Grew up in Chicago, lived in Madison, now in Toronto. Recovering news junkie.
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A little over 3 million voted third party. Around 90 million eligible voters didn’t vote. I think we should focus on the larger group.
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There was a contingent of Bernie supporters who were/are rather toxic, but it’s partly a function of his broad appeal across a lot of traditional left right lines. There’s also a group of socialists who are kinda “smart guys” who like to talk a lot and are serial mansplainers. Minority.
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I don’t think it matters where the virus came from. All these labs leak from time to time.
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I found both drugs to help, but I had some more side effects with adderall. I found the effect of Ritalin to be simpler and more consistent. Adderall gave me a slightly queasy out-of-body feeling. Ritalin made me jittery at first, but I acclimated after a while (few weeks) and that went away.
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No ambiguity there. I’m sure that’s not creating a fat loophole that can be abused again and again.
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Based on the Ancient Greek Anabasis by Xenophon