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Ah he probably believes it regardless of whether he is paid or not. Being paid only increases exposure to ur paid material. Making you more likely to believe it.
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I was just including the current conflict.
Even then. We can take a look at growth rate of the population of palestine. & see that how odd it is for a genocide to not have a total regression in population. Weird? ( . If it is a genocide Israel is bad at it LOL LOL
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If the both your statements were relevant. We would be seeing a large portion of the Ukrainian people revolt against it's government. So much that it would be noticeable. But we don't see any type of civilian protest. WE dont see large swaths of the AFU revolting against command. You're deluded LOL
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The lowest amount of casualties in a so called "genocide" in world history. The Rwanda genocide took out 90% of the population of those people in a week. And this gazan genocide after 1 year isnt even 1%, 2/3rd of jews in Europe were killed in the holocaust. The numbers isnt adding up for a genocide
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russia is flinching. You dont hire that many soldiers from another nation, for no reason. You don't launch a new test missile filled with concrete if its a "real" threat.
brics was a failure. russia's only friend is north korea. iran just had theirs red lines passed (nuclear facilities attacked)
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No it was true. You don't build that large of column to not take the target it's headed towards.
No one cares.
Ukraine is fighting, they deserve support. Because many of our nations, and the one your currently living in. Had to fight to throw off the yoke of a autocratic nation with unfair laws.
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The nord stream was a valid target. And I'm not clicking on your creepy blog LOL LOL LOL
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Ukraine's defensive manufacturing capabilities have been increased tremendously since the last winter. Our contractors have been increasing their capabilities in friendly neighbor nations, while not being under any exporting laws. Also EU has been standing up. trump will have ZERO affect on this war
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No they need to both win. Remember the pro-peace side of US politics have been marginalized. Pro-peace on dems has been neutralized. The pro-peace leaders in the GOP has been ousted (gaetz), vance is in a useless position. trump's actions on china (trade war) will likely lead to china fighting back.
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And if you really want to laugh at russia. All you have to do is look at Vietnam/Afghanistan two modern wars where an oppressed group of people fought for their nationalism. To see how much a nation like Ukraine can take. And the numbers are no where near the favors russia in any manner LOL LOL LOL
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Because its funny you think russia is doing okay LOL LOL.
They had a goal of Kyiv (40 miles column). They change the goals to donetsk and luhansk, and are losing 2 to 1 men at the most conservative rate. While their eggs rise, bread rise. History doesnt bode well for situations russia is in LOL LOL
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Afghanistan beat russia after 10 years and 2 years later the USSR fell lol.
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The US beat the British Empire in our revolutionary war LOL LOL LOL Ukraine will beat then fledgling russian federation. And maybe then, just maybe the russian people will grow a pair. And get a government of the people for the people, by the people. But theyre a weak people so doubtful that happens
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A nation who begs for peace never stands up again. They dont need peace. The ruskies need to be beaten. The US will help them.
remember the pro-peace side of the GOP is weak. gaetz one of the leaders outsted LOL LOL. mgt has been shut up LOL LOL pacficists have been marginalized. russia will lose
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Lets make money. Invest in defense contractors. And watch the stock rise. Rise over the blood stained field of the ruskies. A people undeserving of a state(russians).
LOL LOL making money $$$$ stock since the beginning of this war is up substantially LOL LOL
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What are the ruskies' goals? Weren't they talking Kyiv early on? They've changed the goal? And now want just the donbas and luhansk. Kyiv is out of the picture. History doesnt bode well for a nation w/ a clear goal, changing it because they cant get it. Just saying LOL LOL LOL hope russia burns
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Man going back so far in history is weak. But Ukrainian nationalism goes back to late 1500s. So really no one cares what russia thinks. And fighting this hard to find an existential excuse is so fucking weak. All we have to do is take a look at the reasons why Ukrainians are fighting and support em.
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The ruskies in Ukraine can move to russia. And we could all be happy.
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Ukrainian nationalism is a long fought for history. This recent fight starts back in 2004. But Ukrainians have fought the ruskies at every level. At nearly every tsar's regimes, for the last 500 years.
ruskies are weak and dont deserve a state.
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"Nukes prevent NATO from entering the war."
But we don't even know if thats true. What we do KNOW is that nukes prevent a nuclear war. Whether they do anything else is anyone's guess.
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Ah he wont do it. A nation that's been at war for 1000 days, launching missiles onto rested nations who are gearing up.
This type of talk is all the rage during winter. When each side just lobs missiles, and talks shit. But the USA's NDAA is coming up so hes an idiot, more defense spending lol
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It is also interesting how the pacifists of the United States, have been marginalized.
The left's peace activists didnt vote, they dont matter. The right is in a party full of neoconservatives & behind a supposed strongman. Who just happens to have a faction behind him that DOES support Ukraine.
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War is fundamental to human history. Its a fact. And this russo-Ukrainian war pits two spheres of governmental structures. One autocratic, the other democracy. It means a lot to the western people.
Win is basically a surrender of the main "leader" of russia. The one who started this war.
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We must allow the nation of Ukraine to access more and better tech and weapons.
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Whether you like to admit it or not. The western world which the US is apart must win the war against these autocratic nations. Otherwise if russia wins here, then we head back into the prior centuries of nation building. And nation building will entangle us in a war sooner rather than later.
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I wouldn't die for a politician. And 80 year old man who is extremely obese. But you literally just said as long as trump calls on you, you would go fight.
Im just saying its odd & frankling unbecoming of an true patriot. To be saying "if this politician wants me to fight a war I would do it"
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wow the crazy people are here too. What a weird response. Bots are getting crazy here.
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You really are in the cult of personality right? A normal patriot says "If my nation the United States of America needed me to fight, I wouldn't hesitate." But you're over here in a cult of personality giving too much power to a politician. So weak so weak, so anti-American.
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I think the non-requested need from Ukraine is a lot bigger than US planners saying "lets see where this goes". Just FYI
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Yea because you're scared shitless. Having a battle hardened ally. Is beneficial for long term security guarantees world wide. Whether you like it or not, our economic system is based on world wide trade. Disruptions to that, disrupt our economy. There are eyes, eyeing a disrupted world system.
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The people can do something. The brass can do something. The simple soldiers can do something. All it takes is one match to light this keg that russia is currently sitting on. But the ruskies are a weak people. So who knows.
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Let me rephrase. Jump in with support. I dont see South Korea jumping into the war. But theyre holding their support due to commands from the US, and a non-requested need from Ukraine. Are you like 12 or something? Or just fucking slow?
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Selling arms wont get north korea or china to invade. You sure are overestimating your enemy.
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russia has a breaking point. It may be 1/3 years away. As long as the US continues their support then Ukraine is safe for 3 years. If US stops, then Ukraine can seriously let up on their current restriction on usage. Which they are purposefully doing to save their supplies. To get rus to yield.
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As I said before, you weak fool. That trump DOESNT HOLD THE CARDS for Ukraine. Ukraine, along with the west have been increasing Ukraine's manufacturing capabilities substantially. And if the US does leave support of Ukraine, then who jumps in? Oh yea South Korea, whose a arms manufacturing giant.
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I'm not saying anything about russias frozen assets. I will say that russia having substantial amounts of their fund in the west was kinda short sighted. I can say china/India arent making up the EU's gas purchases or any other export that russia is exporting. Their main economy driver is war. LOL
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The invasion date was most likely in 2020. Because russia was playing with their forces, moving them back & forth. & increasing numbers, to the # s we saw prior to the invasion. But covid came along & shut down their plans, they restarted it. US presidents dont affect russias plans all that much.
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Yea trump last election kinda proved he was incompetent. He choose civil servants embroiled in scandal. Which slowed their ability to get shit done. His admin was so embroiled in scandal that he couldn't accomplish anything. And now hes chosen more scandal riddled figures. To continue constant chaos
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He was still running a campaign. It was in its down stages. But everyone KNEW he was running. He never shut down his campaign LOL LOL You're such a weak bot its too funny.
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No thats NOT true. China & India only makes up 30% of what the EU was buying in Coal, oils, gas. brics is so held up together that when russia needed all it's main leaders to show up for a meeting. Only the spies of the west (India, South Africa) showed up and all the other ones sent minor diplomats
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What? Are you slow or something? Maybe trump goes all in for Ukraine. But If you are arguging the opposite happening. I don't see that at all. There's NOT a faction in the commanding brass, or in the pentagon calling for side switching to russia's. So wtf you talking about here?
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Indeed but you should take a look at the capabilities of NSIF's surveillance capabilities WITHOUT the US. It's not weak. And NATO has been preparing for this possibily since the invasion. Because trump WAS running a campaign still in 2022.
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lol trump cant force it. putin fails to realize that negotiations with trump isn't going to accomplish shit. Like how kim jon failed to realize negotiating with trump for peace with South Korea wasn't going to accomplish shit. Because these states (Ukraine, South Korea) arent vassal states. DUH
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And then Germany, France, Britan take their place. You really havent been listening. And the Americans fighting under the ILDU are not currently serving in the USA armed forces. The few members of active service are <1200 I believe
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Its not going to end. trump cant force it LOL LOL. Our defense contractors have been setting up defensive manufacturing for Ukraine near their borders in NATO lands. All not under the ITAR, EAR, EUCs. This is at the behest of congress LOL LOL this war is going to continue for 3 more years
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You respond to the stuff you can respond to. You're a weak bot. But remember this war wont be over just cause the US is stepping aside. It'll continue probably because they both aren't flinching. There's probably 2 to 3 more years left. Hopefully the weak ruskies rise up, but my hopes arent up.
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The ruskies are weak. We can look at their history, and the failure of their revolutionary groups to remove the people from its yoke of a psychotic governmental system. To being one of the last nations of serfs. To failure to resist the governmental system of alcohol. They are weak.
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Funny thing is. Even if trump pulls out. Our defense contractors have been working in Ukraine's surrounding nations building up their manufacturing capabilities. Germany's and France defense manufacturing is increased tremedously. russia is doomed. Fuck empathy, Only my side I care about the West
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It's burned before. Its people are realizing their way of life prewar has changed. Its old people are realizing their pensions cant afford the necessities anylonger. & are realizing their late 80s, 90s are back. The young people keep dying, and their funeral parades are long. 3 more years is needed
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End the war when it's people have realized the mistake that this war is. How many more russians need to realize their starving 90s are years away. How many more russians need to realize their leaders are corrupt. How many more russians need their pay/pensions reduced before they fucking grow a pair.