!
CCR shares the opinion of the CIA. It's probably a paid propaganda account, as most real humans know the lies in what it just said.
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Brown only knew the firing was coming since NOVEMBER!
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What makes you think I believe him? I said no such thing. Stop putting words in my mouth. Quit AssUMe ing things.
Most people have figured out by now that the Ukraine War was a ghastly deception foisted on us by warmongers. Some few pitiful brainwashed fools are still for that war.
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Now you know the SURVIVAL RATE for those given the treatment versus the SURVIVAL RATE for those given standard of care. In that context, is the Abstract accurate or deceptive?
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Carl, you've just been deceived by scientific fraud. AFTER I WARNED you that the study is fraudulent.
Carl, what's the SURVIVAL RATE for those given this treatment? How about for those not given this treatment.
Knowing the respective survival rates, would you want the treatment?
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Observers, notice how Carl goes directly to personal insults. His attitude projects smug superiority. Carl's mind is made up, so don't confuse him with facts.
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Are you upset with him because he was suckered by propaganda a few years ago, or because he's no longer deceived? Please explain.
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You've done no such thing.
That sounds like, "No, I'm not willing to have a polite & thoughtful discussion"
Is that correct?
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It's fraudulent, and clearly so. Anyone can spot the fraud. Yet it's not been retracted.
Pharma paid well for this FRAUDULENT science paper.
The literature is PACKED with fraudulent science.
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Can you detect the fraud?
Published 2019 in JAMA:
Were you sick with sepsis would you want this treatment?
Hint: read only the ABSTRACT and it's a clear NO
Now read the Secondary Results section, buried around page 23, and ask yourself the same question.
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Carl, I've read a LOT of Federally funded research, including thousands of scientific medical studies just in the past few years. My academic background is in Bio-Physics.
Lots of peer-reviewed science is flat out FRAUDULENT. I spot it all the time.
Here's my favorite FRAUDULENT science paper
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I say the same to you, Carl!
Are you willing to have a polite, rational discussion where you explain your position and listen to mine? Or 'nah!' ?
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Ahh, Miss Fanny is in the "Trust the science" crowd. "Trust the science" is an anti-scientific statement that perfectly summarizes ANTI-science. Real science is about observing, asking questions, and collecting data. As soon as "trust" gets involved it's not science.
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Carl, you clearly have NOT been listening directly to him. You've clearly been listening to media reports ABOUT him, where they put words into his mouth.
What's your take on this 2 minute speech, Carl?
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Seriously, Carl? You believe Americans are unhealthy because of NOT ENOUGH regulation? You blame bad health on RELIGION?
You completely misdiagnose the problem.
Our health problems clearly stem from unhealthy stuff in our environment. Our regulators are CORRUPT. They are part of the problem.
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Seriously, Michael? USA has a rich history of supporting dictators, overthrowing democratic governments, and waging regime change wars. USA never did the right thing. USA foreign policy was the evil against which righteous people fought.
What are you even thinking, Michael?
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Lolz! Well said! I'm not wild about Luigi's choice of target, as his target was only #28 on my list.
While I'd like to see a pardon that's not realistic.
I'm hoping he gets off with a hung jury via Jury Nullification.
Now that I've answered your question, please answer mine.
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Carl, do you feel that Americans are generally healthy?
Do we get good value from our healthcare money?
Are we currently doing the right things for public health?
Should we keep doing the same things, since <sarcasm>they're working so well</sarcasm>.
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So, Sherbear95, people are upset at those who EXPOSED criminal fraud but not at those who PERPETRATED the fraud.
Make that make sense.
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"The hot takes have got it all wrong. It was classic Trump media trolling. He picked that fight on purpose. ...
He baited the hook, she took the bait, and Trump reeled her in."
It was a trick. Lynda took the bait, too!
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His TDS is showing. In a few years people will be ASHAMED of their TDS and will try to conceal it.
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The German people have been BETRAYED by their politicians, their elites, and by their journalists. Germans' best option is to permanently eliminate their entire political class.
USA is no ALLY to Germany. USA blew up Germany's energy supply & lied about it. German pols did not complain.
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Massive *** PAID *** Ukraine rally
There, fixed that for you.
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That's an insult to cocksuckers everywhere! No one one wants to be associated with totalitarian tyrant Trudeau!
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Umm, Rod, we're talking about the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. For the past 80 years the entire point of this JOB is to kill those whom POTUS points at.
Sad but true. CONGRESS is supposed to authorize war but Congress last declared war in 1941.
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"The hot takes have got it all wrong. It was classic Trump media trolling. He picked that fight on purpose. ...
He baited the hook, she took the bait, and Trump reeled her in."
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Carl could always CHECK WITH THE SOURCE and find out what's true and what's false. But no, Carl won't do that. Instead he'll remain willfully ignorant. If Carl did some research Carl might learn something that didn't match his preconceptions. Can't have that!
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That sounds like an expression of intense hatred. Also deepest ignroance.
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Brought to you by Pfizer!
The silly fools following this smear job have NO CLUE they are cheering for a paid Pfizer PR job.
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No, Carl. I'm just better informed than you are. You've been lied to by your media sources and don't know it.
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Carl gets EVERY ONE WRONG. Carl repeats the MEDIA DISTORTIONS and SMEAR JOBS. Carl obviously does NOT know his views, because Carl just got every one DEAD WRONG. Carl just made my point.
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Rod, did you know that the previous administration EXTORTED Starlink to provide service to Ukraine? Musk opposed using Starlink for military purposes but he was given no choice in the matter. Shortly after that EXTORTION Musk switched to the Trump team.
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This is just pitiful. Compelled speech is for totalitarian tyrants. Are we supposed to cheer for totalitarian tyranny?
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That's a PRETTY BASIC work requirement: send an email describing what you did in a week.
What kind of clown doesn't know that?