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Ecologist | Lecturer at UB | Plants, Arthropods, Soils, Global Change, from communities to ecosystem functioning.
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🌍 Demà divendres 14 de març, a les 11:30, celebrem el Dia Internacional d'Acció pels Rius amb el Sr. Davi Kopenawa a l’Aula Magna Ramon Parés. No hi falteu! Consulta el programa complet 👉

Great #postdoc opportunities for ecological research 🌳🐝🧪🦠🌍 based near Barcelona in a vibrant and friendly research centre. 📣'ERC recruitment program' for people planning to apply for Starting or Consolidator grants: [1/2]

Are you a postdoc interested in soil biodiversity and ecosystem functioning? Have you applied for a MSCA in the 2023 or 2024 call and obtained a high (>85%) score? Josep Peñuelas and I are open to endorse applicants to these postdoc positions

📢Announcing the Global Soil Biodiversity Conference 2026 call for symposia proposals. Deadline is February 28, 2025 🦠🍄🐛🪱 Apply here 👇

A sweet story for Valentine's: did you know that global chocolate supply (and more than 5 million smallholder farmer livelihoods) depend on midges and thrips, and there just aren't enough of them to provide the pollination needed:

Last few days to apply for this 4-year PhD contract at (#Barcelona) about Spatial and temporal dynamics of biodiversity in Mediterranean spring ecosystems Apply here: Deadline 23rd February 2025. Please RT!

🚨 Les poblacions d’ #animals salvatges a #Catalunya han disminuït un 28% en 21 anys 🚨 L’Observatori del Patrimoni Natural i la Biodiversitat actualitza l’Índex Planeta Viu que analitza la pèrdua de poblacions de fauna salvatge! 🧵👇

Un sistema de riego supuso una revolución en la Amazonia precolombina.🌽💧 Gran descubrimiento de nuestros investigadores del grupo DEMODRIVERS, liderados por Umberto Lombardo. a través de Agencia Sinc

⛏️💧🌽Contradictory to previous theories, a pre-Columbian society in the Amazon developed a sophisticated agricultural engineering system that allowed them to produce maize throughout the year, according to a new ICTA-UAB research led by ⁠ Video 🎥

Estimats, estimades, HA ARRIBAT EL MOMENT🚨 L'eruga de la processionària està baixant dels pins i va fent processons pels #boscos de Catalunya 🐛🐛 Si l'heu vist, envieu-nos una foto del paisatge afectat a i així podrem estudiar com avança la #plaga 🙏

🌟 #11FdoneSTEMUB: Dones STEM, és hora de brillar! Amb motiu del Dia Internacional de la Dona i la Nena en la Ciència, volem inspirar a les nenes i joves a vocacions científiques i tecnològiques ...⬇️

Job alert! We are seeking a research technician and lab manager to join our lab and an ERC funded project. If you'd like to work with beautiful insects in beautiful Barcelona, don't hesitate and contact us:

Don’t miss out these two PhD opportunities at CREAF and the EDMlab! Non-linear dynamics and biogeochemical cycles: Biodiversity dynamics in spring ecosystems: Please, RT!

Very happy for Marina Aguilar who has succesfully defended her master’s thesis about the importance of urban parks as refuges for bee diversity! 🐝🎉🎊