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"Nature never did betray the heart that loved her". William Wordsworth The North, UK . /|\
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Found it here. The spirits of Xmas past, present and future giving Mr Starmer a glimpse a la Scrooge and A Christmas Carol. Magnificent. Click for full size - it's worth it.

Here's an early Christmas present. has jazzed up our map of inaccessible monuments. Investigate the hidden heritage near you! 👇

Alice Nutter - murdered in Lancaster Castle as part of the Pendle Witches trial. Lancashire's shame. #pagansky #witchsky #witchysky #burningtimes

The devastation on its way is unimaginable - like nothing humanity has ever witnessed before - and everyone will wish they had been climate activists and ‘hysterics’ when they had the chance. We are in a moment of unprecedented stupidity

Hooklanders talk of 'the Other Path'. It flows from sea to county's northern edge, but never seems to start nor end in the same place twice. It's said if you walk too far along it, you'll find yourself in Faery. This may explain another name it has – 'the Way of the Lost'. – #CLNolan

Over 5,500 sites recorded by Historic England are beyond reach of the public, according to new analysis undertaken by the campaign group Right to Roam.

I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free Michelangelo

New North Sea oil and gas fields would emit as much CO₂ as UK households produce in 30 years, according to research from Uplift. These destructive and unnecessary licences must be stopped. We need renewable energy, not climate destruction.

We cannot keep doing this to the rest of life on Earth. 😢

The salt-hag does not fear the storm,. does not flee transforming tide. Her wisdom is not only knowing which winds and waves are coming, but upon the rocks to place her feet. For in withstanding there is often a need for witch-standing, a turning into the tempest. – #EmilyCBanting, 1982 #WitchSky

People understandably want to help wildlife, but may end up unintentionally doing more harm than good. No one wants that. So as a quick stop guide for those who have or want to give handouts to wildlife, here is some info that you can read or share when you see others in this scenario. 🧵🦝🦌🦆🦊1/7 I don't think anyone who knows me is surprised that this would be something I really worry about. We have got to take better care of our home!

Idho - death and rebirth. I took this inside the oldest Yew Tree in Britain. An experience to say the least. /|\ #druidsky #pagans #witchsky

We currently consume 1.7 Earth budgets per year. Planetary resources are finite, and we aren’t using them sustainably … why civilization’s survival depends on collective action to tackle this existential threat.

"I saw the full moon rise—strange, stranger than all nights before..." —Agnes Cornell (1924) from a recent issue of #ForgottenPoets #poem #poems #poetry

Because even Pagans need to boogie sometimes ! The new sun will be born soon, keep going peeps ! #druidsky #witchsky Listen to Midnight Rambler on your streaming service

I am the wind across a deep, wide lake. I am the wave over the endless sea. I am the stag of seven tines, racing through the woods. I am the eagle in the aerie, flying above the rocks. I am a flash of light from the sun above, bringing heat to those below.... /|\ #druidsky #witchsky

When the day awakens, hopes for a wonderful day awaken. I wish my beloved and much appreciated fellow inhabitants of planet Earth a wonderful good morning and a blessed day, accompanied by respect and kindness. May God bless you.❤️💙💚🌱🌿☘️🌳🌲🍀💚

I have just devoured this. If you are drawn to Cymric based druidry, this is a must read/listen imho. Great Rheged references, in depth Awen, Taliesin and Ceridwen analysis from a Bardic perspective. /|\

When the branches of a great tree stretch in opposite directions, they still draw strength from the same roots. May the left and right find unity in their shared soil, standing together against the forces that seek to uproot us all. #druidsky #pagansky #witchsky #bluesky

This is the Druid's Altar at Heysham in Lancashire,UK. There are hundreds of references to Druidic Altars across the British Isles. This one at least looks the part. Located within a few hundred yards of the place where St Patrick is alleged to have landed in England. /|\ #druidsky #pagansky

European Beech with no name, or a name only known to other Beech trees - Chiusa di Pesio, Italy European Beech (Fagus sylvatica) Photo: Tiziano Rootman Fratus

Trees: we eat their fruit, they provide us with shade and they are nature's power plants, from the gas carbon dioxide that we exhale, they make the oxygen that we breathe. But above all, trees are beautiful and worth protecting - and the older they get, the more valuable they are

Well, what can I say? Incredible sunrise today on Glastonbury Tor. A warning for the storms ahead I guess but I will take it while I can. Red sky in the morning.

Sweden's remarkably clean power grid. In November, this was its electricity generation mix: Hydro 38% Wind 31% Nuclear 28% Bioenergy 4% Zero coal or gas. - Ember data

With their leaves and needles, the trees act like giant filters. One ha. of beech forest can filter around 70 tons of dust out of the air every year, a ha. of spruce forest as much as 30 tons. In addition trees produce oxygen. Forests and parks as "green lungs" are important.🌳🌲

Ailim -Sometimes it's important to see the forest as well as the tree. Two old favourites from the Forest of Bowland, Lancashire, UK. /|\ #ogham #druidsky #pagansky

Day 2 of Zappadan #cranksomefrank #zappadan

"Laughter was invented by those who live briefly as a burst of laughter..." —Anna Swir #poem #poems #poetry

But I’ll tell you what hermits realize. If you go off into a far, far forest and get very quiet, you’ll come to understand that you’re connected with everything. Alan Watts /|\ #druidsky #pagansky

Listen to Andy on your streaming service #cranksomefrank #zappadan

Frank Vincent Zappa Composer and Musician December 21st 1940 - December 4th 1993 Information is not knowledge Knowledge is not wisdom Wisdom is not truth Truth is not beauty Beauty is not love Love is not music Music is the best! #Zappa #Zappadan #CrankSomeFrank

There are places on this planet where you want to sit, linger and be delighted by the splendor of nature. Nature asks no payment from us, only respect and kindness. We have to protect and preserve it for our descendants.💚☘️🌿🌱🌳🌲🍀💚

One of the most impactful things I learned from David Abram (Becoming Animal, Spell of the Sensuous) was perceptual reciprocity - who we perceive is also perceiving us. Holding that idea makes moments like this profound. #backyardwildlife #druidsky /|\ #interconnection

The forest, a cathedral of life, its ancient trees whispering wisdom to those who listen. Each leaf holds a balm for the weary soul, every root a reminder of our shared connection. Enter with reverence, breathe deeply, and let the sacred green heart heal you. #bluesky #pagansky #druidsky #witchsky

Thresholds are engines of magic. The salt-hags thresholds are the cliffs she walks, the shore she strides. They transmute with each storm, each mutating tide. She must continually map them with her feet. Any talk of witchcraft that ignores such witchgraft is disingenuous. – #EmilyCanting #WitchSky

I am a witch. I'll never apologise for my slow navigations across the land. For each hedge offers wonders. Each path has it spirits, its talkative trees. I shall get to where I need to be at the pace of my curiosity and the nature's desire to hold me in its splendour. – #EmilyCanting #WitchSky

The Alder King may be sleeping. The Master of Moss may be hibernating. The witch still walks the woods. For there is gathering to be done, spirited conversations to be had. Her magic does not sleep, her magic doesn't shiver. – #EmilyCBanting, 1982 #WitchSky

Calling all Druids: if you are hunting for a Druid community here, check out the Bluesky Druid Grove feed. Gated to keep out trolls, but welcoming to all following a Druid path. LMK if you are a Druid and wish to be added! /|\ #druidsky #pagansky #witchsky

This is the forest primeval. The murmuring pines and the hemlocks, Bearded with moss, and in garments green, indistinct in the twilight, Stand like Druids of old, with voices sad and prophetic, Stand like harpers hoar, with beards that rest on their bosoms. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. /|\

The year is falling, its last breaths rasped exhalations of dragon's smoke. Each sky is migraine grey. Trees seem to draw closer to each other in their shivering. This is the bruised end of the calendar, where the warding of ill-luck feels needed. – #EmilyCBanting, December 2nd, 1982 #WitchDiary

Muckross Abbey Yew - County Kerry, Ireland

It was a misty paradise below as the sun rose above. Taken this morning from Glastonbury Tor looking out over the Somerset Levels.

To walk paths that tangle the soul. To walk paths that muddy us with mystery. If we do not not take the opportunity to explore these tracks, we are the lesser for it. No conversation with the land should be refused. – #CLNolan

I visited a favourite place of mine again today. I have watched these pines grow from saplings. It has been a real privilege to feel their impact on the spirit of place as they have grown and matured. /|\