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Kentucky Lichen Moth - Cisthene kentuckiensis (Erebidae) Wingspan: 15-19 mm MD, USA 2023-07-06 #teammoth #mothsmatter

Io Moth ♀ - Automeris io (Saturniidae) Wingspan: 50-80 mm MD, USA 2020-07-11 #teammoth #mothsmatter

Desmia funeralis or D. maculalis (Crambidae) Grape-leafroller/leaffolder Wingspan: 21-28/18-24 mm MD, USA 2021-07-31 For #mothfacefriday ! #teammoth #mothsmatter

Persian Shield - Strobilanthes dyerianus (Acanthaceae) Grown as an annual in MD, USA. 🌴

Lesser or Greater Black-letter Dart Xestia c-nigrum or X.dolosa (Noctuidae) Wingspan: 35-47 mm MD, USA 2023-09-13 #teammoth #mothsmatter

Small Mossy Lithacodia - Lithacodia musta (Noctuidae) Wingspan: 15-19 mm MD, USA 2024-06-15 #teammoth #mothsmatter

Ailanthus Webworm Moth - Atteva aurea (Attevidae) Wingspan: 18-30 mm MD, USA 2023-08-23 #teammoth #mothsmatter

Beautiful Wood-Nymph - Eudryas grata (Noctuidae) Wingspan: 35-46 mm MD, USA 2014-06-05 #teammoth #mothsmatter

Arabian Coffee - Coffea arabica (Rubiaceae) Pot-grown, 2020-05-30 🌴

Moths at your fingertips. One of our emeralds. Red-fringed Emerald - Nemoria bistriaria (Geometridae) Wingspan: ~22 mm MD, USA 2024-06-26 #teammoth #mothsmatter

Rosy Maple Moth - Dryocampa rubicunda (Saturniidae) Wingspan: 32-55 mm 2022-06-04 MD, USA #teammoth #mothsmatter

Amazon Lily - Eucharis amazonica (Amaryllidaceae) 🌴

Hebrew Moth - Polygrammate hebraeicum (Noctuidae) Wingspan: 23-39 mm MD, USA 2023-07-21 #teammoth #mothsmatter

Saddleback Caterpillar - Acharia stimulea (Limacodidae) MD, USA 2023-09-02 Those spines pack a nice wallop, especially when nailed on the inside of the forearm! #teammoth #mothsmatter

Double-banded Grass-veneer - Crambus agitatellus (Crambidae) Wingspan: 17-22 mm MD, USA 2024-06-19 #teammoth #mothsmatter

Black-waved Flannel Moth ♂ - Lagoa crispata (Megalopygidae) MD, USA 2021-06-18 #teammoth #mothsmatter

Plumeria (Apocynaceae) 🌴

False Crocus/Crocus Geometer - Xanthotype urticaria/sospeta (Geometridae) MD, USA 2023-08-18 Probaby X. urticaria, but would need dissection of genitals for a positive id. #teammoth #mothsmatter

An invader from western Europe. I've been seeing these here every fall for the last 5 years. Lunar Underwing - Omphaloscelis lunosa (Noctuidae) MD, USA 2024-10-06 #teammoth #mothsmatter

Giant Leopard Moth - Hypercompe scribonia (Erebidae) MD, USA 2024-06-20 #teammoth #mothsmatter

Probably my favorite non-banana banana. Grown from seed and potted, this one threw an inflorescence. Anyone growing and/or know of a seed source in the states? 🌴 Snow Banana - Ensete glaucum (Musaceae) Potted, MD, USA 2012-09-16

Arched Hooktip - Drepana arcuata (Drepanidae) MD, USA 2024-05-08 #teammoth

Scarlet-winged Lichen Moth - Hypoprepia miniata (Erebidae) MD, USA 2014-07-26 #teammoth #mothsmatter

Northern Pink-striped Oakworm Moth - Anisota virginiensis virginiensis (Saturniidae) MD, USA 2014-05-23 #teammoth #mothsmatter

Kahili Ginger - Hedychium gardnerianum (Zingiberaceae) 🌴

Pink Prominent - Hyparpax aurora (Notodontidae) NA MidAtlantic moths. #teammoth

Crinum 'Persephone' (Amaryllidaceae) (Chinese Mantid female, Tenodera sinensis, for scale. 😁) 🌴

One of our (NA MidAtlantic) winter moths showed up on January 11, when the overnight low was a chilly 27.2°F and the high was only 38.5°F. I was shoveling snow when I noticed it on the garage door. Small Phigalia - Phigalia strigataria (Geometridae) #teammoth #mothsmatter

New leaf on my potted Snowflake Plant, Trevesia palmata 'Micholitzii' (Araliaceae). 🌴

Alien flowers or a Dr. Suess landscape? Amorphophallus konjac (Araceae) 🌴

Philodendron 'Prince Of Orange' (Araceae) 🌴