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Historian of Great Lakes | Associate Professor African history @ugent | Editor @CJAS_RCEA | Academic mom. I got very lucky.
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Eerste keer dat Rode Kruis communiceert over opvangcrisis Dit nieuws verwondert mij niet. Duidelijk dat de regering niet significant boven de 35.000 opvangplaatsen wil gaan. Alles om families van de straat te houden. Alleenstaande mannen mogen op straat belanden.

From the start, a central plank of US and Israeli propaganda has been to cast doubt on the Gaza Health Ministry’s numbers. What will they say to this, a peer reviewed study carried out by reputable institutions (and to what has been obvious for a year to most of the world inc the ICC)?

Can anyone recommend any good recent papers that outline reading against the archival grain as a methodology?

Europeans discovering other Empires are even more arrogant than theirs in real time is also kind of a sight to behold

Spread word! Peter Van Nuffelen is recruiting two postdocs for his ERC Advanced Grant project 'New Polities. Political Thought in the First Millennium'. The candidates should have experience with Hebrew, Middle-Persian or Arabic sources. Ghent and its university come highly recommended.

La mairie de Toulouse a annulé la tenue d’une exposition de MSF consacrée à la situation vécue par la population civile de Gaza. Une décision que l’hôtel de ville n’hésite pas à justifier en convoquant à demi-mot le spectre de l’antisémitisme.…

Every educational, academic, and cultural institution in Gaza where I studied, worked, or attended a conference or event—every theater, every archive, every historic landmark and site—has been completely destroyed. They no longer exist.

"A study of federally funded research projects in the United States estimated that principal investigators spend on average about 45% of their time on administrative activities related to applying for and managing projects rather than conducting active research"

I have always asked, when does the human become a migrant? And when does the migrant become human once more?

Pure colonial condescension here from President Macron, scolding inhabitants of Mayotte for critiquing the indisputable failures of the French state there by telling them they should be grateful to be French. Can't imagine him saying this in a metropolitan department.

Niet de strafmaat van de daders, maar die noodzakelijke culturele omslag is haar verdienste en de belangrijkste verwezenlijking van dit misselijkmakende proces. Moge Gisèle ook buiten de Franse landsgrenzen velen tot reflectie, inzicht en daadkracht brengen.

I have often lamented how unaware our colleagues in UKHE are about the conditions of their own colleagues who hold non-UK passports—especially "Global South" ones. So, I am writing a quiz on common misconceptions. Please DM me with any suggested questions.

An impressively careful and exhaustive parsing of the numbers and, more importantly, the dynamics, correlations, and causal relationships between violence, famine, and state policies - by Alex de Waal: How Many People Have Died of Starvation in Gaza?

We are looking for both Francophone and Anglophone editors. I have been an associate editor for years, and it has been truly a wonderful experience. Do contact me if you have any questions!

At the Canadian Journal of African Studies we are looking for new associate editors. We are especially seeking candidates with expertise in Political Science, History, Sociology and/or Anthropology, and with regional expertise in Southern, West or East/NE Africa.

Belgium announced the same thing

Kan er iemand mij in contact brengen met een professional die voldoende expertise heeft om inschattingen van leeftijd op basis van triple radiografiëen kritisch te bekijken?

In his 1792 tract “The Rights of Man, Part 2,” Thomas Paine proposed a graduated tax in which the top marginal tax rate would be 100%. He pegged that top income at £20,000 per year. That would be roughly $4 million in today’s money.

👀 lots of folks QT'ing to say: women — submit your manuscripts! I think what has to come first is: universities, fix your gendered service and teaching inequities, and society, balance out your care work, so women *have time* to write the damn manuscripts. So many women colleagues are BURNT OUT.

it is a tragedy worth reading and reading and reading again about because of the ways it endlessly informs our present world, and keeps teaching us lessons about the innumerable way those in positions of power would market our lives in and against capital. it is the only creativity they know

It took me way too long, but my book 'Fractured Pasts in Lake Kivu's Borderlands' will finally be out next year with CUP. You can preorder it here. And it's hard to believe, but wonderful scholars called it 'bold', 'provocative', 'original' and 'essential reading'.

It’s genocide. “With its conclusion, Amnesty International now joins an ever-burgeoning list of people and organizations who have found Israel to be committing acts of genocide against Palestinians. These include: 1/4

En elke seconde dat we nog wapens, technologie of geld sturen zijn we mee verantwoordelijk. Meer dan een jaar en 45K slachtoffers (een onderschatting) later.

Join us next week, Dec 11th, at 13:15pm Nairobi time as we revisit the tragic events of August 30, 2023, when the military killed at least 56 people in the city of Goma, in North Kivu. Register here: #OperationKeba #DRC #DRCongo

Come and work with me/us! PhD under my supervision in the field of "politics and/or conflict around natural resources" in #Uganda and/or #DRC

Belgian colonial crime of taking away mixed children from their African mothers recognized as a crime against humanity. This does not alleviate the suffering, but it does make me hopeful in terms of recognition of other colonial crimes (committed by Belgium).

Freshly translated: our primer on the Thiaroye massacre 80 years ago and the fight of the victims' families for truth and reparations (all of which have been denied by France so far)

💥Call for Papers: 💥 "African Voices in Global Intellectual History" - Authors' workshop organized by Martin Rempe, Konstanz. "Applications from the African continent and early career researchers are particularly welcome." Please share widely.

Last month I started putting together a list of History journals for personal use but it came to me others might also like to customising their feeds. (Yes, lists can be turned into feeds; just pin them into your home page!) I've been adding journals but suggestions are welcome. Here's the link:

I mad a starter pack for African Studies. Let me know who else should be in here!

⚠️Fausse immunité ou vraie impunité? Communiqué stupéfiant de sur #Netanyahu. La #CPI a clairement statué sur ce point le 12 nov 2011: "Le statut de chef d'un État non partie au Statut de Rome n'a pas d'incidence sur la compétence de la Cour">

Deuxième volet de l'enquête sur le massacre colonial de Thiaroye. Deux fils de victimes témoignent de leurs démarches judiciaires et de leur demande de réparation... qui n'aboutissent pas. "Encore aujourd’hui, il y a des gens qui défendent les intérêts de l’Empire"

🗓️ DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION ALERT! 🔔 Please don’t forget—December 1 CALL FOR PAPERS FOR SPECIAL ISSUE: ARMED ARCHIVES Studying Archives of non-state Armed Actors: Methodological challenges and new research avenues For more details, click here 👉🏻