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Investigative journalist. Co-founder of Re:Baltica, Latvia. [email protected] Personīgais viedoklis.
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Paldies par atbildi. Pieļauju, ka konkrētā sabiedrības daļā nostaļģija pēc tautas vēlēta prezidenta bijusi vienmēr. Vienlaikus, vai Jūs pats arī domājat, ka tas nepieciešams šobrīd, redzot Rumāniju un jau mums zināmās RUS ietekmes metodes?
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Tu abonē ChatGPT? Man ir maksas. Labs latviešu tekstu rediģēšanai. Labāka latviešu valodas gramatika, nekā man.:)
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Paldies. Ir gan pretēji, ja agrāk stresu “apēdu”, tagad pacilāju hanteles. “Paldies” Trampam.😀
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Man slinkums atkal apgūt ko jaunu. Visa kā par daudz.
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Var jau nolaist tā, ka atbildīgais nezina, ne? Un Vezhen bija 3 gadus vecs, tas nebija ēnu kuģis sliktā stāvoklī (kā igauņu gadījumā). 🙂
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Jā, video variants arī lielisks. Interesanti vērot, kā NYT mēģina videoformātā parādīt viedokļu rakstus. Šis jau gandrīz kā uzsaukums tautai. Ceru, ka varēsi atvērt šo saiti:
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🧵 6. Data from various sources suggest: around 1700 people have moved from the Baltics to RUS and a few hundred to Belarus since the war began. It seems that TikTok had shut down the accounts of some of these propagandists. Read my story. #VatnikSoup
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🧵 5. Mamikins has the largest following. A former Sputnik editor, Kasems, suspects he records in an RT studio, but Mamikins denies it. Kasems says another YT channel, Baltijskij gruz, also operates from an RT-linked studio—he worked there during his Sputnik days. ➡️
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🧵 4. The Belarusian market is covered by Samuļs. His broadcasts are also aired on Belarusian state radio. Samuļs told me he does this for free. In the picture, all three figures have fled legal proceedings—Samuļs and Aleksejevs from Latvia, and the third from Lithuania. ➡️
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🧵 3. Sprats in exile is run by a former Rīga resident, Stefanov. Last year, he obtained Russian citizenship. He is a former Sputnik journalist. The channel was created after the EU imposed sanctions on Kremlin media, leading to their shutdown on major social media platforms. ➡️
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🧵 2. We noticed that such stories are becoming more frequent. Ordinary people and professional propagandists claimed to be fleeing the Baltics due to LGBTQ issues, NATO, and "Russophobia." Their "interviews" mainly appeared on four YT, like Sprats in Exile.