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Quotes and memes from Henry George and other cat see-ers
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"See great estates growing and multiplying...Is it any wonder that faith in democratic republicanism is weakening, that all the evils that our fathers thought of as belonging only to “the effete monarchies of the old world” are appearing here?" -HG

"Taxation must not repress industry. It must not check commerce. It must not punish thrift. It must offer no impediment to the largest production and the fairest division of wealth." -HG

"To the extent that road usage rights represent rights to the use of a land related resource, the taxation of that right is completely in line with George's prescription for land related taxation" -Sock-Yong Phang

"If all men are Brothers, and are equally precious in the sight of God, the equal right of all men to a portion of the earth at once becomes manifest." -Frederick Douglass. Read more here:

This is a great account, for all my LVT followers! If you don’t know what land value tax is, check it out!

Similarly, homeownership is not necessary for the good life- merely security in renting. Tenants' rights > mass homeownership

" does not take a sage to see that what is required for the improvement of land is not absolute ownership of the land, but security for the improvements." -Henry George

"What protection teaches us, is to do to ourselves in time of peace what enemies seek to do to us in time of war." -Henry George, "Protection or Free Trade?"

" the man who realizes that it is given to him to work for the coming of God’s kingdom on earth, there is an exceedingly great reward of feeling that he, little and insignificant though he may be, is doing something on the side of that good power that shows all through the universe" -HG

" trade no more originated in Great Britain than did the habit of walking on the feet. Free trade is the natural trade⎯the trade that goes on in the absence of artificial restrictions. It is protection that had to be invented" -HG

The intelligence required for the solving of social problems is not a mere thing of the intellect. It must be animated with the religious sentiment and warm with sympathy for human suffering. It must stretch out beyond self-interest, whether it be the self-interest of the few or the many. -HG

" begin to ask the question, “Who owns the oil?” You begin to ask the question, “Who owns the iron ore?” You begin to ask the question, “Why is it that people have to pay water bills in a world that’s two-thirds water?” These are words that must be said." -MLK, 'Where Do We Go From Here?"

"America freed the slaves...but gave the slaves no land to get started on. At the same time, America was giving away millions of acres of give the white peasants form Europe an economic base, and yet it refused to give its Black peasants any kind of economic base" -MLK, 1967 (minute 15:30)

plantations should’ve been. divided up. and given to the people who worked them

Happy Martin Luther King Day.

" begin to ask the question, “Who owns the oil?” You begin to ask the question, “Who owns the iron ore?” You begin to ask the question, “Why is it that people have to pay water bills in a world that’s two-thirds water?” These are words that must be said." -MLK, 'Where Do We Go From Here?"

"America freed the slaves...but gave the slaves no land to get started on. At the same time, America was giving away millions of acres of give the white peasants form Europe an economic base, and yet it refused to give its Black peasants any kind of economic base" -MLK, 1967 (minute 15:30)

"Social progress makes the well-being of all more and more the business of each; it binds all closer and closer together in bonds from which none can escape." -HG

It turns out there were lots of 'Freedom from Want' posters, not just the famous Rockwell one. This one probably goes the hardest - possibly too hard though if we're being honest, which is why I didn't pick it

"It is given to men to struggle for the kingdom of justice and righteousness. It is given to men to work and to hope for and to bring on that day of which the prophets have told and the seers have dreamed; that day in which involuntary poverty shall be utterly abolished." -HG

"Thus, if a man take a fish from the ocean he acquires a right of property in that fish, which exclusive right he may transfer by sale or gift. But he cannot obtain a similar right of property in the ocean, so that he may sell it or give it or forbid others to use it."

Undergrad and grad school students: If you're following this account, it's pretty likely that you'd be interested in this scholarship

There is distress where protective tariffs stupidly and wastefully hamper trade but also where trade is nearly free; where autocratic government yet prevails, but also where political power is in the hands of the people Evidently, beneath all such things as these, we must infer a common cause -HG

"To the extent that road usage rights represent rights to the use of a land related resource, the taxation of that right is completely in line with George's prescription for land related taxation" -Sock-Yong Phang

"For it is of the very nature of injustice that it really profits no one.... Did not the curse of an unjust social system rest on... the poorest peasant whom it condemned to rags and starvation⎯as well as on that Louis whom it sent to the block? Is the Czar of Russia to be envied?" – HG, 1881

"The Irish famine was not a true famine arising from scarcity of food. It was what an English writer styled the Indian famine⎯a “financial famine,” arising not from scarcity of food but from the poverty of the people" -HG, "The Land Question"

"...that we should respect the rights of others as scrupulously as we would have our own rights respected, is not a mere counsel of perfection to individuals, but it is the law to which we must conform social institutions and national policy if we would secure the blessings of abundance and peace"

"Taxation must not confuse the distinctions of right and wrong, and weaken the sanctions of religion and the state by creating crimes that are not sins, and punishing men for doing what in itself they have an undoubted right to do" -HG

"...with the fraternity that is born of equality taking the place of the jealousy and fear that now array men against each other; with mental power loosed by conditions that give to the humblest comfort and leisure...who shall measure the heights to which our civilization may soar?"

"If it be God’s command that men shall earn their bread by labor, the idle rich must suffer. And they do. See the utter vacancy of the lives of those who live for pleasure see the loathsome vices bred in a class who surrounded by poverty are sated with wealth"

"In paying our rents here, we people of New York are paying not merely for the building accommodations. The great price we pay is for the use of the land⎯or the use of the air!" -HG, 1886

"Thus, that any species of property is permitted by the state does not of itself give it moral sanction. The state has often made things property that are not justly property, but involve violence and robbery." -HG

Charity is indeed a noble and beautiful virtue, grateful to man and approved by God. But charity must be built on justice. It cannot supersede justice. – Henry George, "The Condition of Labor"

"Man is primarily an individual-a separate entity, differing from his fellows in desires and power...But he is also a social being, having desires that harmonize with those of his fellows, and powers that can be brought out only in concerted action." -HG

"values of locality give rise to economic rent. They constitute and differentiate from the values created by individuals a tangible value created by the growth of society as a whole, of which no one can justly say, “It is mine,” but of which all can say, “It is ours"

"And so it is not necessary, in order to secure equal rights to land, to make an equal division of land. All that it is necessary to do is to collect the ground rents for the common benefit." -HG

"And whoever will look may see that though our civilization is apparently advancing with greater rapidity than ever, the same cause which turned Roman progress into retrogression is operating now." -HG

I'm not even going to bother telling you what Solves This

AH Georgist Zimbabwe is a project I need to do.