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Bit of a hypocrite here, since I'm using windows right now. But I've used mint before, its a good distro for beginners. Now I'm trying to de-googlify myself before de-MSing myself, but damn is it ever hard, they got their tentacles into everything. Browser & search, done. But android, maps, YT etc.
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I don't get it. Is this like how evolution has independently created crab like creatures many times. Some joke that if evolution went on long enough there would be nothing but crabs. The perfect lifeform.
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The guy doesn't know the first thing about his own country, you think he knows things about other countries? Also... didn't Trump start this whole tariff war? If he did, he really helped out the liberals in this next election. Even if they don't win, they will have much more seats.
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The sad part is, us democracies should be working together to fight against countries like Russia instead the US is turning into an oligarchy and now we fight amongst ourselves. Putin must be pleased he was able to help undermine the world's oldest democracy. But.. democracy is becoming a stretch..
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Theatre? Its the attempted dismantling of democracy. Trumps rantings are the theatre.
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It was definitely better than trump. But I die a little bit inside everytime I hear a world leader say "as long as it takes" or some vague variation. As long as WHAT takes? WHAT IS YOUR GOAL? The US is now as unreliable as Russia and Europe is at threat from all sides. Decisive action is needed.
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How about Stella Glow? I know its not that old but its a really good game stuck on the 3ds. I was able to play on an emulator where I press a button to switch screens rather than having them both awkwardly on one... and it was able to get rid of most of the 3d effect, but some remained. Remaster it!