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Trump's record in real estate and politics suggests his goal is to force Arab nations to take a more active role. His radical proposal will jolt Egypt, Jordan, and the Gulf states into stepping up. Stop the hysteria reactions, it's what makes "progressives" look laughable and unworthy of support.
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1. Organize the Party around Labor Unions, not big donors. Orchestrate continuous actions including shut downs to protect and expand worker rights and benefits.
2. Motivate young people. Make organizing in-person a social good (like the environmental movement).
3. Purge radical elements.
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Perhaps the question should be "lets make coastal WA, OR, and CA (down to Morro Bay) part of British Columbia?
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How about a government shutdown - for once justified!
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If anyone questions or denies the Holocaust through ignorance, tell them to watch this.
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We must somehow privatize the functions of NIH in order to sustain the our ability to respond to crisis. Eventually, the nightmare must end.
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Compare Boomer political engagement to younger generations. Start with election day turn out. Go to any local Democratic Club meeting ans see if you spot anyone under the age of 60. Young people DON'T VOTE and the sooner Democrats wake up and do something , the better.
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You know the oligarchs might just save us. They want a firm, predictable, sure hand (that they control) on the tiller. The uncontrolled crazies now in charge will cause many to throw in the towel.
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I'm sure Sen. Susan Collins is troubled and confused by Ernst's comments...for the next 15 minutes.
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This precedent should now be used against all the illegal Palestinian marches and hold them accountable for the injuries and trauma they have caused. City governments should sue the organizers for costs to control their mobs.
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Oh good, now we can breathlessly wait on Trump's immediate impeachment, arrest, illness, and foibles that surely...surely I say, lead to his immediate political demise. We will hear this nightly and nod our heads as Rachel rakes in the dough and the rest of America tells the left to shove it.
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R E L E A S E T H E H O S T A G E S.
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This utter propaganda piece that got broadcast as news must generate an internal investigation at Paramount (owns CBS). People must be held accountable, starting with the producer.
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BIRDFLU AND FEEDERS - Currently the recommendations are that songbirds are at low risk, but people who keep poultry should take down feeders because poultry are so much more vulnerable than songbirds.
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Did Shatner ever sing on set?
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I see FOUR lights!!
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The primary job of the vice-chair is to fund raise. Can he raise $100M?
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"Historically", American history has the perspective of the multi-cultural east coast academic elites, not the hinterland. There has been no native "social progressive" movements that weren't a defensive reaction to extremist conservative policies.
America lays fallow until the fire is burning.
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Pelosi rose to power because she is the most prolific fund raiser for Democrats since the 1980's. She knows damn well that an AOC leadership role would crater the ability of Democrats to fund races in off-year elections. Power politics + cash + moderates is the formula.
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Boomers? That's not the problem look at the statistics for the under 30 crowd.
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Can't be bothered. I'm busy watching MSNBC where multi-millionaires like Rachel Maddow are breathlessly telling me that ANY DAY NOW Trump will be jailed. Since 2016 this has effectively been a media cash-cow, nobody dare tell me I'm in some sort of a cult.
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Some of the comments here don't understand the vast unimaginable size of our galaxy, never mind the universe. Take a look at this illustration. The tiny little yellow dot in the box represents the distance covered by radio waves, at the speed of light, since the very first broadcast.
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Not really, assuming our understanding of the age of the universe is correct. The image is looking back in time, several hundred million years after the big bang. There would not have been sufficient time for civilizations to emerge, maybe even life itself. There may be life now, 10B years later.
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You are woefully uninformed, or a propagandist? June 5, Syrian planes attack Tiberias, and Haifa. In the morning of June 6, Syria intensified its attacks, with a artillery barrage against civilian communities, and sending two companies of infantry across the border to attack Kibbutz Tel Dan.
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The Syrians army shelled the kibbutzes in the Galilee unmercifully. Blatant acts of war.
“Our forces are now entirely ready not only to repulse the aggression, but to INITIATE the act of liberation itself – Syria’s Defense Minister Hafez Assad (later to be Syria’s President).