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I wonder how much$$$ it cost,4 Donald"It's me Cleo"Trump.2bail u out.I wonder if he files all his extortion $$$ tax income. 😂 Yeah rite.
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Our USA citizens spit in their relative veterans face.Our Ancestors rollin in their grave.Thy fought tooth n nail.4these ppl voted away their freedom,w/ease.Sad as hell.srry Mr.Zelenskyste,We have stupid ppl dat feel entitled.Thy don't undrstnd,all we entitled 2only death.
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Othr countries remember these Parasites.Thy will infect da minds of ur citizens.Destroy ur economy.Use up all ur resources. Contribute lil2none.Let thm lives in da filth,thy created.Dumb ppl fon't learn4um their mistakes.Smrt ppl learn4um their mistakes.Genius learn4um othr ppl mistakes.Learn4um US
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Remember these ppl.Do not let these ppl in ur country.These Parasites will destroy da minds of ur citizens. Corrupt da economy.use up ur all ur resources.Thy take never contribute nothing.Dumb ppl never learn 4um their mistakes.Smart ppl learn 4um their mistakes.Geniuses learn 4um others.
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Is God forsaken us?4da religious ppl voted 4fake gold face.U pray 2a false idol.Now we're plagued.1st time Trump term,COVID.2nd term.,now ths.?lol Soo yeah.All u ppl believe Donald"Its me Cleo"Trump is da 2nd coming,Yes, he will usher in 2nd age plagues
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Waitin 4 all da greedy ppl destroyin our reputation,draggin it thrgh da mud.Run out of $$.U'll see some real Entertainment.Corp. Cannibalism.U see it,when da economy was good.Wait 4our $$ is trash. All dat lyin,cheatin,stealin.4nothin up alone n poor in da end.Ths gen.,in US is regret.
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Why is US,use to be strong n respected.Now we have bcome like N.Korea/Russia.Lyin false propaganda. A clown shw of a country.Used 2be feared. Now laughed @. How did we get here?Cause n effect. Mighty nations been crushed thrgh. Many forms of temptation.Ths is US,we shot ourslf in da leg 2wrk @ Ihop
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Trump is trying 2beat Hitlers record of dismantling democracy. He did it in 6months n change. Trump is like "hold my beer" I want 2b da biggest dick cuz I have da smallest dick in da world. Life is hard,stop making it harder 4us including u. U big dickhead... Pay ur bills/taxes .
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Luv da song n dance.Thy have 2do 2feel like everything is ok in wat goin on U.S./not thm. Now thy r lying 2thmslves. 2funny. Born/live/die free. F da rich paying crazy 💰💰 wat can b smart not hard dummies. Pay ur taxes!! Lol