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Or, voodoo gyozanomics: Consume more gyoza, reduce inflation. Known fella. Twitter refugee. Basic facts, good data, and leading scholarship are important. Great examples:
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Interesting dive into the debate. I'm going to post for anyone who's interested my Twitter thread on what I think is really driving leftist fascism-deniers (term not meant snidely), ie, a particular reading of anti-Trump liberalism, and why I think that reading is wrong. Link:

“I proudly know nothing about the matter, but I will nevertheless weigh in to scold both sides for being so extreme” not only gives you about all you need to know about Friedersdorf - it’s also the pure essence of vacuous, arrogant centrist punditry. A piece of art.

Gift article. While there are some alternative explanations, it looks like Covid may have done a number on young people's brains. Some appear very severely affected.

rightthis was the move in north carolina as well. the claim is that state legislatures possess plenary power and are thus unbound by the state constitution. it's a bananas claim that rests on an even more bananas claim that the state legislature somehow predates formation of the constitution.

The whole internet loves cop mayor, the mayor who’s putting the wokes in their place *5 seconds later* We regret to inform you cop mayor is under federal investigation for taking bribes from the turkish government

There's a frustrating symmetry where the same people who loudly said the Supreme Court wasn't a good reason to vote for Hillary in the general election in 2016 are now saying it's Biden's fault that Roe was overturned because it happened during his Presidency

Trump says he's going after "radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country." That kind of rhetoric has preceded every genocide in history. Am I saying Trump is planning a genocide? No. But don't be surprised when the brownshirt violence starts.

From the Department of "Gee Sounds Bad When You Put It All Together Like This" -purging the civil service -mass deportations -new Muslim ban -trade wars -ban gender-affirming care for kids -no federal funds for health care providers that support transition -criminalizing homelessness

Gift article. The Southern Baptist strategy on child abuse sounds just like the Catholic version: resist any reform that would result in any kind of honest reckoning.

Annual shout to one of my favorite lines of arts reporting: On Nov. 14, 1965, Minneapolis Tribune entertainment columnist Will Jones quoted someone who’d seen a preview cut of “A Charlie Brown Christmas” who said it contained, among other things, “a fierce rock ‘n’ roll dance sequence.”

See, this is how you write a fucking headline about it

Nothing to see here, just Trump plotting to invoke military rule on Day One and jail his enemies like a Latin American dictator in a big braided hat. But you know, Biden's old and student loans and shit.

Agree with this, and I'd add that no one knows whether getting thrown in jail would help or hurt Trump politically and we definitely shouldn't believe that the very unpopular Trump is a political genius whose every step is wildly applauded. He's very unpopular!

A “senior political source” (=Netanyahu) spoke to reporters off record and said that after the war we’ll need to look into whether the reservists’ protest encouraged Hamas. Gantz immediately called Netanyahu out by name and noted over 100% showed up. Rerun of anti mil comments last week. CivMilSky

Productivity now appears to be growing at 2.2% year over year for nonfarm output and 2.4% year-over-year for all output. We rarely see this type of productivity growth outside of recession-induced distortions (when businesses shed labor faster than they shed output) #EconSky #NumbersDay 📈

The positive externalities of WFH

Russia recently carried out unsuccessful tests of its Yars and Bulava nuclear-capable ballistic missiles, pointing to serious issues with Moscow's nuclear weapons delivery capabilities.

That Biden-Trump number on Israel-Palestine reflects both people who (1) think Trump would back Israel more; institute another, harsher Muslim ban; and crack down hard on pro-Palestinian protestors (especially at colleges), and (2) think Biden has been too supportive of Israel.

It's gonna be a really long fucking year on here if you can't say something like "Donald Trump's foreign policy was not actually the dovish, peace-filled miracle he insisted it was" without people freaking out

Krugman: "This is exactly what you’d expect to see if X were entering a death spiral. It takes a lot to destroy a well-established nexus, but it seems increasingly likely that Elon Musk is up to the job."

More news in non-scarring: Productivity is now close to CBO's pre-Covid projections. Seems to refute both "quiet quitting" and Work from Home doomsaying