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This is really an insane thing to say

This is the most openly corrupt act by a sitting President in the history of America. It is now 4.40 PM - and Politico, WaPo and NYT are simply refusing to cover it. NYT wrote 35 articles speculating on the POSSIBLE corruption of Clinton Foundation. Which was never found.

I was about to get mad but read the thing and he basically said “lol whatever sorry I guess, snowflakes”

🧵; big difference between ‘17 and ‘25 is not that mass resistance is more muted now (the opposite appears to be the case); it’s that elite resistance is more muted

the president partnered with a central american dictator to make a dachau for venezuelan asylum seekers and he is now suggesting that he will send political dissidents there and the response from american civil society has been nothing at all

The fact that Democrats are punting on speaking out on Trump shipping people to concentration camps is some really bleak stuff. If you can’t persuade people on immigration in this moment you never will, and it seems like you don’t want to.

There is absolutely zero need for anybody to praise Donald Trump for "making sure our borders are stronger." That is whitewashing what he is doing and reinforcing the anti-immigrant sentiment that Trump has always capitalized on.

The media will try to boost these guys so that the Democratic response to Trump further entrenches his corrupt, anti-democratic politics. We should rebuke them.

The wild thing about race science stuff becoming mainstream among elites who claim to care about data and science is that it has absolutely ZERO scientific basis. Scientists have tried to determine race purely through genetic differences for decades in studies and have found nothing. Its astrology.

these people do not believe in law as a concept

I have no patience for this temporizing. People are being summarily shipped off into slavery in central america under the imprimatur of the US government right now. Canada—Canada!—is putting itself on a war footing. We’ve been off the map and in uncharted territory for the last 250 miles.

So basically just let the country crumble so people vote for us. Not sure how this is supposed to rile up the angry parts of your base.

Innocent people — undesirables, political dissidents — are being sent to camps here and abroad. A scapegoated minority is being persecuted, made an example of. Wrongthink is being stricken from government institutions and civil society. There is no more "if" authoritarianism arrives. It's here.

All the corruption should play well to Ossoff’s investigative journalist chops

This is not about selling a book. Thompson seems to genuinely like Hanania and engages with him *constantly* He may not agree with him, but he isn’t engaging with other neoNazis like this, so there’s at least some mutual respect there

Things are getting bad very quickly

We’re really going to finally have party unity huh

Welcome to the resistance, fucking Larry Summers I don’t know

No. Willing to die to protect the universal brotherhood of mankind, living in open societies in which everyone is entitled to the protection of the laws, regardless of race, creed, gender, orientation, or alienage, and which governments rule by the consent of the governed

alright here's a Take: checks and balances (and federalism) were supposed to protect against tyranny. But instead they just prevented a "tyranny of the majority" from doing universal health care and gun control, and it turns out they do basically nothing to stop an autocrat

Extending a level of generosity to a man who openly traffics in Jewish stereotypes and whose rhetoric led to the largest massacre of Jews in American history that he can't to students who support Palestinian rights.

This kind of makes the whole thing where David Shor came to everyone's attention when he got fired for alleged racism seem like there may have been more to it than we knew at the time.

The David Shor being a race science guy thing has been doing all sorts of conspiratorial thinking. I think there’s a legit chance there are right wing moles in the Democratic Party who are pushing the whole popularist stuff to defang them as an opposition and make them slaves to public opinion.

This + the crypto stuff makes it quite likely to me the entire Shor thing is a right wing psy op designed to make Democrats collaborators to the anti-Democratic goals of Silicon Valley. We should also not underestimate the possibility that many of these people are also moles who tip off Republicans

when this is all over, there will be a truth and reconciliation about what actually went on in these camps (amongst other things) and these people will pretend they have always been on the right side of history. we should not let them.

Outright admitting they are being bated into supporting a slave trade and that they’re going to collaborate in it

elite conservatives aggressively polarized the country on education and geography by taking divisive positions on cultural issues which they themselves did not even believe and they want us to feel bad for them because it hurt their dating and social prospects

This is a five alarm fire, no one is safe

October 7 was not the proximate cause of voters electing Trump but it was the ultimate cause of the elite realignment that is letting Trump run roughshod over our institutions right now

I feel like the econ policy people have been less annoyingly centrist on Trump than the rest of the think tank ecosystem purely because the only concrete policy he’s pursued in two months are tariffs, which like none of them like

telling Moulton et al to shut up is pretty different than the characterization we got yesterday!

a weird thing right now is watching the "liberal" intelligentsia hurtle headlong towards gender essentialism and race science while, like, a million Jan-from-Napervilles are being radicalized in the exact opposite direction