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Being told she couldn’t scam. And thought katara was worrying for nothing. But As we see in every season. Sokka is also someone who is very bossy when katara is doing something dangerous or time wasting. Everyone has her traits of kindness and compassion, and look out for their friends
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Katara having “motherly” traits. Is not the same thing as being the teams mom. She’s kind and compassionate, and looks out for people she cares about causing her to be in your business and bossy. But these traits are pretty universal in the group. Katara is only called out because toph didn’t like
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she was a person. There’s more to being a mom then being kind and compassionate. She’s hanging out with people who all do their part with setting up camp. “Driving” appa. Keeping a schedule. She has fun with them. And when the situation calls for it, they’ll keep her from Doing something craz
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Yeah, but it doesn’t Matter to romance. The symbolism works for a simple friendship and themes.
The character of katara as written and designed is not into zuko. She has symbolism with aang with the added benefit of having a romance
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You can like Zutara, but don’t pretend Kataang was something it was not just because it has Katara ending up with a guy YOU didn’t want her to be with, but who she herself clearly liked.
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Also people complaining about katara being forced into a Parent role . Are the ones doing it to her. When the show makes it very clear all of her friends can take care of themselves, and are helpful to her while not thinking of her as a parent. And she herself does not think she’s parenting.
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Not true, symbolism means nothing for a romantic relationship. She just wasn’t into zuko. And Katara and aang had way more symbolism and better development
She was sure as heck into aang though
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The gifs didn’t work. But yeah, definitely not in the friendzone. And certainly isn’t treating him like a little brother. Nobody is offering to kiss their own brother on the lips.
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This video alone proves you wrong about her friendzoning him. and katara can have other loves. But at the end of the day. Jet and aang are the only boys she gets like this with
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Sry for the spam but curious about what katara does to aang that’s more expected of a sister or a mother
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The type of person, who will intervene if she perceives her friends as doing something unsafe. She tells aang to cover up his tattoos. Sokka is king of telling them to be cautious. And aang is protecting people.Katara is also extremely kind and compassionate, but she is not the group caretaker.
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I do think this is a bit of an exaggeration. Because she doesn’t see herself as mom. And none of her friends treat her like a mom. Toph gets mad at her because she wanted to her to stop scamming and calls her a mom as an insult. But just to remind her she can’t tell her what to do. But even toph is
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Even when she wanted to kiss him book 2? And got mad when he didn’t want to. Yeah she wanted to help him. And that’s actually the reason why they aren’t together but I feel like they really hammer it in. That she’s into him.
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Stop with the one sided talk. Especially when you are defending a ship with no canon signs of attraction.
Like come on now, even back in book 1. She wasn’t put off by the idea she’d marry him. She wanted to kiss in book 2. Was jealous in book 3, had a debatably flirty training session in book 2.
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Don’t let your inability to see what katara sees him. Make you say some blatantly untrue stuff. She showed her attraction to him in Ep 14 of book 1. We see the most obvious example in the bk2 Ep 2. When they are training and then in cave. Even got jealous when he was dancing with onji in book 3
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One sided? Babysitter? What babysitter is being given guidance when their emotions aren’t letting them think things though by the kid they are watching. it’s obvious he fell first. But you can’t call it one sided that’s just objectively not true, she’s sAid she loves him in like s2 Ep 1,
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Yeah, but like ship who ya want. it’s all preference. I think people just react negatively on reflex because they are expecting some obviously untrue statements about how Katara feels about Aang. Because of the shipping war
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Will they won’t they part of it. It comes up, they both ignore it, go back to being cool. But other than that it made sense, they grow closer learned more about each other every episode. changed the way they showed affection.
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definitely a dropped ball here. The drama is so forced here. And it could’ve been an actual valuable inclusion, if they had touched on either parties concerns during the actual finale. The relationship in general I think was a natural progression though. They just don’t do enough with the-
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That’s cool, he does get way more focus on his worries on rejection. And one dropped ball is that we aren’t in her head as as much. Like we don’t even know explicitly what she’s confused about. Show don’t tell, but it would be nice to see the process
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Oh, you mean her talking about it.
Well I mean, we get plenty of her perspective On aang as a person and why they are friends and how much she wants to be around him. And we have examples of those feelings being more than platonic, throughout the series.
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How did you get this impression. Even ignoring the romance. They were clearly portrayed as good friends. He’s tried and failed to get her attention for a short amount of time in like 2 episodes. The rest she seems to have fun with him and is eager to be around him
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They didn’t see him as a self insert . Not sure how this rumor got started. They weren’t even originally gonna be together but thanks to the creative team. Kataang happened. And what would be giving her agency to you?
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Oh and they gush about how much they care for each other and are there for each other. People like the fluff and the dramatics
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Probably less than that. If you go to videos about them, reactions, comps or edits. Other than relating to having a crush people like it because they think it’s cute. male and female shippers. This doesn’t even describe the story. He’s never had to compete. Unlike dipper from gravity falls
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Thanks for understanding Liu
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If it makes you feel any better she didn’t parent him.
That’s unfair to both of them. When he’s been her equal, supporting her, giving her confidence. He’s someone she has faith in. And she doesn’t see herself as a mother to her friends. She can be immature and aang has been the mature one