I'm not afraid of god, I own an Iron chariot! Igtheist., evolutionist pronouns: dude/ his dudenes
was @galcondude on X
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Well, kinda hard to tell if it's the largest part if it's unknowable :-)
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It's worryingly close.
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The Bible thumpers testing the theory of evolution 🤷🏼‍♂️
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You can thank the EU!
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At least this guy leaves us an out.
Once you fail the weird sadistic test of their god, called life on earth you are subjected to even worse with no prospect of relief.
No wonder people who believe that nonsense think suggesting something vile like this is hunky dory.
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The diplomat
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Try igtheism its the best one
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Yeah, you also get to carry guns. Lovely combo.
Just to be clear I am all for freedom of religion, although I don't see how it should be separate from freedom of speech, as I don't see religious beliefs deserve special treatment.
Doesn't mean I like religion. At all.
I think it is poison.
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I am not going to tell you what to do, but those symbols do contribute to the tribalism that have often lead to war and other atrocities.
I do realise this tribalism is deeply ingrained in people and they tend to cling to it. Like "proud patriots" and the like.
I don't have to like it.
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I’m indifferent towards your dietary choices, I am slightly uncomfortable with you broadcasting it though.
I applaud your acknowledgment of it being ridiculous.
The reason for my discomfort is that for me all religious symbolism only foster the us v them mentality.
Still your choice, your right
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Why do they want them back?
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Yep agreed, but you’d be surprised how many people would screen “antisemitism” if you pointed out that the concept of kosher food is ridiculous.
The creator of all that is, all the trillions of stars, being bothered how you personally prepare your food is frankly crazy.
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It’s also not ok to demand people respect the silly shit just because it’s important to you.
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For someone advocating tolerance for alternative viewpoints, they’re not very tolerant of an alternative view point
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Nonsense, nostalgic jokes are always fun, and if it prompts even one person to investigate, adopt and who knows even contribute to Debian its worth it.
If you let a joke like this scare you from Linux you deserve to be stuck on Windows.
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Ubuntu is based of Debian, more user friendly with sane defaults
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Ubuntu, an old Swahili word for “I can’t install Debian”
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Or if you want to be cringe “skeet”
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Well they blocked me so it’s all good
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I don't need you to agree with me.
I just disagree that tolerance of superstition is harmless.
I didn't assume you were superstitious, it is beside the point anyway.
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You act as if I haven't evaluated the (lack of) evidence with regards to spirituality.
I have and I will say again, bring me evidence, any evidence and I'll re-evaluate. Until then I stand with my characterisation of it all as nonsense.
It's not prejudice if it's based on facts.
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I agree, tolerance for bull shit is in itself harmful. It is what is causing a lot of the problems in the world.
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If you don't want your most important beliefs and values challenged keep them to yourself or back them up with evidence.
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For me being open minded means being open to new evidence even if it contradicts my beliefs.
It doesn't mean leaving the door open for any crack pot idea someone can dream up.
You want to believe wearing odd sock makes the weather better, all power to you, I will call bull shit until you prove it.
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It is a given that everything I say comes from my perspective and my honest evaluation of "spirituality" "the super natural" etc etc is that it is nonsense.
But again, show me any empirical evidence and I will switch my position in a heartbeat.
I have changed my mind before, it's not unheard of.
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There is never a reason to shit on somebody for what they believe, however pointing out they believe nonsense is not shitting on them, even though many do see it that way.
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I’m not advocating closing one’s brain, just using the knowledge at our disposal.
And logic is a tool not a magic bullet.
The idea of spirituality just does not solve anything for me.
I guess I’m a pretty hard core empiricist. So show me empirical evidence and I’m on board no matter how weird.
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They’re planning one in Africa as well www.unccd.int/our-work/ggwi
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Don’t need a thought experiment, china already finished it.
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That would mean that objective reality doesn’t exist. One of us has to be wrong so their belief is not just as valid. whether or not it’s harmless could be up for debate.
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“Spirituality” is just a fancy name for our over active agency detection.
Evolutionarily it is better to err on the side of too much agency attribution. If that rustle in the bush is the wind and not a predator no harm no foul, the other way around not so much.
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If I was the creator of the universe and also thought it was important people believed I was real, I’d just make sure they knew.
It seems one of the easier tasks.
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I guess a lot of people secretly just want to eat unhealthy food, drink booze and do drugs, and admire him for doing just that and get paid for doing so 🤷‍♂️
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And always being over optimistic for the second option.
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Your need to misrepresent the atheist position just shows how weak your position is.
This atheist doesn’t think it started on its own without a cause. All atheism claims is it wasn’t god
I think the energy of the universe is eternal and we live in an endless boom bust cycle. But don’t claim to know
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No , the meme message is the classic watchmaker fallacy. But if you believe everything is created then you don’t need the watch (or nature as shown in the meme) but anything should work, like a pile of shit.
Just demonstrating how the meme is nonsense
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Well Anthony actually existed so that makes sense
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I know that is your claim so why not put a steaming polemic shit in the last picture?
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Perhaps they’re happy he offed himself?
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So what is the point of the meme?
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Well you’d be fucked anyway, as most gods don’t appreciate worshipping other gods.
The Christian god made it the first commandment.
Also if Pascal’s wager was reasonable you’d wear garlic around your neck in case vampires are real and keep silver bullets handy for werewolves etc etc
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Yeah we should trust those who think everything is designed to teach us how to recognize design.
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Ironic, since Germany sold its 50,000 bitcoin in July at just over 55k euro and missed out on a couple of billion in the latest bull run
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Most atheists aren't even openly atheist.
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People who don't believe in Santa don't go out of their way to show how they are getting more presents.
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Agreed, they should have changed it in 1999 when we had to update all that computer code anyway.