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Author of YA horror. Debut novel Seafood is available on Amazon now! Maybe she daydreams too much, and that's sometimes a bad thing, but then she writes books about uncomfortable things and doesn't listen to anyone.
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New cover by! I’m in love with the colours, the mermaid, the spooky vibes! If you want to read about murderous mermaids and terrible teenage decisions, check out Seafood! Check out Jack Hillside's alluring art!

Today has been brought to you by the overuse of the word "condescendingly" and the fact that I can't spell it. I can feel the word glaring at me as my sausage fingers repeatedly try.

Gonna drink diet mountain dew outta this as I write lol #maincharacterenergy #writing #books currently obsessed with Bonesaw right now! It's a strategy game where you "gamble with your fingers"! I might have a thing for the devil guy and I certainly can't beat him yet lol

Seafood is on Amazon (& KU!) AND #booksirens for FREE in exchange for a review. PLEASE review!🥺 #YAhorror #yabook #author #horror #horrorbooks #indieauthor #indiehorror #selfpublishedauthor #bookreviewerswanted #mermaidbook #mermaidbooks #booksirensreview #yabooks #bookreview

LOVE the atmosphere of these sets -- check out the trailer if scary clowns are your thing!

What I'm currently working on. My goal this year is to get these both out or be close to release. The Seafood sequel will take longer as it's arguably more serious. No one cares about my update but I liked making this lol. #writing #amwriting #WIP #mermaidbook #vampirebook

I hit 10K of my old vampire book rewrite last night. I'm hoping I can blaze through it, get it through alpha & beta readers and rewrites etc. and publish it this year. Does anyone care? No, but I do. Happy new year. #amwriting #vampirebook #rewriting

Come on spellcheck, I'm obviously trying to spell "intermittently" pls throw me a bone here. My brain can't wrap around the "mitten" in there, but you should know what "intermittedily" actually is.

Furiously typing and so in the zone of writing bliss...and I have to go to bed?!

FOUR hours left on that sale!

Today is brought to you by the word "scrutinizing" and the fact that it doesn't look right. #amwriting

Looking at a MS I shelved a decade+ ago. I took this vampire book so seriously! Now I'm like, dang, lighten up lol. I'm not Rice, should have let my flippancy shine. And now I wonder how fast I can rewrite this? I can let my irreverence take the wheel, what can go wrong? #iamwriting #vampirebook

Type-typity-type-type. Also, today is brought to you by the word "type", like keyboard typing, but it looks weird when I type it...

Seafood is out on Amazon (& KU!) BUT it's also on #booksirens if you want it for FREE in exchange for a review. #YAhorror #horror #horrorbooks #indieauthor #indiehorror #selfpublishedauthor #bookreviewerswanted #yabooks

Seafood is out on Amazon (& KU!) BUT it's also on #booksirens if you want it for FREE in exchange for a review. I need a scanner to get my doodles. #horror #horrorbooks #indieauthor #indiehorror #selfpublishedauthor #bookreviewerswanted #mermaidbook #booksirensreview #yabooks #bookreview #YAhorror

Seafood is on Amazon BUT it's also on #booksirens for FREE in exchange for a review. And no, I'm not good at making graphics. I write books that make people uncomfortable. #YAhorror #horrorbooks #indieauthor #indiehorror #selfpublishedauthor #bookreviewerswanted #yabooks #bookreview

Seafood is out on Amazon BUT it's also on #booksirens if you want it for FREE in exchange for a review. #YAhorror #novel #author #horror #horrorbooks #indieauthor #indiehorror #selfpublishedauthor #bookreviewerswanted #mermaidbook #memaidbooks #booksirensreview #yabooks #bookreview

Anyone else keep a mini library in their work office? At any given time, I need two fiction books and one poetry book. Sometimes I add a non-fiction as well! Can't be too prepared! No horror book ATM. #reading #books #ratherbereading

Grab Seafood for free on BookSirens, just leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads :) #novel #author #horror #horrorbooks #indieauthor #indiehorror #selfpublishedauthor #bookreviewerswanted #mermaidbook #memaidbooks #booksirensreview #yabooks #bookreview

Waiting for my author copies to come in during a postal strike. But here, look, I did a thing! A lonely teen falls in love with a mermaid, but pieces of men wash up on the beach, his best friend has disappeared, and it’s not a coincidence. YA mermaid horror.

First post! I write YA horror, occasionally play horror games, and create art. I'd love to follow more writers, reviewers, and beta readers here! #writingcommunity #amwriting I'm still figuring out this site so feel free to reach out to me :)