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Born in 197, T1 Diabetic since 1991. Resides in Borlänge, Dalarna, Sweden. Would like to read more books, watch more and better movies but most of all he'd like to do more Roleplaying. Arrived to this platform thru Find out more at
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I love both Computer games, Blade Runner and the Greek master of electronic music (Vangelis). This piece of music is just pure bliss. An remix of the old "Green Beret" game which is a tribute to the much beloved V

The Kickstarter for our Soulslike, roguelike story TTRPG is currently at 97%. Every bit of support counts! The digital-only tier is pay-what-you-want. And sharing the link is free.

Reachability and connections to NAS from my Kubuntuputer is now alright

Någon som vet när Tidöpartierna får konsekvenstänk?

2025 is Chaosium's 50th anniversary: our revered founder Greg Stafford established the company in 1975. Stay tuned for some exciting announcements about how we'll be celebrating our half-century throughout the year, and ways you can join us in the celebrations!

Utnämner #Carry-On till en film att lägga till Julfilmslistan

Word of the day is most definitely ‘hurkle-durkling’ (19th-century Scots): to linger in bed long after it’s time to get up.

God Jul till er alla och "Have a better one"

I really wish people truly understood and accepted that when you talk to ChatGPT, this is what you get. Yeah, even when it seems to make sense, this is what it's doing: it doesn't know what it's doing, it just mimics the form and motion of language with no understanding of what the words mean.

A great interview with Sandy Petersen by Henrik Möller on his Udda Ting Podcast. Highly recommended listening 🪸

It's Friday, it's once again time for our New York adventure which is part of Masks of Nyarlathotep adventure and Call Of Cthulhu on Roll20/Discord (via This is the highlight of this week

Do I listen to great music? #SpotifyWrapped Yes I do.

Minskar ens tålamod med åren eller är det bara jag? Frågar givetvis åt en kompis...

Nu finns chansen att köpa ett helt paket med klassiska spel titlar hos Humble med en av deras Bundles. Äventyrs Indiana Jones, Mästerverken med Guybrush Threepwood. Jag gillar inte reklam med Monkey Island spelen är något man inte får missa

Vilket sammanträffande, det är helgen v.48 och här sitter jag och funderar på vilket av alla Sveriges rockband det är som är bäst? Är bob hund ens Rock? Skit samma, nu är det ändå helgen v. 48

To quote my Grandpa whom played the journeyman painter in Himlaspelet "I am a simple journeyman painter, an unknown man. My name is of no importance."


Hurra, tio år av Snedtänkt firas med Världens smalaste radioprogram. Stort grattis och tack för tio år av Snedtänkt.

Gamers on #Ubuntu/#Kubuntu, Im thinking on getting a new GPU (I have a Nvidia GTX 1660 SUPER DUAL EVO OC now) and I wonder if there is problems heading my way of I think of getting an #AMD based one?

I learned some stuff about Bluesky I did not know by reading this. Maybe worth passing it on to others so we can all start getting the full benefit of the 🦋.

Det snöar just nu i Borlänge för första gången denna vintern och hatet inför vintern växer i mitt bröst och det kan inte skottas bort.