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IBMB Seminar, Monday March 3rd. 14:30 PM Speaker: Meta Heidenreich. Garcia-Seisdedos Lab. Title: "From Principles of Protein Assembly to Drug Persistence" Fèlix Serratosa seminar room.

EXTRAORDINARY IBMB Seminar, Monday February 24th. 14:30 PM Speaker: Alba Diz-Muñoz. EMBL Heidelberg Title: "The missing mechanical link: how composite interfaces govern cell morphogenesis, immune migration, and stem cell fate" Fèlix Serratosa seminar room.

IBMB-IRB Seminar, Wednesday February 12th. 12:00 PM Speaker: Dr. Alfred Cortés. ICREA Research Professor, Malaria Epigenetics Lab, ISGlobal, Barcelona, Spain Title: "The regulation of the regulator of the regulator of the regulator of sexual conversion in Plasmodium falciparum" Auditorium room.

IBMB Seminar, Monday February 10th. 14:30 PM Speaker: Miriam Ferrando. Aragay Lab Title: "Gα q , a master regulator of organelle contacts" Speaker: Sergi Vázquez Monteagudo. Verdaguer Lab Title: "Functional characterization of replicative complexes of RNA virus. The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus."

Groundbreaking Insights into Spinal Cord Development In their latest Nature Reviews Neuroscience publication, Dr. Murielle Saade and Prof. Elisa Martí, explore the remarkable process of spinal cord development.

IBMB Seminar, Monday February 3rd. 14:30 PM Speaker: Aurélien Roux. University of Geneva, Switzerland Title: "Actin dynamics sustains spatial gradients of membrane tension in adherent cells" Fèlix Serratosa seminar room.

IBMB Seminar, Monday January 27th. 14:30 PM Speaker: Alba Ayats. Roca Lab Title: "Non-random knotting of intracellular DNA" Speaker: Juan Carlos Villegas. Guerin Lab Fèlix Serratosa seminar room.

IBMB-CSIC and the association Una vida para Mateo, co-stars of TVE’s Comando Actualidad.

IBMB Seminar, Monday January 13th. 14:30 PM Speaker: Sílvia Osuna. Institut de Química Computacional i Catàlisi and Departament de Química, Universitat de Girona. ICREA, Barcelona Title: "Beyond AlphaFold2: Fast Yet Accurate Computational Enzyme Design"

IBMB Seminar, Friday December 13th. 14:30 PM Speaker: Cristina Mayor-Ruiz. IRB Barcelona Title: "Targeted protein degradation: unlocking drug discoveries and enabling in vivo studies" Fèlix Serratosa seminar room.

Extraordinary IBMB Seminar, Monday December 2nd. 14:30 PM Speaker: Dr Maria Bernabeu. Group Leader at EMBL Barcelona Title: "Building (and breaking) barriers: 3D-BBB models for cerebral malaria research" Fèlix Serratosa seminar room.

IBMB commemorates the International day for the elimination of violence against women. November 25th

The IBMB is involved in the organization of the Integrative Structural Biology Symposium (ISBIN). The ISBIN meeting will be held at the premises of the Barcelona Science Park and at the Sincrotró Alba on November 14 and 15, 2024 (

Extraordinary IBMB Seminar, Monday November 11th. 14:30 PM Speaker: Dr José F. de Celis. CBMSO-CSIC, Madrid Title: "Transcriptional regulation by Spalt proteins in Drosophila melanogaster" Fèlix Serratosa seminar room.

A new collaborative publication between IBEC, UAB and IBMB (@AlbertJordanVa1) has analysed the antimicrobial activity of purified histone H1 proteins against various bacteria, both in solution and in biofilm, including Pseudomonas aeruginosa which causes chronic infections.

Extraordinary IBMB Seminar, Monday November 4th. 14:30 PM Speaker: Prof. Simon Alberti. Center for Molecular and Celular Bioengineering, TU Dresden Title: "Biomolecular condensates in cellular stress responses and disease" Fèlix Serratosa seminar room.

*** JOB OFFER *** PhD position in De Novo Protein Design


SEBD 18th Spanish Society for developmental Biology Meeting. Great Meeting, great IBMB contribution, including the best Poster Award to Yara El Majzoub. @SEBiolDev

Extraordinary IBMB Seminar, Monday October 21st. 14:30 PM Benedetta Bolognesi. Group Leader of Protein phase transitions in health and disease (@IBECBarcelona) "Deep mutagenesis to extract mechanistic insights into amyloid transition states" Fèlix Serratosa seminar room

IBMB Seminar, Monday October 14th. 14:30 PM Speaker: Galal Yahya. C. Gallego – M. Aldea Lab Title: "Transcriptomic balance and optimal growth are determined by cell size" Speaker: Cristina Machón. U. Eckhard Lab Title: "RepB, a versatile plasmid replication protein"

We are thrilled to see the #NobelPrize in Chemistry awarded for Protein Structure Prediction and Computational Protein Design! Huge congrats to @UWproteindesign, @demishassabis, and John Jumper, and kudos to all the teams involved!

CALL FOR POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHERS – JUAN DE LA CIERVA PROGRAM We are seeking for qualified candidates to apply for the upcoming Juan de la Cierva Postdoctoral Researcher Program funded by the Spanish Government. @ElisaMarti11

On Friday September 27th, Dr. Esteban Hoijman, leader of the Embryonic Cell Bioimaging lab, presented a talk in the European Research Night at Cosmocaixa Barcelona. @EstebanHoijman

Victoria Neguembor, Héctor García-Seisdedos and Ulrich Eckhard are participating in Emerging Leaders in Biomedicine symposium. @VickyNeguembor @HectorGar6D2 @EckhardLab

Congratulations to Judith García for completing her Master entitled: "It Takes Two to Tango: Unraveling the Interplay Between the Estrogen Receptor and the Androgen Receptor in Breast Cancer" under the direction of Guillermo Vicent.

Congratulations to Raquel Plaza for completing her Master entitled: "Descifrando los mecanismos colaborativos de PHF8, MYC y NFIA en la regulación de genes metabólicos" under the supervision of Marian Martínez-Balbás and Marta Artés. @PCB_UB

Dr. Liesa @marcliesa was invited as an International speaker to the DZD School of Diabetes and to the 60th Edition of the EASD meeting in Madrid.

Congratulations to Elizabeth Iotzov for completing her Master entitled: "PEG Hydrogels for the Culture of Human Neural Tube Organoids" under the co-direction of Elisa Martí and Murielle Saade. @ElisaMarti11 @CSICCat @PCB_UB

Congratulations to student Alex Ascunde for obtaining the 2nd prize Dolors Durfort @univgirona , work done in the group @aragaysignaling @PCB_UB

Congratulations to student Alex Ascunde for obtaining the award given by the Catalan Society of Biology on the 9th night of Biology 2024, work done in the group @aragaysignaling @PCB_UB

Pablo Guerra @PabloGuerra316 (head of the cryoEM Platform) and Tanja Dučić (scientist at the MIRAS beamline of @SynchrotronAlba ), were interviewed on @rne radio program "A Golpe de bit", to talk about a new possible treatment against glioblastoma.

Samuel Aguirre will be defending his PhD thesis titled "Molecular characterization of the histone demethylase PHF2 in maintaining proliferation, homeostasis and genomic integrity of neural progenitors" next Tuesday, 10th of September at 15:00 in the Faculty of Biology UB

New paper by Martí Aldea's Lab: Transcriptomic balance and optimal growth are determined by cell size. Vidal PJ, Pérez AP, Yahya G, Aldea M. Molecular Cell 84, 1-14 (2024) doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2024.07.005 PMID: 39084218

Congratulations to Julia Clavel Ezquerra for completing her Màster in "Genètica i Genòmica" entitled: "The impact of DYRK1A haploinsufficiency in the development of the striatum" directed by Mariona Arbonés. @PCB_UB

Congratulations, Oscar Sanchez for completing his TFG project entitled: "Functionalization of Bacterial Flagella" under the direction of @EckhardLab @csic @CSICCat @PCB_UB.

Congratulations, Miriam Ferrando for completing with an excellent grades the Master's thesis in Biomedicine under the direction of @aragaysignaling: "Gq regulates the contacts between l ysosomes and mitochondria and the transport of cholesterol"

FPI contract available for PhD student Please send your application including a brief cover letter, CV and contact details of two references until 30/09/2024 via email to [email protected]

Albert Carbonell, @marcliesa and Naiara Akizu are joining the CHARLIE project. They will form a team with extensive expertise in mitochondrial metabolism and neurodevelopmental diseases. Source:

New publication on PNAS by the Virus and Large Biological Complexes lab: Point mutations at specific sites of the nsp12-nsp8 interface dramatically affect the RNA polymerization activity of SARS CoV-2

PHF2-mediated H3K9me balance orchestrates heterochromatin stability and neural progenitor proliferation. Aguirre S*, Pappa S*, Serna-Pujol N, Padilla N, Iacobucci S, Natch AS, Vicent GP, Jordan A, de la Cruz X, and Martínez-Balbás MA. EMBO R. 2024 doi: 10.1038/s44319-024-00178-7

El IBMB tiene concedidas 5 ayudas de la convocatoria de Consolidación Investigadora 2023 por un importe total de 999.615,94 €

Extraordinary IBMB Seminar, Friday June 21st. 10:00AM Dr. Gaia Pigino. Group Leader & Associate Head of Structural Biology Research Centre, Human Technopole, Milan, Italy "Cellular Structural Biology: a powerful approach to reveal the molecular mechanism of cellular processes"

IBMB Seminar, Thursday June 13th. 10:00 AM Speaker: Daniel Klimmeck, PhD. Senior Editor at The EMBO Journal Title: "The peer-review process at EMBO Press - towards optimized publishing and open science" Fèlix Serratosa seminar room. Please, members of IBMB, check your mailbox.

IBMB Seminar, Friday June 7th. 10:00 AM Rosario Sanz "Crosstalk between the hormonal and the Hippo signaling pathways in breast cancer cells" Samuel Aguirre "PHF2-mediated H3K9me balance orchestrates heterochromatin stability and progenitor proliferation in early neurogenesis"

The DNA Topology Lab of IBMB developed Topo-seq to measure how DNA is deformed along the genome. Nucleosomal DNA has topological memory. Segura J, Díaz-Ingelmo O, Martínez-García B, Ayats-Fraile A, Nikolaou C, Roca J. Nature Commun. 2024 doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-49023-4.

Research at the Chromatin Structure and Function Lab unveils the central contribution of somatic chromosome pairing to 3D genome organization. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkae198

Extraordinary IBMB-IRB joint Seminar, Friday May 24th. 12:00 PM Speaker: Prof. Emmanuel Levy. Department of Chemical and Structural Biology, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel Title: "Principles of Protein Assembly in Cells" Fèlix Serratosa seminar room.