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A very young GenXer or a very old Millenial (depending on how you define those generations) that has decided to play games on stream. - Streams - VODs he/him / ˈhɛərˌbɔl /
162 posts 131 followers 65 following
Prolific Poster

I finished creating the two redeems I had from made by to include her Twitch profile pic as an embossment on my top hat and an embroidered badge on my fishing vest until the end of the year.

Marveling at the miracle of puff. Photo from my collection, no documented date/info.

I made baklava!

Excusing Yourself

I am playing Art, come hangout with me over at #herrbawlshangout

Watching my dog sniff the bushes in front of my house while going out to get the mail I have realized, they're his soak operas

Guddler [GUHD-ler] (n.) 1. A muddled affair; a mix-up; confusion. 2. A greedy drinker, one who is overly fond of liquor. From “guddle” (to drink much and greedily) Used in a sentence: “By the time we finally arrived, the whole affair was a total guddler; nobody had any idea what was going on!” Help Improve Save&Raid!!! #saveandraid #twitch #streaming #charity #mentalhealth #suicideprevention #diablo #save #survey

The First FPS game featuring texture-mapped walls. It was developed by no others than id Software . Control high wizard Petton Everhail and descend into Catacombs to defeat the evil lich Nemesis and rescue your friend Grelminar. 🧙‍♂️ 💿 Catacomb 3-D ~ id Software

Yeuk [yook] (n.) An unpleasant feeling on your skin that makes you want to scratch. (v.) To cause to itch. Used in a sentence: “As soon as the cameras started rolling, live at the red carpet, the celebrity interviewer got an aggressive yeuk right in the no-no area.”


Elflock [EHLF-lahk] (n.) - A lock of hair that is impossibly tangled as if by elves. Used in a sentence: “I don’t care how fun or cool it is, I am never riding in your convertible again after spending my whole Saturday detangling the giant elflock covering my entire head!”


Translunary [tranz-LOO-nuh-ree] (adj.) - Beyond the moon; spiritual; unearthly; ethereal, visionary. Used in a sentence: “Six hours had passed, and her eyes continued to emanate eerie translunary incandescence which bathed everything upon which she gazed in a silver-blue glow.”

Strike a pose..🐈

Gnomon [NOH-men] (n.) - The projecting piece on a sundial that shows the time by the position of its shadow. Used in a sentence: “I hate going with Hubert to the horologist’s convention – if I hear one more ‘…is that a gnomon in your pocket…’ joke, I’m going to scream!”

With all of your help, Save&Raid has raised $80K within the past 5 years. This is another massive milestone for all of us. We couldn't thank you enough. ❤️

Death from above. Photo from my collection, 1959.

Time for a party at Mike's house! HouseOfMike, let's go! 🏡 #SaveandRaid #Charity #SuicidePrevention

I am playing Diablo II, come hangout with me over at #herrbawlshangout

During our talk with SAVE we passed a massive milestone for Save&Raid. We raised over $70K in Save&Raid's lifetime, in the last 5 years. Thank you, everyone, for getting us there. But the 2025 event is not over for another 12 hours! There is still time to donate to elevate us even higher! 💥

Let's get wild with TeamWildwood! 🐅 #SaveandRaid #Charity #SuicidePrevention

Kitty asks for more kisses..😽

Inaniloquent [IHN-an-il-ih-kwent] (adj.) - Full of empty or idle talk. Given to talking inanely; loquacious; garrulous. Used in a sentence: “Uncle Gregory is off on another of his inaniloquent ramblings again, I’ll have to call you back in a few hours when he finally runs out of steam.”

Time for our very special gem to take over! Clear the stage for! 🐲 💎 #SaveandRaid #Charity #SuicidePrevention

"You can't be completely in love with a dragon and expect anything to be normal." - Julie Kagawa, Legion I'm live!!!! Come watch this dragon play games! #dragongemplays

Eructation [ih-ruk-TAY-shun] (n.) - An act or an instance of belching. - The action of voiding stomach gases through the mouth; a belch. Used in a sentence: “Professor Fetlock’s lecture was suddenly interrupted by the rude eructation of the frat boy dudebro in the back row.”

Streaming Diablo for Save&Raid 2025 today at 4pm MST (! 🎮 This gaming relay supports Suicide Awareness Voices of Education’s work in suicide prevention. Watch, share, and donate at!

Scream Cipher

ArtyomHavok has taken over and is continuing Diablo! We're still on his channel, no raiding yet! 🍬 #SaveandRaid #Charity #SuicidePrevention

We did it. Thanks to everyone who's hung out and supported the channel over five years to get my channel to Partner. Retro Twitch is awesome beyond words, and this is just the beginning of something very cool. 💜 Check out the video for more.

Douceur [doo-SUR] (n.) - A gratuity; tip. - A conciliatory gift or bribe. - Sweetness or agreeableness. Used in a sentence:” “In a suave exchange, the soigné gent discreetly slid a small douceur to the host, securing the restaurant's best table.”

Chaos gremlin trying to unmake a bed. From negatives in my collection, ca. 1940s.

KM3NeT Where does the money you raise for SAVE during Save&Raid go? #saveandraid #twitch #streaming

Anxiolytic [ang-zee-uh-LIT-ik] (adj.) - Having an anxiety-reducing or eliminating effect. (n.) - Anything that reduces or eliminates anxiety. Used in a sentence: “The mysterious music had an immediate anxiolytic effect on her shattered nerves.” Save&Raid: Sanctuary's Official Soundtrack album "The Wild" is now available! #

no school, no work, just meow meow

Twire [TWAHY-yer] (v.) -To peep; to glance obliquely. -To twinkle or gleam. (n.) -A look or a glance. Used in a sentence: “Since the surgery, Ms. Belklund’s earnest attempts at oeillade have gone from an ogling stare to a sly twire – and her first date with Mr. Dwightley is this weekend!”

Archive Request

Macrosmatic [MAK-rohs-MAT-ik] (adj.) - Having an abnormally keen sense of smell. - Denoting an inordinately keen olfactory sense.

Happy kitty..🐈‍⬛😊

Save&Raid: Sanctuary: Feb 21-24! A multi-streamer relay marathon to complete Diablo I & II (+ expansions). Raising money for suicide prevention through Suicide Awareness Voices of Education (SAVE). #saveandraid #diablo

I'm participating in this year's Save&Raid event where we're streaming Diablo 1 and 2 to raise money for Suicide Awareness Voices for Education. The event starts Friday, February 21 at noon PST and I'll be streaming Sunday February 23 at 11am PST. More info at