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Gardening by the sea, slow living, macramé and mindful crafting, watching the birds.
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Every hospital should have a #garden. Great for patients, staff and visitors #GardenersWorld

Word of the day is ‘huff-snuff’ (16th century): a hectoring bully or braggart.

Evening #GardenersWorld folks. A couple of pics from my garden this week. The bees are absolutely loving this camelia at the moment. And the snowdrops were brought from my family home. Hoping they'll multiply over the coming years. 🌱

Tin can stilts (Things to Make, 1963) Artist: G Robinson

This fella was on the roof of the car I parked next to at the supermarket this afternoon. Didn't budge when I put the window down to take the photo or when I got out of the car. Utterly unfazed by being face to face. Herring gulls are HUGE! Beautiful plumage - I'm guessing it's about 4 years old? 🪶

JOB OPPORTUNITIES AT THE MARY ROSE! We're looking for a PR Officer and a Marketing Campaign Manager to help us spread the word of the Mary Rose Museum, and the work that we do, to new audiences. Find out more about these roles -

Just what I was hoping to see today, blossom against blue sky! I may have taken too many photos! 🤭 Cherry plum I think as the sepals fold back. #BlossomWatch #DailyFlowers #vitaminN #joy #Lancashire

Just thinking about #jobsfortheweekend. Looks like there might be some sun for a first proper foray into my new garden. Going to have a bit of a tidy up and put up a box for my new birdy chums. Happy gardening, folks! 🌱 #GardenersWorld

I remember thinking when I first saw it, that this Cornish garden is an incredible achievement. Haven't changed my opinion - it's a lovely space. I'd be terrified of falling off the cliff though! #GardenersWorld

New house, new garden, new birds! THRILLED to see this little fella outside my kitchen window this morning. There's a resident robin, too, and I'm pretty sure it's living in one of the evergreen shrubs. So much good stuff going on in this garden! 🪶🌱

Snowdrops – the first sign of brighter and warmer spring days ahead 🤍 Take a look at some snowdrops in art with this Curation 👉 'Girls in a Spring Wood' by John Elliot Maguire (1866–1920) 📷 East Renfrewshire Council

“Snow has fallen again, as it will sometimes do in February” What to Look for in Winter, 1959 Artist: CF Tunnicliffe Writer: EL Grant Watson

Really great to see the bonsai man again. There's something very relaxing about his way of speaking & I do find the shapes of the trees quite beautiful. #GardenersWorld

Very much enjoying having #GardenersWorld back as we ramp up to spring. Second Friday evening in my new home & looking forward to creating a new garden. I really think candelabra primula are going to have to feature somewhere!

Doge is auditing NASA today. This is absurd. The owner of Space X should not be auditing NASA. It’s a massive conflict of interest.

Word of the Day is ‘quockerwodger’ (19th century): a puppet individual whose strings are pulled entirely by someone else.

Within 10 years a single nest box can provide shelter for 100 baby blue tits! Help birds during #NationalNestboxWeek by putting up a bird box – or leave out some nesting materials such as moss, twigs and natural wool. More ideas:

Today is Candlemas- which must be the best name in the calendar. Candlemas - a celebration of the return of light Artist: Gerald Witcomb

Ferryland Newfoundland #Photography #Newfoundland #Canada #iceberg

On this day 1st February 1984 the "least-loved" coin, the halfpenny was dropped “after 13 years of almost universal unpopularity” (according to the BBC)

Ladybird Nature Corner. Blackbird. (Who doesn’t love a blackbird?) Artist: John Leigh-Pemberton

There is a silent eloquence In every wild bluebell That fills my softened heart with bliss That words could never tell. Anne Brontë

This is a sewing pattern. It is also a page from a late 14th century manuscript that is one of two primary sources for an important Icelandic saga (Sturlunga saga), but that was probably not important to the 17th century person who really needed a sewing pattern. #upcycling

Big tech is now formally in league with the far-right. The resistance to it will be personal and political

Amherst Cove, Newfoundland #Photography #Newfoundland #Canada

Word of the day is ‘catch-fart’ (17th century: an obsequious individual who will always follow the political wind.

Moonset this morning. The wolf moon setting not long after sunrise. #fullmoon #wolfmoon