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Away from Monte d'Or for a little while. Sorry for the inconvenience. (RP/parody account) (Major spoilers for Miracle Mask)
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Yes, of course.
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...I understand. I think I will go look for Angela now. I have waited a while for "older" Master Randall, and he seems to have not gone out himself; he can watch over you. (Am I abandoning him again?) (You have not seen her in hours. Don't you care about her?) (Yes. Always.) Be good, alright?
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I suppose it's my fault for being unclear. To be frank, I'm not sure what I want... What I do know is that I don't want to abandon anyone again. Not him, not her. I already hurt him by sending him away... again... You said he'd forget. I'm glad he didn't. I'm glad I have to pay for my selfishness.
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...I would not phrase it like that.
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...The one who fell. The one who rose again. The one who wants me to release two hands, sending their holders hurtling down through the abyss which he himself had been lost in... ... ...The one I abandoned. (As if that narrows it down.)
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(How long has it been since Angela was seen? I worry for her. Perhaps I should leave now, before convening with Master Randall, so he can stay with the boy? I don't want to leave young Master Randall alone, and I don't want to leave "older" Angela alone either...)
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...Ah, well, I'm glad to see you're feeling better! I hope you slept well. Once "older" Master Randall stirs, then we can sort out the business of looking for "older" Angela...
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...!? ...Ah, yes, the boy. Yes, he told me. Thank you. You are a very good kitty. Forgive me for being surprised... You said "Golden Mask", and, well... ...Do you know what is happening with him? Where he is right now? How he returned to my time? If he... if he's still here?
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[OOC: no worries! lol]
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...Whatever do you mean? I don't recall referring to you.
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...Mhm. Yes.
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Ah, I see. I'm glad he hasn't bothered you. (Where could he have gone? I haven't heard from him since we last spoke... Oddly enough, I'm concerned for him as well...)
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Hm, alright. (I can just ask into the void anyway, and I'm sure he'll hear me, but for whatever reason I don't really care to right now... I don't imagine he'll really do anything that bad...) ...I hate to ask, but do you know where that *other* version of you is? The "ghost", as you called him?
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Ah... Well, perhaps I can ask about it. Did he summon tacos for you here in the hospital, or before? By that I mean, is he in London currently?
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Yes, the first part I understood well enough. It is the second which... eludes me.
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(He seems not to be alarmed by the presence of this Masked Gentleman... So I suppose it must not be "Golden Mask" he speaks of...) ...I see. Yes. Might I ask how he "manifested" them? (As far as I was aware, all of his "miracles" were simply stage tricks... I didn't know he could conjure food...)
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...Which "Masked Gentleman"?
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...From where would you have procured these soft tacos?
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I do not wish to leave you, either of you, unattended... well, not technically unattended, but... hm... I am worried for "older" Angela... (Would you abandon him again, to get her back? It's sickening. You keep treating them like tokens.) ...Master Randall, "older" Master Randall, what say you?
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Ah! I'm finally here! Apologies for taking so long... Please, is everything alright? Young Master Randall, how is your leg? And do we yet know of Angla's whereabouts? What did I miss...?
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Yes, you're quite right...! ...I wish the trip from Monte d'Or to London weren't so long. Hold tight, would you? I should be there in a few hours...
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Where are you, Master Randall? Are you already in London? I can join you. As it is, it's unnerving how long the boy has been away... Yes, I'm on my way. I shall be there shortly.
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Ah, ha, I'd become so accustomed to speaking with people from afar that it only now occurs to me that I'm not actually with the boy... I'd just been responding to his voice... I'm not quite sure where in London he is (or, for that matter, why he's in London at all). I'm still in Monte d'Or...
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I admit, it's been a while since I've seen her myself... (I pray that "Golden Mask" hasn't done something to her...)
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...People, maybe?
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Fair enough, I suppose - but they seem to dislike the term, so perhaps you could find an alternative?
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Ah, you call many things "ghosts", my boy...
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Ah... I see... Do you know why he was chasing you to begin with? I know Hershel took issue with, well, that other version of you... but he very well knows that you and he are not the same.
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Well, then. That is certainly... interesting. You said, though, that Hershel had been chasing you? And he helped you after he tripped? Was he "spiky" that entire time?
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...What do you mean, then, by "it"? How was Hershel in your leg? I don't think I understand...
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"It"? What was in your leg?
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Yes... Yes, a lot of what he says isn't true... I understand why Hershel would get upset at him. You and Angela are not merely means to an end. It is unfair for him to treat you as such.
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... ...I'm so sorry you had to hear that. Neither of you will be traded away... I promise... ... ...Do you know why he was fighting Hershel? This version of Hershel, anyway?
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... ...You heard our conversation?
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...Which version of you?
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(As far as I know, Keats' powers just relate to the stream... I don't know what to think of this other ability of his.) But your leg is better now, aside from the itching? I suppose we'll have to thank him. He's a good kitty... ... ...Young Master Randall, did anything else happen in my absence?
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Goodness gracious... ... ...I'm sorry that happened to you, young Master Randall. I wish I could've been there to help. I'm glad you seem to be feeling better now, though... Would it interfere with the healing process to scratch your leg? What exactly did Keats do? (Oh, Hershel... I'm sorry...)
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What happened to your leg, my boy? Are you alright?
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Angela! Oh my God, Angela, I'm so sorry I overslept...! I didn't realize I'd be so out of it. Please, what happened? Where is young Master Randall? Is he alright?
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Now, why don't you go play with your friend? Teddy is his name, yes? (It feels wrong to have young Master Randall in my presence. If feels unsafe. And anyway, thinking about me just makes him sad... Yes, he should play with someone else. It's better for him.)
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Ah... It's a bit difficult to explain... But it isn't anything of consequence, so you needn't worry about it. (Obviously, the fallen became the Masked Gentleman, and with the new role, the anger, the pain, the loneliness, he assumed the whole costume. Except this time, he seems to still love me...)
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...Ah. I have not seen him yet this morning. I don't think it's proper to say he was "haunting" me, per se... He had simply called out to me, and I answered. He is no ghost.
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It's alright, young Master Randall. It is understandable that this upsets you; you have every right to be sad. (Anticipatory grief is still a form of grief, after all... even when one grieves oneself.) Just remember that a happy future is ahead of you, as well...
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Apologies. Please do not worry yourself with such things. Yesterday was a little... fraught, but it shall all be resolved soon.