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Associate Professor, political scientist, Dep of Government, Univ of Essex, comparative politics in Africa, mixed methods, Visiting Senior Fellow LSE Dep of Methodology; Batigols founding member; ESRC-fund. MCCRA
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graphic design is my passion

Article sur le triste cas du Belgo-Portugais Joseph Figueira Martin, toujours détenu dans une prison centrafricaine, après son arrestation par Wagner on all channels at Department of Government's speaker series in the Hex.

Two grant proposal rejections in the last two weeks. Neither including feedback.

I need y'all to sit with this headline and understand what is being done to our community. They're trying to criminalize our very existence. This is a campaign of eradication.

Look, folks, this is it. The entire ballgame. Either we're a Republic of laws & the Constitution, or we have a dictator. This is fascism, & the impeachment vote should be happening today. Every single university president in the country should be out, in front of microphones, condemning this.

"Large-scale infrastructure projects built and planned across the African continent... are essentially replicating colonial models of infrastructure" My article for on mining, big infrastructure projects and their legacy:

The US is crashing.

“Africa is worth the risk. Make the bet,” tells Mvemba Dizolele as they discuss how Africa's global narrative is being reshaped through its pop culture, technology, and business sectors on’s Into Africa podcast

The Pentagon is scrapping its social science research portfolio, including our Minerva grant on climate change in the Sahel. "We don’t gain by not understanding other parts of the world” told “Ignorance is not a solution”

Very happy to see this out as part of a great special issue on cleavage politics: Building on studies on how (1) education, (2) generation and (3) gender structure voting on the GAL/TAN cleavage, we study how they interact. Here’s a thread summarizing the paper👇

Don't get to write as much analysis lately, but pleased with how this one has aged.

Wrong, thanks for playing.

🚨Funding alert🚨: The British Institute in Eastern Africa - where I am part of the research committee - 2025 grant programme is now open for applications! There are opportunities for Writing Fellowships, Thematic Grants, Dissemination Grants, Workshop Grants, ...

Great presentation at today's International Politics in Africa (IPIA) network by Eniye Dubakeme (Baze Univ) on "The Exit of Niger, Burkina Faso, and Mali from ECOWAS and Implications for Nigeria's Foreign Policy". If you'd like to sign up for future IPIA seminars, please see the survey link below.

On supporting grad students & their fieldwork plans: At I offer a two-week, virtual, intensive course w/ the brilliant Alexandra Hartman workshopping your projects to be field-ready, from a multi-method angle, covering budgets, ethics, and participant recruitment. 1/2

1/ Excited to share our new paper, “Can foreign aid reduce the desire to emigrate? Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial,” w/ Cassilde Schwartz (@rhulpirp) & @profdavidhudson (@iddbirmingham) — published in @AJPSeditor!

While the world burns, it was a momentary relief to teach fieldwork & the hidden curriculum of funding applications, ethics and fieldwork logistics to a superb group of students at and from other unis. So many cool projects the kids are working on these days!

HEY EVERYONE REMEMBER WHEN TRUMP WAS IMPEACHED FOR DENYING AID TO UKRAINE BECAUSE HE WANTED ZELENSKY TO LIE AND SAY BAD THINGS ABOUT BIDEN AND ZELENKSY WOULDN’T DO IT? Maybe literally one fucking American newspapers could mention this in their, “think pieces,” about what happened yesterday.

Vielleicht einfach mal in die Wissenschaftler investieren, die man hat.

The cover of French magazine has it right.

Decent people thank Ukraine.

We find that Ukrainians prefer self-defense over a peace on Russia’s terms, even at very high costs.

All Protocol Observed. Welcome to Issue 192 of The Continent. Botswana prepared for drought. Then it flooded. Climate chaos is the new normal. Get your copy here:

I’m not panicking, you’re panicking. #samesame

🔎 Fieldwork Prep and Logistics: Budgets, Ethics and Participant Recruitment... there's still time to sign-up for our MY580 Methods Short Course with 📆 4 March, 10.00am - 3.00pm Sign-up today ➡️

Today's university slashing and burning is Edinburgh, where about 10% of the budget will be cut. There'll be another case every single day until UK govts actually do something. A country so stupid it actively trashes one of things it's good at and famous for.

Super happy that my mail ballot for the German elections found its way to Norway and arrived in the mail today, two days *after* the actual election took place.

🚨New book alert: ASIG co-lead Hannah Gibson has a new book out on "African Linguistics after #RhodesMustFall", together with Jacqueline Lück, Kristina Riedel and Savithry Namboodiripad. The best part: the book is free to download here:

The only thing left standing after nuclear apocalypse will, somehow, be the THE World University Rankings

Die AfD wird fast 150 Sitze haben, ein Heer an Mitarbeitenden, die sich aus der extremen Rechten rekrutieren, mit Kontakt zu Terrorgruppen. Auch ohne Musk bedeutet das einen massiven Ausbau der zivilgesellschaftlichen Schützengräben mit Geld und Ressourcen. Dem gilt es etwas entgegenzusetzen.

I celebrate the 80% of Germans who did not vote for the far right. Do not make 19.6% of German voters into "the" German people (again). "The" German people don't exist! The German population is diverse and divided, but voted overwhelmingly for liberal democratic parties. #BTW25 #GermanElection

Very interesting to look at the age distribution in the exit poll. The SPD which already did very poorly with young voters last time continues to loose further there - a party of pensioners. Interestingly, also huge losses for the Greens among young voters and massive gains for the Linke.

Liebe Sender und TV-Produzenten: Wenn die AfD morgen vielleicht ihr Wahlergebnis von 2021 verdoppelt hat, dann ist das auch eine Folge der jahrelangen Normalisierung durch eure TV-Talkshows, die Rechtsradikalismus unter dem Banner der "Ausgewogenheit" salonfähig gemacht haben.