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Theory of Justice | Fundamentalist of Private Property —For All | Universal Basic Capital | Fanatic of Moderation | Liberal Zionist | Lawyer
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The human species will begin to become rational when people stop fixating on their favorite zero-sum games—namely, the pursuit of power and status.

The classic moving of the goalposts by defenders of an unjust status quo, when they run out of arguments: shifting from what ought to be to what is. One can discuss how things *should* be and how things *actually* are today. But let’s not confuse the two levels.

Statistical Fascism: The New Strain of Fascism Statistical fascism is the new strain of fascism, where the message of hatred toward "the other" relies on statistics.

Puedo imaginar a un robot sintiendo tristeza, alegría o enojo. Pero no puedo imaginarlo sintiendo nostalgia.

Universal Basic Income is the antidote to Technofeudalism.

The courage to oppose the constant expansion of our own countries and groups is the evolutionary adaptation necessary for the survival of our species.

El coraje para oponernos a la constante expansión de nuestros propios países y grupos es la adaptación evolutiva necesaria para la supervivencia de nuestra especie.

The proposals aimed at helping people distinguish truth from disinformation are more strongly opposed by the alt-right than by any other political orientation. What does this suggest?

Las propuestas que buscan que la gente pueda distinguir la verdad de la desinformación son más resistidas por la nueva derecha que por cualquier otra orientación política. ¿Qué sugiere esto?

It is essential to strengthen the critical mass between idiots and assholes.

Es fundamental reforzar la masa crítica entre los idiotas y los hijos de puta.

“Empatía suicida” y “señalización de virtud”: dos eufemismos del fascismo recauchutado para decir “hay que ser hijo de puta”.

“Suicidal empathy" and "virtue signaling": two euphemisms of rebranded fascism to say "you have to be an asshole."

No opinion about what should or shouldn't be done is valid unless you can uphold it under the veil of ignorance: after imagining that you will be conceived again, but under completely uncertain conditions of time, place, family, socioeconomic status, nationality, and group affiliations.

The basic requirement for happiness in a right-wing society is not so much being blind to those who suffer the most, but being blind to who dominates you.

El requisito básico para la felicidad en una sociedad de derecha no es tanto ser ciego ante los que más sufren, sino ser ciego a quiénes te dominan.

Confusing correlation with causation is strongly associated with reaching flawed conclusions.

In Antiquity, the oppressed were the slaves. In the Middle Ages, the serfs. In Modernity, the poor. Under unchecked techno-feudalism, it will be nearly all of us.

We can embrace techno-optimism without bowing to techno-feudalism.

These days, we decide whether the technological revolution leads us to an infinitely better life or to a global despotism that can never be overthrown.

Billionaires must start paying fair taxes ASAP. The end-of-work infrastructure and human dignity can only coexist through a Universal Basic Income.

Dystopian scenario: A sales agent robot that sells itself.

The most common fallacy of rabid right-wingers: Pretending that reducing the obscene current wealth inequality is the same as pursuing total equality or “socialism”.

‪Shrink the government all you want, as long as an effective right to private property is guaranteed to everyone, as mandated by the Bible (Leviticus 25:8–16).‬

The US is running a large deficit, similar to France before the French Revolution. Fair taxation and some boundaries to technofeudalism are urgently needed.

Wokeism is an overreaction. Some criticize it from a rational and humanist perspective. 👍 Others are infuriated by it because they condone the very issues that wokeism overreacts to: racism, sexism, and historical injustices. 👎

La izquierda exige recursos sin responsabilidad; la derecha exige responsabilidad sin recursos.

Real freedom requires a Universal Basic Income that grants Universal Basic Empowerment.

Make America Free Again In America “the common man enjoyed a level of dignity which was unprecedented," and it was "where commoners never deferred to elites." (Alexis de Tocqueville, “Democracy in America”, 1835)

The Founding Fathers created the most progressive nation of their time: “Amongst the novel objects that attracted my attention during my stay in the United States, nothing struck me more forcibly than the general equality of conditions.” Alexis de Tocqueville, “Democracy in America”, 1835

Mi artículo para Nueva Sión fundamentando el Ingreso Básico Universal.

The problem is not so much the ultra-rich as the ultra-richists.

Poor, middle class, and rich, unite! Billionaires must pay fair taxes and fund a Universal Basic Income.

There is no “hard-earned money” in the value of Earth's natural resources or in the output from the near-total automation that AI will bring about. Both belong to mankind and justify private property—for everyone.

Demasiada igualdad daña el crecimiento; demasiada desigualdad, la libertad real y la democracia.

The right to a Universal Basic Income lies at both the most primitive and the most advanced stages of economic development: the equal ownership of Earth's natural resources and the fully automated production enabled by AI.

El derecho a un Ingreso Básico Universal se funda tanto en la etapa más primitiva como en la más avanzada del desarrollo económico: la igual propiedad de los recursos naturales de la Tierra y la producción totalmente automatizada que permitirá la IA.

Universal basic capital is the logical consequence of equal ownership of the Earth.

The greater the wealth inequality, the less important GDP becomes as an indicator of progress.