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dentist, father of a girl... believes in earth, doubtful about humanity, curious for universe, ❤️ Istanbul #slavaukraini 🇺🇦 #gazaunderattack 🇵🇸
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Are you so naive, or have you forgotten that the world does not revolve around hope?
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Without a conceptual axis, a timetabled agenda, a common narrative language that can convince a primary school graduate, and an organized sequence of events, you will only convince yourself in the fight against this far-right wave. Wake up and rise up America! And the World!
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Without a conceptual axis, a timetabled agenda, a common narrative language that can convince a primary school graduate, and an organized sequence of events, you will only convince yourself in the fight against this far-right wave. Wake up and rise up America! And the World!
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Green world=jobs and breathable air...
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Without a conceptual axis, a timetabled agenda, a common narrative language that can convince a primary school graduate, and an organized sequence of events, you will only convince yourself in the fight against this far-right wave. Wake up and rise up America! And the World!
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Without a conceptual axis, a timetabled agenda, a common narrative language that can convince a primary school graduate, and an organized sequence of events, you will only convince yourself in the fight against this far-right wave. Wake up and rise up America! And the World!
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Being aware is not enough anymore...
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Without a conceptual axis, a timetabled agenda, a common narrative language that can convince a primary school graduate and an organized sequence of events, you will only convince yourself in the fight against this far-right wave. Wake up and rise up America! And the World!
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Without a conceptual axis, a timetabled agenda, a common narrative language that can convince a primary school graduate and an organized sequence of events, you will only convince yourself in the fight against this far-right wave. Wake up and rise up America! And the World!
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Without a conceptual axis, a timetabled agenda, a common narrative language that can convince a primary school graduate, and an organized sequence of events, you will only convince yourself in the fight against this far-right wave. Wake up and rise up America! And the World!
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Very simply, the opponents should stop playing separate tunes. And they should start telling a common future story. For example: Instead of “Let’s build a greener world!” it should be said, “Bread and Jobs for All in a Green America!” Or, “Let’s Make America Work for All, Not Just for the Rich!”
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There are two elements underlying the rhetorical superiority of Trump and his ilk: 1) Since reactive criticisms are not based on a conceptual axis, they can easily respond to those who oppose them with clichéd answers. 2) They tell a populist future story. So what should be done?
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Amatörce yönetilen Adanademirpor yönetiminin amatör kararı. Bu güzel kulübe yazık edildi.
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Post-postmodernism cannot be defeated by a proposal for neo-modernism, but only by a new call for neo-reform and neo-enlightenment. The rest can be seen later.
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Trump cannot be defeated by his comrades, the Bidens. Trump can only be defeated by a proposal for a life that will be constructed with meaning and values ​​that will confront conformism and techno-daily life.
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Those who advocate a meaningful/value-constructed life have a harder time today. Because they are not only faced with rhetoric, but also with a conformist practice and daily life supported by technology.
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From now on, the fundamental contradiction is between contemporary techno-fascists and authoritarians who use conformism to mask their real goals and those who advocate man's search for meaning/values ​​and a life built with meaning/values ​​instead of conformism.
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Advocating all the people here be expelled from there in order to turn that place into the French Riviera after tens of thousands of people were killed/ hundreds of thousands were injured is a perfect exmple of trying to convince people that living without values ​​is meaningful.(Post-postmodernism)
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I think we have entered an age of madness that is unacceptable for people with a little intelligence and conscience. Here is a good example. Trying to kill all Gazans by using Hamas' unacceptable armed attack on Israel in Gaza as an excuse is an example of living without values. (Postmodernism)
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Şarap kayıtlarından mı bahsediyorsun?
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Böyle de dürüst bir adam/düşünür komutanmış... Aradan geçen binlerce yıla rağmen aynı hatayı işleyip aynı sonucu almak...Bu müthiş kitabı 1919'da okumayan Yunanlı yöneticiler gibi günümüzde de okumayan aklıevveler aynı akıbete uğrayacak! (Resim: Jean-Adrien Guignet; Onbinlerin Dönüşü, Louvre Müzesi)
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Konsantreydik, Kayseri'yi konserveledik!
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Glimpse of intelligence...
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14.Suriye’nin yeniden tam bağımsız, refah ve huzur içinde ve savaştan önceki sınırları içinde ve sığınmacı konumuna düşmüş vatandaşlarının dönmüş olduğu bir komşu devlet olması en temel arzumuzdur.
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13.Bu tür hareketlerin önceden düşünüldüğü belli olan stratejik adımlarla bütünleştirilmediği sürece çok yönlü okumalara açık olması ciddi risk ve sorunlar çıkarabileceği aşikardır.
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12.Bu hamle aynı zamanda “yenilmiş veya dağılmış" kaybeden aktörlerin kendilerini konsolide etmeleri için bir istek yaratabileceği şeklinde değerlendirilebilir.
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10.Bu ziyaret mevcut yerel iktidar aktörlerinin arasındaki çekişmelerde kullanılabileceği için de eleştirilebilir. 11.Bu tür bir ziyaret çok yönlü ve karmaşık mesaj vermelere yol açabileceği için de eleştirilebilir.
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9.Güvenlik riskini yükselttiği için eleştirilebilir. Bir istihbarat şefi her zaman üst düzey hedeflerden biri olması nedeniyle bu şekilde kutsal bir mekânda gözükmesi yüzünden o mekânı ve insanları tehlikeye atması açısından eleştirilebilir.
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8.Kültürel hassasiyeti uyandırabilir. Bu hareket kamuoyunda normalde pek gözükmeyen istihbarat şeflerinden biri tarafından yapıldığı için algı yönetimine tabi tutulup kolaylıkla çarpıtılabilir.
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6.Samimiyetsizlik olarak da okunabilir. Yerel halk bunu gerçek bir saygı ifadesinden çok bir propaganda hamlesi olarak değerlendirebilir. 7.Politik tepki de yaratabilir. Böyle bir hamle hem yerel halktan hem de uluslararası camiadan tepki de yaratabilir.