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Until we have breathed our last breath, in the depths of the prison in which they tortured us, it is not too late.
Dramatic? Sadly, I have friends from other countries who have been too close to that..Patrick Henry; "Give me liberty or give me death!"
Dumpster & Muskrat lack brains to understand!
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I think the advice from Covid was pretty good:
- minimize family contact with those outside;
- if any of you must interact, practice good hygiene (face masks - I'll be on 2 flights next week and wear my masks while in tin cans);
- wash hands repeatedly;
- do guidelines say no vaccine for kids?
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One can fantasize...... Ukrainian equivalent to Russian Spetznatz attacked Mar-a-Lago last week, wiping out the entire Dumpster team of scumbags and chickenshits. Given the incoherence and incompetence of said team, it took over a week for anyone to notice that they were not in DC doing any "work"
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Cuz' ya know that his support is strongest amongst the corrupt cops. Real cops, who want to support the law and their oaths, understood what Jan. 6 showed about the Republican BS about supporting the "blue Line"
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Apologies. It was the string in which I saw your comments, not directly something from you.
Am less than a week on social media (refused involvement in previous iterations) so may need to be a little more careful about checking connections between comments.
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I propose a 25% tax on all assets owned by a single entity or owner, to be applied to:
- Ensure that Ukraine can protect itself;
- Ensure that every American has comprehensive free health care;
- Ensure that all Americans who paid taxes and into Social Security have a retirement free of $ worries
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May God our Merciful Lord ensure that the good reverend NOT infect anyone else, as a consequence of his stupidity.
I would remind him of the apocryphal story of the man standing on his roof as flood waters rise, insisting that the Lord would provide for him.
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Hope you're right!
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When you've failed at businesses and strategies as frequently and spectacularly as Dumpster Donnie, you become a Winner:
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Sorry, I think I missed a step or something here. Who is the billionaire who is fighting MAGA and the Trump regime?
The thread I was reading had to do with Musk NOT contributing to anything other than growing his own net worth astronomically at the expense of we ordinary tax payers, who pay tax.
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The path to Rome starts with a single step. You do understand that the references to Musk are a shorthand for greater contribution to the general welfare by ALL the CEO/Wall Street class, few of whom have made a really unique contribution, rather depending on a LOT of less fortunate to get there?
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Besides, with a brain-dead, clueless pussy like Dumpster negotiating on our/Ukraine's behalf, we're going to give away the bank to Puto, and have nothing to show for it. We need someone with the balls to twist Puto's teeny weeny to get appropriate concessions from him/it. Zelensky fits the bill.
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So, since We the People are the ultimate bosses of what gets done in our name by OUR government, let's turn it around and demand that, as long as he is acting as a contractor on our behalf, that we get regular (daily) updates from Musk to justify our continuing contract. Been there, done that.
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Could only have been gifted this post by being vaulted over a much better qualified and intelligent white (person). Talk about diversity dragging us all down, and endangering us by selecting someone wholly unqualified for an important position!
He looks like an illegal alien. Deport him! /s
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So, here's hoping the first piece of trash left to defile our neighboring planet is named Elon Musk.
Justice would be that his fellow star-ship-mates let him have the honor to be the first "kinda humanoid" to step on the surface, then pull up the ladder and head to the other side of the planet...
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Wait until there is no denying that his incomprehensible, stupid, asinine "policies" have crashed the common person's economy! Musk and the $B's will be just fine, but the rest of us?
God help us all!
Then shove the culprits cause/effect down the throats who voted for him, to VOTE THE MFs OUT!!!!
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Is this part of a longer diatribe you could point me towards? I want to translate it to Spanish, and try posting it in as many places as possible.....
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One of the few things you've ever said that made sense.
You should think about that as you interact with the Allies which have been one of the major sources of our country's strength, just as immigrants seeking a better life for themselves and their children have been.
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First, I hope things work out for your daughter.
However, I don't see how you blame DOGE for the issue, when the candidate you chose was constantly saying what he was going to do in his speeches. There would be no DOGE or Musk without Trump. Were you listening to what he said?
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I'll ask again:
What's with the mushrooms in so many posts?
Search suggests it has to do with marketing?
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I'm told wishing ill on others will karmically rebound on me; so be it:
Here's hoping Hegspig is in a fatal helicopter crash, gets "fragged by his own troops", or dies by XX.
The gall of a piece of shit like him presenting himself as superior to his predecessors because he's white is beyond words.
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Could make a pretty good case for deportations too, considering how many of the actual workers on construction sites have questionable immigration status...... Just saying.
And who's going to clean the bathrooms and make the beds in Dumpster's hotels?
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And your suggested solution, sir? I certainly hope it is not to let the corrupt, incompetent, thieving Russians take 50 years and be the ones to benefit, as it appears Dumpster intends.
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Yeah, but then three months ago he started running his mouth about what he was going to do once in office (investors took note, hoped it was just his normal BS; but did start planning)
He's actually doing some of the stupider things! Results? Stock sell offs! Buying Treasuries?
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Yeah! Sigh! We had four years to take care of this. WTF Happened?
I'm still waiting for someone to make a strong argument for why Dumpster is not rotting in Guantanamo, along with the other terrorists who are still waiting for some other country to take them & assure they do no harm again.
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Sadly, our odds are good there will be another one, and the already strongly resistant segment of our society which is primed to not take precautions from the start next time will suffer tremendously. It will take some effort to sympathize.... despite my belief structure that demands that I do.
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I'm still angry Biden didn't fire DeJoy. He eventually had the Board numbers to have supported it..
Naw, won't be "absorbed" into executive branch. DeJoy will "buy" rights to the newly privatized US Post Office (Registered Trademark) with himself as $250M/year CEO. All our POs will be "gifted".
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And people were worried about Joe's age...... still riding his bike and mentally 100X more acute than these bozos.
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About a year ago (+?) I remember reading about how an "election" was held in the Russian occupied sectors of Ukraine to formalize Puto "claim" that the people of those sections of wanted to be "Russian". Armed squads Russian soldiers went door to door to ensure ballots were completed "correctly".
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But, how can you deny the clear evidence that this was a peaceful tour? /s
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Bannon thought he was some kind of tough guy, but look at him now! Haven't seen his ugly mug in any of the Oval photo shoots.
For that matter, look at all the MAGA that put Dumpster in office. If they didn't have bribe money, I guess Dumpster doesn't need them anymore!
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One more proof that, for all his wrapping himself in the flag, Dumpster thinks anyone who didn't cheat their way out of serving like he did is a worthless patsy. After all the proof I can't believe we still have military/vets that support this idiot.
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Not that Dumpster gives a damn but he has no auth
Article I, Section 8, Clause 7 of the United States Constitution, known as the Postal Clause or the Postal Power, empowers Congress "To establish Post Offices and post Roads." The Post Office has the constitutional authority to designate mail routes.
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Gee, those look like programs widely used by the folks that voted for Dumpster! Watch for the propaganda to start blaming the cuts on Dems.
Don't wait for the next cycle. Dems need to start publishing list of which Reps voted for these cuts, and make sure it's repeated EVERY day, all media & pods.
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2/2 I'm going to predict, hoping I'm wrong, that DeJoy is creating some space to be assigned (after Dumpster violates the Constitution again) as the CEO of the new privatized postal delivery service, which will inherit the taxpayer owned infrastructure, but be politicized in personnel and policies
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1/2 Too bad he didn't do this four years ago.
Article I, Section 8, Clause 7 of the United States Constitution, known as the Postal Clause or the Postal Power, empowers Congress "To establish Post Offices and post Roads." The Post Office has the constitutional authority to designate mail routes.
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Well, Sen. Kennedy, since all you're doing is sitting on your fat ass in your comfortable chair, why don't you get on your feet and do something productive? I hear there are cotton fields that need picking in your state. Do something productive for a change, and go pick it. We'll find you a bag.
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You start from an incorrect assumption:
Trump was promising a Golden Age not for all Americans, but for those who have already managed to steal a good supply of the gold. Don't have any yet? Suck eggs, all he gave a damn about was your vote. Now you can drop dead and he's working to facilitate.
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OK, I give. Will someone please clue me in on the mushroom photo fetish thing?
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So, who are these critters that are firing people? What is their legal right to do so, as in a legally hired, on agency payroll employee with formal management authority? Otherwise, just show up at the office and tell any punk wandering around without having been formally hired to Fuck Off!
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Somebody needs to get that boy some help, as in an intervention, if his lunacy hasn't already driven away anyone who still cares about him.....
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If Rubio wants to live under a dictatorship he is welcome to hire one of the people traffickers so common in Miami to take him South, back to his homeland.
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Just for the record, the USPS is specifically authorized in the US Constitution. Not going to look up clause, but easy enough if you're interested. Course, when did Constitutionally authorized ever interest Dumpster.....