People assumed that life is a strict progression of DNA to one type of RNA, but *actually*, from a non-focused, non-restrictive viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... RNAs.
You can be. No matter how old you are. I went to school with a 75 year old woman getting her 1st bachelor's. I didn't go to my own graduation but I went to hers.
Hello, my friends, you see the suffering, but it is much worse than you see. I hope you feel me when I can't buy food for my little sister. Please donate and spread 😭😭😔
While "scientist" decide to play with DNA while understanding only a tenth of what DNA does or how it works.
Much like the clowns playing with AI but cannot tell us what it will do for the world besides use massive amounts of energy and provide tools for clowns to play with.
Years ago I published a paper on RNA that was an anti-sense sequence and acted as its own protein transcription regulator. So it was a functional DNA sequence in both directions, and via RNA self regulated.
Irritating thing to sequence as it would self-block transcription.
I just want to know why I can get staph infection in my spinal fluid & not run a fever making doctors wrong & me freakish. 65 days of pain & illness before they finally checked my csf. 10 weeks of IV antibiotics, only one doc apologized. Why is my chest magnetic? Am I part cyborg?
It used to blow my mind that I was learning about DNA in high school bioloy (mid90s) when it wasn't even common knowledge when my teacher was at university. Knowledge moves so fast!
My father was a geology/earth science high school teacher in the 60s-late 80s. He learned in college (class of '51) that Piltdown Man was real, and continental drift was an amusing coincidence in continental shapes.
1951 was about as late as possible. Questions were asked about Piltdown Man within a few months of the "discovery" reaching academics at all, but information spread was slow. It wasn't until November 1953 that the whole thing was publicly ripped apart in Time magazine.
Last time I was in college I heard that the genetics course had to correct what they told the students at the start of the semester because new information had come out near the end of the class that contradicted it.
When i was in high school they successfully cloned a cat and the resulting change in cat pattern forced them to scrap 2/3rds chapter on cat coat genetics in our textbook
lol so true - tho equally you can see the cell as a network made up of nodes which represent pools of proteins and other intracelluar factors like RNA.
Also its still important to concider that RNA, in eukaryotic cells, is not very useful on its own without the support of DNA. DNA is the long term memory of genes while (m)RNA largely acts as a short term intermediate to transfere the information from a gene into a functional protein
The same is true for other forms of RNA, ribosomal RNAs transiently pair to form the subunits of a ribosome before dissassociating between mRNA readings or being recycled when they are damaged or are no longer useful ie when a cell dies.
Its more nuanced than that cos there are so many type of RNA.
Alot of cellular processes are only depended on RNA to enable the existance of proteins for cell signalling, growth etc, then after that, cellular processes are just proteins coliding with eachother and triggering some gene to function
If we are strickly only thinking of mRNA then it largely serves as the go between proteins and DNA which is then recycled after translation. So in that sense mRNA is the runner of errands
But other RNAs (t,r,sn,mi) exist, and concidering the whole cell then RNAs largely funciton to enable cellular functions to happen. So equally proteins could be seen as the runner of errands, but also proteins are still equally vital for initating and controlling the central dogma as RNAs so....
Best "hypothesis" paper in Nature ever?
HYPOTHESIS: A hierarchical model for evolution of
23S ribosomal RNA, Konstantin Bokov & Sergey V. Steinberg
Over the billions of years of evolution, it seems nature has conserved the peptidyl transferase center.
life and understanding is a journey of the soul as we forget and change the things we knew and did and work toward the same things again in another way before we die
Ah science, that beautiful slow slog toward greater understanding, impeded not so much by lack of acknowledgement of new discoveries but by grifters and con-men who seek to enrich themselves in its impediment.
This also perfectly parallels the typical pathway of biology education from high school to PhD. I found out about the 5 nucleic acid in RNA last month so I'm in 2030 and deeply uncomfortable.
We, also, no longer believe that the sun rotates around the earth, or that things fall because they LOVE being on the ground.
Go figure.
Much like the clowns playing with AI but cannot tell us what it will do for the world besides use massive amounts of energy and provide tools for clowns to play with.
… Something something
No masters, no kings
Irritating thing to sequence as it would self-block transcription.
And sometimes the DNA font is more important than the note itself
Technical information percolates out slowly.
🤪 🤯
First edition of this Book is 30 years old.
Thats what the HCA is about essentially:
Alot of cellular processes are only depended on RNA to enable the existance of proteins for cell signalling, growth etc, then after that, cellular processes are just proteins coliding with eachother and triggering some gene to function
HYPOTHESIS: A hierarchical model for evolution of
23S ribosomal RNA, Konstantin Bokov & Sergey V. Steinberg
Over the billions of years of evolution, it seems nature has conserved the peptidyl transferase center.
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RNA = Republican Narcissist Aholes
dancing static flames of the infinite universe
Light is the evolutionary link between forces and matter.
Evolution happens dimensionally.
metabolites in here
It is the very essence of science
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