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"If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it." - 1 Corinthians 12:26 #SolidarityIsAChristianValue
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So think about it, pray about it. And if you have the privilege to be able to withhold your money from big corporations tomorrow (not everyone does), consider doing so. Because we're in a mess, and getting out of it is going to take all of us.
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We know that we aren't going to topple Amazon in one day. But the more we practice standing together in holy solidarity with those who are under attack, the better we will get at it. And joining a protest reminds us that we're not alone -- and we're not powerless in the face of all of this evil.
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Trump and his billionaires aren't going to stop hurting vulnerable people because we ask nicely (we've tried that!). So if we really love our neighbors and want to keep them safe, we must find non-violent ways to pressure the powerful and change the incentives. Widespread boycotts can do that.
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It's increasingly clear that many corporations and wealthy CEOs will keep bending the knee to Trump and echoing his racism, homophobia, and xenophobia as long as there's a chance it will financially benefit them.
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Jesus taught us to love our neighbors, and especially to care for those who exist on society's margins -- people of color, the poor, LGBTQ folks, people with disabilities, women, all the folks most negatively impacted by our ruthless capitalist system.
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Trump's hate and mandated gender discrimination is as un-Christian as it gets. Here are three easy things that social justice Christians can do now to help protect trans kids in our communities:
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We will continue proudly exercising our faith and speaking out in support of Jesus's teaching of love, justice and care for our neighbor.
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What Trump and his band of false prophets don't want you to know is that some of their most vocal opponents are Christians. Most American Christians recognize the reality that the Trump Administration's authoritarian agenda is based on Project 2025 and contradicts Jesus's teachings at every turn.
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This administration & its billionaire allies are going to keep criminalizing progressive faith-based institutions and attempting to define our spiritual practices as non-Christian and undeserving of legal protection. We need to take these attacks on our religious liberty extremely seriously.
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That's why it's so important for social justice Christians to keep correcting the record right now -- & to keep demonstrating love that transcends difference by standing with those who are being attacked and scapegoated by this administration. If you're ready to take speak out, let us know here:
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And when the teachings of Jesus come into conflict with the hatred and division that help them gather money and power for themselves, they drop (or twist or ignore) Jesus. Because they prioritize their own material desires over the truth of the Gospel.
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But the Trump/Vance agenda -- & the agenda of the billionaires and Christian nationalist pastors who back him -- depends on division to succeed. They stoke people's fear of the "other" to keep us fighting amongst ourselves instead of working together to create communities where everyone can thrive.
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One of the most radical & beautiful things about the Gospel is how Jesus pushes his followers out of the comfort zone J.D. Vance is clinging to here. He taught that loving our neighbor means caring for all people regardless of the differences between us, because we are all family in Christ.
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(And if you appreciated Bishop Budde's courage and moral clarity this week, please let her know by signing our thank you letter here:
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And here at Faithful America, we’re going to keep loudly standing with immigrants and trans folks and women and everyone being harmed and persecuted by this Christofascist administration. Because that’s what Jesus calls us to do.
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We’re grateful for the Right Rev. Budde’s courage and her prophetic voice. We pray that Christian clergy across the country will follow her lead and boldly speak truth to power at every opportunity during these dangerous times.
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There’s nothing that threatens Christian nationalists and the religious right more than Christians who take Jesus seriously.
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But when boldly confronted with the values actually taught by Jesus in the Gospel — the values the Right Rev. Budde spoke to, of love and mercy and compassion — their entire worldview comes apart at the seams.
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To be able to convincingly twist our faith to provide cover for greed and cruelty, Christian nationalists need to be the loudest Christian voices in the room. And because they're so well funded, they often are.
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There’s a reason why Donald Trump and the religious right are raging so forcefully and incoherently at the Right Rev. Budde right now — something beyond simple pride and entitlement (though there’s that, too).
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We're going to keep speaking out together to show senators that Christians and other people of faith want them to reject nominees that would harm our neighbors & threaten our fundamental freedoms. And if you haven't signed the petition yet, you can do so here: