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Altmer Mages' Guild/Telvanni peace advocate. Potion of Fortify Intelligence enjoyer. Daedra-curious. "Praxics"/Daedraphobes/Nords DNI Recommended for Dreamsleeve users 18 years or older
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I am hearing that on its deathbed South Korean Democracy received the light of Islam and unhesitatingly recited the Shahada. Even now it looks down on the Ummah from the gardens of Jannah. Truly there is no god but Allah, and Mohammad is his prophet!

HEARTBREAKING: Pinnacle of Western Animation Actually Ad for Worst Video Game Ever Made

Mermer for 🐙 #art #mermaid #tes #theelderscrolls #altmer

Very simple art, but better than nothing c: #TES #Skyrim #altmer #elleylie_art

Just Imirie in a tight. It suits her well. #elleylie_art #Skyrim #altmer #TES

This is already quite an old work of mine, but still spectacular) #yomiferusart #yomiferus #artist #yomi_ferus #artwork #illustration #illlustrator #fantasy #OC#TES #ElderScrolls #altmer #ESO #ESOFam #Skyrim #Ancano #commission #commission_open

Damn okay

Summon Dremora Girlfriend

Khajiit in her traditional garb

Your Dunmer Redoran Wife has been doing some reading....

Potion of Transmute Gender

Little WIP

Fuck you your feed is now just me jorkin about Elder Scrolls lore

I swear every town in High Rock looks the same nowadays

Oh baby, it's Naryu! #esofam #eso #theelderscrollsonline

Honestly i didn't plan to continue posting morrowind hetalia there, but i see some people are exited for this so here are the ladies i made so far + shitpost sketches :D | #TES |

Happy Tales and Tallows! Anyone summoning Nocturnal tonight? 🐦‍⬛

"Fear not. You'll have your trinkets, your desire for power, your hunger for wealth." - Nocturnal --- #esofam #skyrim #oblivion #Morrowind #TheElderScrolls #TheElderScrollsOnline #DaedricPrince #ravens #redguard

Damn okay

Always loved the silver-white hair that many Dunmer have.

I wish I could have met Sotha Sil before the uh. Incident.

I think it's worth asking whether Et'Ada truly have immutable "aspects" in the traditional sense, or simply have long term individual goals that make it seem so. Would there be a difference?

I've BEEN saying this

Despite Boethiah being the Daedric prince of deceit, they are surprisingly trustworthy when entrusted to look after your house fern when you'll be away on that business trip next week. They will, however, clean out your cupboards and sell your Skooma. #TheElderScrolls #Oblivion

Listen up, you basic bitches. Azura makes my tits glow, Boethiah taught me how to slay (literally), and Mephala? Let's just say she knows how to use ALL her limbs. If you're not worshipping them, you're probably some limp-dicked Imperial who can't handle a real Dunmeri cunt

author wrote this crashing out on monster

illustrated all the named shrimp in my tank enjoy

Ithelia- The Prince of Paths. My take on her before Gold Road came out- I was envisioning her as a bosmer/skaafin type daedric entity, wearied and disheveled in her weakened state.

#almalexia #morrowind #theelderscrolls #tribunal

First real post on this account: the newest version of the Complete Map of Tamriel. Started in 2014, it aims to be the most up to date and comprehensive map of Tamriel in the 4th era. Background: Download raw files:

Reminder that this is still the most beautifully designed prince from Elder Scrolls. 🖤

Glad to see the stuff I dump on the local merchants are making the rounds!

Finally finished Airalila's portrait! After living up to her parents' wants. She ran away from her past life. Events then led her to joining a Monastery of Dibella and becoming a healer. She tends to enjoy traveling Cyrodiil, painting what she finds beautiful.

Hella Altmer Axe of Cooking

Vampire AND a Falmer? What's this girl's dreamsleeve address we gotta hang

i love tes elves they are so funny #elderscrolls #elf

Morrowind Main Quest - Ahemmusa Nerevarine [November 19, 2023] 🌊✨ #TheElderScrolls #Morrowind #TES #Art