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Free Transit Ottawa is fighting to make Ottawa's transit system free, reliable, and accessible for a more equitable and sustainable future for all.
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> "OC Transpo raised $353,105.20 in 2024 from fare enforcement." > "The estimated cost of the Fare Compliance Initiative, including permanent staff and the temporary positions, is $1.264 million." In other words fare enforcement brings in a net loss of $900,000 🤦‍♂️

Heads up Bay Ward! There will be two transit-related presentations at the Spring Open House: a Stage 2 LRT: 2025 Forecast community update and OC Transpo’s New Ways to Bus Wednesday March 26th at 7pm Woodroffe High School Cafeteria 2410 Georgina Drive

After my request at the Transit Committee to see how many electric buses have been received and are in service, OC Transpo has delivered the page they promised with the details. I appreciate their follow-through on this.

Merci d'avoir organisé ce forum🚉 C'était un grand événement et merveilleux de voir autant de personnes & d'organisations y participer! TY Free Transit Ottawa for hosting this transit forum🚉 A great event & wonderful to see so many people & organizations in attendance!

Reminder: the Rideau-Vanier Public Transit Forum is this Saturday! See you there!

When cities holistically tackle pollution, they get results. This is a clear example that it is possible to work from multiple angles to create more livable, green cities for everyone.

People make rational choices based on money and time. If people do not find off-peak hours reliable or convenient, they won’t use it. So demand is low because frequency is too low. Other cities have fixed low-ridership by making public transit better.

$153M diverted from highways to public transit! Ontario's 413 project is set to cost $10 billion once completed--a very costly way to make congestion and emissions even worse.

A reminder that the transit debate is coming up this Monday at the Jack Purcell Community Centre from 7:00-8:30pm. Bring your questions for the candidates and learn about their platforms. See you there!

We managed to get some data from the survey of the Bank Street Transportation Study. It's very clear that most responders want less space for parking, and more space for better transit!

Freeing up money to "invest in other priorities" means little when bus service has clearly not been a priority for our mayor or council. Capital funds are nice, but we need operating funding much more urgently.

We're hosting candidates from each of the major political parties to participate in a debate on public transit. Engage with the candidates and learn about their party platforms on transit in Ottawa and Ontario. Feb 10th at Jack Purcell.

I didn’t like my odds of getting home safely by bike tonight - those intersections are grody. Year-round rack-and-roll is a godsend to cyclists. However you travel, be safe out there.

We're done waiting — for OC Transpo, City Hall, or anyone else to fix public transit. That's up to all of us, the people who use transit every day, the ones who know best what makes it work. So let's share our transit experiences, identify problems, and organize for solutions. Together!

Nous n'attendons plus - qu'OC Transpo, la mairie ou qui que ce soit d'autre répare les transports publics. Partageons donc nos expériences en matière de transport, identifions les problèmes et organisons des solutions. Ensemble !

"This study is a real opportunity to improve Bank Street, and the city should take advantage and push for better. They should also explore more radical options to give Ottawans a chance to envision what is possible on such an important street."

Hunt Club is on this list every year. Six lanes wide and 20,000 crashes. Adding outer bus lanes would have a traffic calming effect while enabling more frequency and uptake for routes like the 96.

The average cost of owning a car in 🇨🇦 is $1,387 a month or $16,644 annually! When Ottawa mandates sprawl that makes it hard to get around for even basic needs without a car; while making walking, cycle, & transit difficult, you’re paying an additional tax - car dependency tax.

[Ottawa] should be a very easy city to get in and out of [...] that would help fight climate change because then people would be more inclined to stop using their cars and start using alternative means of travel like buses and trains.

A frequent, reliable, accessible transit system would deliver a real alternative to car ownership and driving—which accounts for 40 per cent of local carbon emissions. Ottawa is a major city and has the means to fund public goods that make life better for everyone.

As I have said all along Tokyo are the world masters in both transit, and transit oriented developments. It is why their Metro system returns a Farebox Recovery Ratio of 113% while Auckland staggers around at 40% if even that.

An efficient transit system also serves Canada’s national climate goals—none of which will be attainable without “massively expanding” the system, Buda said.

Have you read this important book yet? “The 15-Minute City” by building on his groundbreaking work advising Paris and its inspirational Mayor Honoured to be on the back cover with other passionate urbanists. #UrbanismBookClub

“…the reliability of Germany and Japan’s rail systems, for example, doesn’t come from a series of processes we can simply adopt. It comes from societies and governments that expect that reliability, and are willing to make hard or expensive decisions...”

Tonight! Join the LRT Stage 2 West's team to learn about the project's status and receive updates. Register at for this online webinar.

OC Transpo is missing an opportunity to attract occasional riders who use cars.

Free Transit Ottawa is fighting to make our transit system reliable, convenient, and affordable for *all* riders. Want to help? Here are some steps you can take: - Follow us! - Sign our petition: - Become a member:

Car manufacturers want to keep us Car Dependent for their profit. We can and should remove combustion engines from our transportation system regardless, but Public Investment should stop subsidizing Private Personal Vehicles. Take the money going to PPV infrastructure and put it in Public Transit

The bus with the most ridership routinely gets delayed 15+ minutes on this segment of Bank Street. It’s time for bus lanes on Bank

Exploring Lines 2 and 4 of the O-Train tonight! I ran into some people who shared their experiences so far, and I am very happy to report they are very positive! Comfortable ride, great trains, nice to have this corridor again! If you haven’t already, take the time to go check it out!

🚂 #OC-C7, #OC-C4 / 🛤 O-Train Line 2 / 📆 2024-03-12 / #OCTranspo #OTrain