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Hope for ULD is uniting patients, families, doctors, and researchers to fund research, treatment, and education for Unverricht-Lundborg Disease ( #ULD ), also known as #EPM1. Learn more here: #RareEpilepsy #genetherapy
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Hope for ULD is celebrating Rare Disease Day by raising awareness for our fight against the ultra rare EPM1, Unverricht-Lundborg Disease. We are working to end the suffering of ULD! #rarediseaseday #epm1 #unverrichtlundborgdisease #genetherapy #RareEpilepsy

Important words from an organization that is funding ULD/EPM1 research! # unverrichtlundborgdisease #epm1 #RareEpilepsy #genetherapy

Want the latest research news? Sign up to get our occasional email updates. You can subscribe at the bottom of any page on our website! Check it out! #epm1 #uld #unverrichtlundborgdisease #genetherapy #RareEpilepsy #hopeforuld

The long-awaited ULD/EPM1 Natural History Study is underway. We currently need more participants. This study is a crucial next step. #ULD families, if you have not yet contacted Josh Rong to sign up, please email him ASAP! #epm1 #unverrichtlundborgdisease #genetherapy

Nearly every medicine we benefit from started with NIH-funded research. Early discovery work starts in academia. Immunotherapies? Gene therapy for rare diseases? Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s medicines? Vaccines? Novel cancer treatments? Psychiatric medicines? You betcha. 1/

Do lesions that cause psychosis fall into a common brain network? Exciting new work by, and colleagues – tweetorial below by the first author, paper here:

Please forward this to all ULD/EPM1 patients you know! Help the researchers HELP YOU!!! If you have not yet joined the ULD/EPM1 Natural History Study, contact Joshua Rong at [email protected] #epm1 #unverrichtlundborgdisease #genetherapy #RareEpilepsy

I've updated the starter pack for rare genetic epilepsies 🧠🧬 It is a work in progress and I will continue to update the pack over the coming weeks 🤩

We are pausing on this Giving Tuesday to celebrate the work of our researchers. Their tireless efforts keep bringing us closer to the goal of ending the suffering caused by ULD/EPM1. #epm1 #unverrichtlundborgdisease #RareEpilepsy #genetherapy #GivingTuesday

We are #thankful for 1. Results of research: 2. The ULD/EPM1 Natural History Study: Embracing thankfulness and hope! 💜 #epm1 #unverrichtlundborgdisease #genetherapy #RareEpilepsy

The ULD/ EPM1 Natural History Study is underway! If you are a ULD (EPM1) patient family, or if you know of one, please have them contact [email protected] Join us in the race to end the suffering caused by ULD/EPM1! #epm1 #genetherapy #rareepilepsy #unverrichtlundborgdisease #uld

We strongly suggest that academic publishers and other platforms that host research rapidly implement a Share to Bluesky button for their articles. Here's how: #AcademicSky #HigherEd #Altmetrics

We are thrilled to announce that our team of researchers has just initiated a Natural History Study for ULD/EPM1! This is an amazing opportunity for ALL patients and families to help researchers better understand ULD/EPM1! More information here...

Hi all, we are happy to be here. Teddy says "Hi!" He helps one family as they deal with ULD (Unverricht-Lundborg Disease), also known as EPM1. #EPM1 #ULD #UnverrichtLundborgDisease #RareEpilepsy #RareEpilepsyNetwork #genetherapy