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im a practicing follower of jesus. so.. forgive me jesus, for calling out all the Pharisees on this site. truth are the words that back the actions said. math. jesus. I AM MAGA AMERICAN and you folks in this echo chamber are being fed LIES!
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and lastly .. sepsis like you said .. Ai says its not from not from not having an abortion. making Ai correct.. its from a complicated PREGNANCY .. thats the difference.
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the other question to ask is was every woman on the death list, did they want an abortion, and if so persistant did they go to another state, and was there complications of the prgnacy .. i mean look at ALL the variables .. did you do that first before responding with names and such, like a child?
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im just using the left source because if i used the right source you would call me names anyway .. so i look for thuth and your story isnt truthful, its misleading. thats the problem with the news in general, ya gotta dig. you didnt. thats all im saying. i didnt call you names like yall did to me.
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now i wonder if there will be sn appology.. hmmmmmm
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im not a troll. sepsis is an infection .. and if so based on your "biological science degree" ok .. the states dont ban an abort if the health of the baby and mom are in jeapordy. but instesd of being so nasty. you could have said there is a way to get sepsis other ways. but thats not what you did.
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what kind of debate ... are you a leftist or common senseIST!
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stop with the karens... your supposed to be REGISTERED TO VOTE .. some states say to the party your voting for, some say just registered, that not new... hello cmon people dead brains all over the place.
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wrong again .. its to avoid fraud from folks misleading ss to send funds to a different routing number. all banks use the same safety precaution that ss will use. get your facts straight.
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and so, nbc tries to twist this that the tarriffs will be bad for the company WHEN INFACT the ceo says they will manufacture along through tsc to build in ... what... THE USA to avoid tarriffs .. boom TRUMP RIGHT A G A I N !
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because its didnt seem legit based on headline that an abortion ban, meaning because you cant kill the baby, women are dying. SEPSIS is an INFECTION caused by unsanitary conditions. it's NOT AN ABORTION BAN PROBLEM its a unsanitary hospital problem. nice try but BS a story not the story.
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first of all you life is not ON THE LINE .. so dramatic .. secondly YOU are part of the destruction of america with your lies and bitterness and mis information to fit the democrate marching orders. why dont you grow your hair and start loookng like a woman and not butch. yeeeesh
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crying becomes you. and whats with the shaved head ..
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you mean the most watched podcast IN THE WORLD .. millions and millions of watchers and then theres YOU with a few hundred followers as you spew your hatred because maybe you still live in mommys basement eating schmores, watching porn. is that you. i love living in your head rent free. so cute.
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no . im using your liberal site. its called google.
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if you understood anything else but greed you would realize that people would call up change BANKING info and deposit ss checks in other accounts .. ie 20 million accounts CLOSED to age 120 and up that were STILL COLLECTING ... now officially deceased. its a safety measure mr money man.
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sorry for typo
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i dont want these people in fox holes with focused military people. i want them to get mental care.
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you crack me up... you mean the one you've been pilaging since you got into office, as bernie has, with all his houses you with all yours and yet bernie policies that bidan put in place bankrupting america. your funny .. NOT!
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did you ever think mr money man that the banks are so leveraged they cant let you borrow money they dont have in the kittle. the banking system as you SHOUKD AKREADY KNOW is a ponzi .... i put $10 in savings the guy behind me borrows $9 bank leverages my money to lend the guy who wants 9 etc.
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she just block me so i blocked her.. lol
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this guy deleted my response from his stream because he had no response. so i then blocked him. lol
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and again just for the record in 2019 when Trump LEFT OFFICE then start to look at the incline under BIDEN always make a point using context not to fill a narrative . not part of the story the whole story.
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and i llllllLOVE living in your head rent free... thanks ; - j >>>>
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listen you can call me all the names you want. go ahead and discredite anything i said. you wont you cant! so what does that make you just name calling without anything tangible to say. your weak feeble mind that was indoctrinated to keep you from being a problem solving person .. and your not.
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stopping fuel drilling costing the inflation to get hyper extended costing americans too much to just LIVE and be the giraffe they want to be with there pronouns, blue and pink hair and nose piercings like cattle. wars! crime. hypocracy. fraud. tyrants. sorry but thats the democrates.
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this is a fear mongering thing. weve been in a recession for 4 years under the DEM admin. we are pulling OUT OF THAT RECESSION NOW.
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here is the problem .. you folks are in your own echo chamber .. look it up. im not doing everyones homework for you. stop being lazy. dig.
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vendors, businesses and consumers need to look at the label. look for made in america. buy america inventory the shells with amircan .. and then those countries who have tarriffed america for ages and for so long will lower ther tarriffs which will lower the reciprical tarriffs put on them back.
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repost of joy joy 1st red flag blaming on trump and elon second red flag not addressing this to the leaders of those states voted in by those states citizens or illgals to represent and protect third red flag. really. ponder what you posted.
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when usa goes broke YOU.. YOUR FAMILY YOUR FRIENDS YOUR JOB .. ALL GO BROKE TOO. doge is right. its needed.