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Zure euskaldun ezkertiar gogokoena. Izadia, landa mundua, motoak eta black metala. Bai, hartz bat naz.
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Шановні українці, будьте сильними. Сильний, як завжди, бо ще не розвиднілося. "Сонце заходить, гори чорніють".

“I just wanna say trans people are beautiful. We are never going to stop existing. I’m never gonna stop being trans, a letter on a passport can’t change that, and fuck this administration.”

Anything is possible now.

First and last selfie. For now.

Many folks are saying to me that visiting Mexico is so dangerous. You can be cautious and plan your trip to Mexico and be relatively safe, as some friends of mine did, and had a great experience.

Transcend Take me Prisoner of evil

I no longer drink any alcohol, and I go home early if I go out. So that means that today I'll go to bed soon... just to wake up early at 5:30, because the main fight of the UFC is at 6:00 🤣 Waking up, making a quick breakfast and then blood & guts (or a boring fight, who knows).

Yep, that's me

This new year 2025 is looking so promising so far (right).

"Sure that Nazi salute was awkward, but let's not forget who the real Nazis are: college students."

The ballot box, where we decide if rape is wrong

The western block is in such state that I really have no idea what this all will evolve into. This is madness. The eternal irony of being a western citizen and look the other way around when imperialist policies destroy countries, because you're safe from that. And look at us now, wondering.

It would work if your executives weren’t ontologically Evil

So I'm looking at this map trying to take in the enormity of the impact it has on a world stage. There has to be a global WTF factor here. Americans are desensitised to Trump. The other 96% of the world is just starting to resize the level of bat-shit crazy they're dealing with in Trump 2.0.

The real manifesto, short and to the point:

I need more mutuals around here. But I can't help it, I always end up going back to X 😒

Ni ez naz "harro" euskaldun izateaz. Euskara asko maite dot, noski, baina euskal aberria eta nazioen existentzia ukatzen dot betiko dikotomia dialektiko gisa. Etorkizunak ez ditu euskal aberriak ulertzen. Etorkizuna nazioartekoa da. Gora Euskararen Eguna!

Sunbeam appreciator. ☺️ Photo from my collection, 1954.

I need more of my friends active in this place, and stop wandering around "x". Let that platform dry and wither away. Musk is now a powerful oligarch with an actual job in Trump's administration, and not just a fool with money. And I really like here btw ^.^

Katuxe nirea, hau handientsua.


色即是空 空即是色

A year ago today I posted on twitter that I was taking a break from the site... and then never went back. For me, life is much better without it. I didn't realize how much the constant anger and drama were affecting me until I was free of it. Thank you for this lovely place to restart. ☺️

Ba asko maite dot kickboxing, baina egia esan, nire maisua borrokatzen denean basapiztia da. Ez naz txarto borrokatzen, baina sparring roundetan hobeto bizirik iraungo banu, harroago egongo nintzateke agian, baina auskalo.

No mud No lotus Endure.

now that we have 14mil users let’s talk about this undeniable proof that pizza is asian.

I'd really enjoy using this platform a little more and not that dystopian nazi-ridden swamp that once upon a time was called twitter. But I need more engagement around here. I'll try. Eta euskara pixka bat gehiago hitz egitea hemendik ere.

Cuando no entro en twittwr durante todo un día

I miss this. Fuck twittah.

This. One of the best things I ever experienced —that there is no one experiencing anything, but experience itself—, is indeed indescribable. Hi Kat! I've read that you have narcolepsy, and I'm waiting to receive a diagnosis, so I wanna ask you: do you know if it is possible to fall asleep with your eyes open while doing anything, for a few seconds? Cause I have hardly found anything on the web. Have a nice day! 😊