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Portugal, atheist and agnostic, cynical and skeptical. 🏳️‍🌈
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Are you lost? The topic of the conversation was about the Pentagon and CIA not liking breaking off with NATO and the allies, specially because they will lose intelligence from them. I suggest you go back a bit and catch up on the thread you replied to.
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Well, Trump is definitively not an idealogue... He's only for himself, and he does what boosts his ego the most, or brings him some sort of financial gain. Elon... well, he's just an awkward idiot that wants to be elevated to the savior of humanity, regardless of the path it takes him into.
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DANG! That's a wild fantasy you have going in there! Who said anything about assassinating? I would suggest you tone down on your rhetoric, or you might get a visit from the FBI knocking at your door. All I meant to suggest was that the Pentagon and CIA, will most likely persuade Trump not to do it.
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Oh and btw, I am predicting that, the ego of both Musk and Trump is too big to fit the White House, so the bromance will end eventually, and with a lot of drama! Remember, Trump always picks the best people! LOL
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Don't you guys use ad blocks? But honestly, YouTube is getting so bad, I am slowly stop wanting to waste my time in there anyway.
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They don't care... but the Pentagon and CIA do ;)
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He's just being a loud mouth... If the US broke with NATO, it would get a huge deficit in intelligence from all the allies, which would put the US in huge danger. Not to mention the countless strategic military bases it has around Europe. I mean... if that's what they want, sure, why not! Go ahead!
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I am very critical of Israel actions and not only since 7 October 2023, but it doesn't justify violence. Two wrongs, don't make a right. I understand and empathize, but violence, is a no go for me.
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That's not accurate, and a common misconception. AI doesn't "copy", it reproduces patterns. You can ofc have it mimic the pattern of an artist, like Degas, Van Gogh, etc. But AI doesn't need artist input, unless the goal is to reproduce that artist specific style, which can be more or less unique.
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A bonfire can be comforting. I think the more adequate name would be "cesspool of radioactive filth".
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I know exactly how it feels. Only until recently did I learned what "Mr. Beast" was, and if I ever got videos on my feed, was simply after I searched it to learn what it was. But since I never really watched any video from him back then, YouTube quickly learn not to show me any more... LOL
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Because The Simpsons have a remarkably good track on predicting things. But people dying is not much of a prediction:
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I left Twitter a few years ago (almost 10 years or so) because it was draining my energy. I just joined Bluesky this week, literally just with the intent of helping it outgrow the Mean Bird site. I tried Mastodon, but I felt it was somewhat confusing. Bluesky seems better.
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I can't do anything else other than SFF, and I really only need a PCIe for the GPU, so builds with ITX boards are fine with me. I have 2, an Osmi (which was a bitch to assemble) and a Fractal Design Ridge (very easy to build). Love them both.
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I love the detail of using a font similar to Barbie's font.
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Well... Everyone dies, so this is a pretty certain prediction! What's next? Predicting that fire burns?
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Humans have proved that there are no limits to Human stupidity, no matter what, we will always have enough dumb conspiracies... If we could harness the Power of Stupid, we would end the world's energy crisis, with a never ending supply of carbon free renewable energy.
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Ugh... Flat Earth is so last decade... All the cool kids are doing Hollow Earth now!
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Actually we don't know. There is footage that implies that the Israeli may have started the provocations. There was a video of them climbing on a building's façade, just to rip out a Palestinian flag. I urge everyone (media included) to refrain from taking sides and be more objective.
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I have always been a fierce proponent that the answer to the Fermi Paradox, is the Great Filter. And we are heading in that direction at a pretty fast pace.
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Oh yes! With super saturated colors, and octopuses that have more than 8 arms. I fucking detest those!
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No, I mostly get my feed with left leaning political channels and those click baiting farm channels that use a thumbnail with a famous physicists and/or AI generated images, and with a dumb title like "We never knew this, Aliens are going to invade the Earth", or some shenanigan like that.
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That makes no sense at all. If anything, people who are unable to draw, should be called that, not artists. But I guess we live in an upside-down world now...
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As I said in another comment, I'm not against AI, and I think it's just a tool. The problem is not the tool itself, but how it is used, and to what purpose is used. And the problem starts with the data collection, and the obvious fact that it is being scrapped from the Internet indiscriminately.
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It's amazing how much we have evolved technologically as a species, and yet simultaneously regressed socially. I never thought I would have to see the day, where there was a need for a toxicologist to say on the Internet, what is common knowledge.
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Eugenics is bad, just as long as it applies only to humans. For cats, you can go full Hitler!
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So, he's trying to hoard "reasons to dislike Jay Leno"? Doesn't he have enough already?
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Well, like I said in some other comment, things have to be proportional, just as distribution licenses are. But an album cover is something different, and sporadic. I don't think a album cover should be done with AI either. That's lazy.
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That's every artist's paradigm.
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What could go wrong? Everything, Everywhere, All at once...
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Oh yeah I have heard that the "gate keeping" argument too... But the ableist one... LOL. For real? Under that same logic, I can also call professional athletes ableist too, because they are physically better than me, and have trained for years, and I can't compete with them!
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I think the more relevant question is "There are jackets that turn you into a man???". I can see a whole new market for this...
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There are many people who are doing it for profit, but other people just do it for fun or for something "simple", without having to spend money, they would not spend to begin with. Lets say you play some RPG game and just want to have a custom portrait for your character. I think it's fine for that.
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I believe that there is a place for both, and I'm not entirely opposed to generative AI. The problem are not the tools by themselves, but rather the people who use them, and how they choose to use them. Sadly, the vast majority of humans have a very loose sense of ethics and morals.
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*nods* And it's more infuriating that we are getting consequences from US Politics, and are unable to do anything about it... It is quite frustrating.
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Ah ok, I just assumed because most population on the Internet are Americans. I'm Portuguese myself, and we are having the same problems. Anti-Vaxx sentiment for example, was never a thing here, and now I have family member who have turned into Anti-Vaxx and into other conspiracy BS.
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The most concerning part is that free press is one of the pillars of democracy, and without it, it will crumble.
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I have been saying this for a decade now. Also, the US Bill of Rights is outdated as f*ck. But I don't see a way for you guys to be able to write a new Constitution, short of having a revolution or a coup d'etat. There's no way you will ever get 60 votes in the Senate so soon.
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Marvel did too, on Secret Invasion intro, but at least there, I can still see some artistic value, because it was tied to the fact that Skrulls are shapeshifters. Still a questionable decision, but at least it made some sense. (I value more the performative part of art, rather than the work of art)
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I agree with you, but I would be fine if smaller YouTubers used it with moderation. Just like you have products that are differently priced or even free, depending on the type of user you are, and the amount of exposure you get. This is a thing for distribution licenses on copyrighted material.
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I believe it is jealousy too yes... Or rather, wanting some fan art or whatever, but not wanting to commission (and pay) an artist to do it. It's sad. =(
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Pretty much... It's insane the amount of channels I now block on YouTube, because of all the AI generated crap, and each day, I feel less interested in watching YouTube videos.
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You are absolutely right, but they are narrow minded and can't even understand that as AI generated images start flooding the Internet, the worst they will get. This even happens with humans. If a person, uses a drawing as a reference, that has errors, the human will also repeat those errors.
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I block YouTube channels that use it as thumbnails. Initially I thought it would be ok, because smaller YouTubers can't really be affording someone to do art from them on a frequent basis, but it has become nauseating at this point. Specially on the so called "scientific" channels.
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Oh there are a lot of ppl out there that think that way. I've even had some unpleasant interactions, where people literally said "fuck artists!"