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I think he may be a fan of the "second book"
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Ale czeczeńskie?
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And russian courts ruled that going for, previously agreed, 3rd parties will be a violation of russian law. So basically any agreement sign with them is worth less than a paper and ink you are using
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Most important factor: In many if not most big international agreements you will assign a body to settle disagreements. Some sort of neutral 3rd party since your companies came from different justice systems Russians completely ignored that and tried to force partners to use russian "justice" system
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Not good. They are fixing things
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Hopefully New Pope
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If not properly maintained ATM will do exactly that. There are a lot of small fixes that are constantly needed, especially if it is working outside in below zero temperatures. So in russia...
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Was she better because of her Hispanic origin? Or maybe white, black or navaho should be treated exactly the same?
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Jakub Dymek to powtarza od pół roku. Amerykanie będą europwizować koszty wojny na Ukrainie ale amerykanizować potencjalne zyski.
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Tak od razu przy cmentarzu? Swoją drogą rozwalają mnie ta cmentarze gdzie każdy grób ma własny płot za to całość nie ma żadnego
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Nie no jeśli podpis w przeciągu ostatniego pół roku to już by na ladę starczyło. Po ile one chodzą? Z milion wróbli? Całkiem często kontraktowi kasę za podpis pakują w samochód, a przynajmniej taką formą "inwestycji" się powtarza w jakichś wywiadach i artykułach.
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Po morpiech ze 155 to nic innego nie powinno. Tylko po co trumny marnować?
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Wait, if the rate goes up to the level of investment loans it will not double. It will at least quadruple
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O nowy OmD wychodzi? Nawet nie wiedziałem. Fajnie!
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Wolfsschanze jeszcze nie brakuje mu do koleckji?
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The Signing bonus reaches 4 million rubels lately so around 40k $. Add basic training and transportation - 50k easily. Drone is like fev hundreds $ Cost to effect ratio is very good 👍
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Co jest co najmniej ciekawe. Bo dotychczas żyłem w przekonaniu że WKS jest jedyną częścią orkijskich sił zbrojnych która naprawdę nie angażuje się w ten konflikt na serio bo oszczędza siły na ewentualny konflikt z trudniejszym przeciwnikiem. Ale samoloty szkolne???
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Niestety info na temat mi-8 wskazuje że spierdolił
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They spelled Russorealism wrong
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So the Immigration Office did not have access to the immigrants database before? Why? Looks like something required for them to have. It's like basics, isn't it???
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A co to nie była prawda? Źle że spada? Moim zdaniem dobrze że spada! Niech dalej spada!
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They need new babies even if it means babies having babies.
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Czyli rano będzie dobre info!
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Czemu chochłów a nie chachłów? Oni to raczej przez a wymawiają
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A friendly neighborhood will be enough :-)
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There can be only one
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Wyślą, wyślą!
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It is very helpful! If the tank explodes elements are behaving like javelins and fly in every direction. Few russian firefighters already learned that the hard way.
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Oh... Crime against humanity by the definition? Great leader!
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Tes I know. The salaries are mind-blowing.
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Why not? They just need to get full control over Rosstat.
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Tak ale samara (czyli obecny rekordzista) już coś tłumaczyła że niby te 4M to obiecali ale na tyle byto nie mają kasy i liczą na wsparcie z centrum
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Na serio to Grzesiu podał dalej?
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Ozempic of course
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Suka A drugiego nie jestem pewien Tuch?
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Most of them did earn quite well so... 6 months
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I thought they were all already gone... But I checked and at least one is still in operation
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"nuclear power missile cruiser, better armed then most western ships" Which one exactly is a nuclear powered cruiser?
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To nie jest jakaś przeróbka AI? To poszło w FOXie?
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Warto się uczyć Prosty język w sumie, poza pisaniem, pisanie po rosyjsku jest pojebane
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It looks like this time it is a proper reaction :(
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Since you know everything, where was I lying exactly?
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I don't live in the US and in fact I lied. I will be honest now: My penis is huge
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Refugee have Radio tapped in military communication? Classic Russian refugee then...