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Norwegian archaeologist
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Spot on 😄 complete video

Employee of the month...

"A person familiar with the matter who spoke to the Guardian on the condition of anonymity said analysts at the agency were verbally informed that they were not to follow or report on Russian threats, even though this had previously been a main focus for the agency."

Here I react to the shameful encounter between American leaders and media and the Ukrainian president. No doubt there were more, but I saw five failures on our side: of hospitality, decency, democracy, strategy, and independence. Please watch and share.

Trump lekser opp som en mafiaboss, en bølle, en mobber. Europa må klare seg selv, skriver

Jeff Bezos avskaffer den redaksjonelle uavhengigheten i kommentar-og lederavdelingen i en av USAs viktigste aviser. Ytringer som ikke støtter opp under de synspunktene Bezos selv mener er viktigst, skal ikke lenger publiseres. Dette er ganske dystert.

Så er vi altså kommet dit at USA går sammen med Russland, landet som angrep Ukraina, om å stemme ned Europas fredsplan. Dette er en milepæl.

And I am an ally. If you are too, let the world know.

The ‘Gulf of America’ feud is about something bigger: Trump wants to control the media | Margaret Sullivan

Ser ut om Trump/Musk nå bruker utpressing som metode overfor Ukraina. Starlink har vært sentralt for landets forsvarsevne.

Dette er mannen som ble invitert til Nordiske mediedager i ytringsfrihetens navn. Dette er «nasjonalkonservatisme» i regi av CPAC anno 2025. Dette er det besteforeldrene våre advarte oss mot. Å la dem vokse seg så store og sterke at de igjen kan tråkke oss alle ned i diktatur, død og krig.

This is who Republicans just made FBI Director. Kash Patel calls for “offensive operations” to jail Americans who they consider “the enemy.” “We will go out and find the conspirators... Yes, we are going to come after the people in the media” "In that network of rightwing billionaire libertarian-turned-authoritarians, they are very open about the fact that they think democracy is obsolete, we're living in a post-Constitutional America, and they are trying to get everyone ready for a technostate monarchy."

Trump admin's cuts in research funding, removal of data and bans on research topics creates severe problems for international research projects, Khrono writes.

Seen from Europe: sad scenes from a nation falling apart - apparently no adults are at home. Scary and riducolous at the same time.

A new North Dakota bill would require stores to pull any book with any "material harmful to minors" from the shelves. For those in the cheap seats, that effectively means ANY mention of sex, sexuality or gender. A bookseller could be arrested for displaying 1984.

Trump and Vance are courting Europe’s far right to spread their political gospel

JD Vance breaks taboo by meeting with leader of Germany’s far-right party

JD Vance stuns Munich conference with blistering attack on Europe’s leaders

Germany hits back at US after Vance’s tirade against European leaders – Europe live

Det er lett å bli passivisert, men det skjer altså en hel del i USA nå for å stoppe president Trumps ulovlige fremferd. Les:

What could go wrong?


Shocking check list used by the US NSF, according to the WP, includes a number of words related to topics such as gender and race. See article for examples of words that would lead to additional review of research projects. "Men" and "white" is left out of course...

#gaza #nrk

Scientists at the CDC were ordered late on Friday to withdraw any pending publications, at any scientific journal, that mention terms such as “transgender,” “immigrant,” “LGBT” or “pregnant people.”

WTAF, is this real!? 😲😥

Um. What did I just watch?