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Dutch journalist living in Germany.
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Keer op keer hebben wij premier Schoof aangespoord net als andere landen extra steun aan Oekraïne toe te zeggen. Een grote meerderheid van de Kamer wil dat. Maar het gebeurt niet, omdat de coalitie verdeeld is en dus het kabinet stuurloos. Ons land onwaardig.

This is Marco Rubio explaining how the USA promised to defend Ukraine forever if they got rid of their nuclear arsenal left after the Soviet Union fell. This is why lil marco was sinking into the couch. He was hoping we wouldn’t find it…so don’t RT right now this very second.

📌NOTE: Immediately after the vile attack on Zelensky by Putin's puppets Friday, Chuck Schumer and Hakeem Jeffries should have called a joint press conference and explained to the American public the significance, heinousness and danger of that sickening surrender. 📌They should STILL be talking now.

📸 No one follows more etiquette rules than the Royal Family—but notice how King Charles didn’t make any smart-ass or demeaning comments about Zelensky’s attire today. Why? Because respect isn’t about clothes—it’s about character. And that’s something money can’t buy.

Wo sind jetzt all die in Union, FDP, Springer-Presse, die uns monatelang, jahrelang erklärten, Donald Trumps Politik sei richtig und wir könnten viel davon lernen. Wo seid ihr, ihr Poschardts, Spahns, Lindners? Ist euch noch kein ironischer, relativierender, verharmlosender Kommentar eingefallen?

DOGE recommends cuts to the FAA. Hundreds of workers get fired, including those tasked with producing air traffic navigation maps. Now Starlink is reportedly in line to take over a $2 billion contract to upgrade the nation's air traffic control systems. See how this works?

Im Übrigen gilt festzuhalten: Das Problem der fehlenden Zwei-Drittel-Mehrheit zur Reform der Schuldenbremse ist nur deshalb eines, weil die Union bis gerade eben stoisch nein gesagt hat - weil ihr parteipolitisches Kalkül wichtiger war als staatspolitische Verantwortung.

Allemaal het land uit. Zorg is woke. Zorg afschaffen. Zoek het zelf maar uit.

Möge die FDP ihrem wohlverdienten Untergang entgegen gehen.

The waste is coming from the White House. 👇

BREAKING: Trump’s approval rating collapses. Only 37% of independents approve of Trump’s performance as President. America is rejecting Trump — and the more people realize how badly he’s doing, the worse his numbers will get.

Kunnen we Yezilgöz niet inruilen voor Van Campen?

Resisting comes in all forms. Here is a very creative one starting to pop up.

In de pen geklommen vanwege een vrij schandalige column van Lale Gul, ook als een voorbeeld van misinfomatie en framing.

The richest man on earth, Elon Musk is trying to kill a department, USAID, that helps the poorest people on earth Because USAID has been investigating Musk and his Starlink company — and their ties to Vladimir Putin and Russia THAT is why Musk is attacking USAID

Ok, damit sind die Dinge klargestellt. Eine Stimme für die Union ist eine Stimme für eine Regierung mit Faschisten.


The world's richest man is taking food and medicine from the world's poorest children

Leon is upset people are calling Teslas Swasticars Hundreds were tagged with this sticker in London

Ik blijf zulke dingen delen. Godverdomme.

🧪 If I were Canadian PM I would immediately: 1. Create a new $15B science fund 2. Offer any credentialed US scientist funding for lab startup and replacement of NIH grants if they move to Canada 3. Immediate permanent residency 4. Citizenship after 2 years Overnight a science superpower


He attacked soldiers whose families are right now just mourning their loss. The Commander in Chief smearing these warriors who did incredibly dangerous work that not one person in his family has ever done. What a disgusting man.

i just cannot get over how much the administration’s response to the crash shows a profound disrespect for the lives of the people they are supposed to serve

Wir begehen heute den 80. Jahrestag der Befreiung von Auschwitz. Und zeitgleich lädt der Springer Verlag Alice Weidel und Elon Musk zum "WELT Wirtschaftsgipfel". Das muss dieser Kampf gegen Antisemitismus sein, der für Springer so wichtig ist.

Habe gerade Friedrich Merz in "Berlin direkt" gesehen. Mal von seinen politischen Positionen abgesehen: vier Jahre lang diesen überheblichen, arroganten, miesepetrigen, übellaunigen, stressenden, hölzernen Oberlehrer im Kanzleramt? Ernsthaft, Deutschland?

He is saluting and talking about the "future of civilization." What the fuck more do you need to understand? Should he have been speaking in German?

I see they’re getting the Capitol ready for tomorrow’s inauguration ceremony of Felon47🎪🤡

In January 20, 1961, the temperature at noon was 22 degrees and 8 inches of snow had fallen in the morning. John F. Kennedy still had his inauguration on the steps of the Capitol.

Food for thought.

Make sure everyone sees this.

Nordhorn Weihnachtmarkt; keine Blokkade für PKW’s

Een einde aan Tata biedt volop kansen

PSV toch wel maatje te groot voor FC Twente dat met name achterin de zaken niet op orde heeft.

Wilders bezoekt zijn vriend Netanyahu. Wat zou het schoofhondje daar van denken?

Weekje golfen in Portugal, ze mogen me ervoor wakker maken. De treurigheid ontvluchten? Hmmm…

Even op adem komen in Portugal