Retired legal services lawyer, civil rights, poverty law generally. Reviewed over 200 books for national publication centered on publishing, science and law books.
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The Trump administration is cruel, callous, mean, and heartless. Trying to describe them requires opening the thesaurus for words meaning inhumane. Every word is enshrined in Trump’s agenda, nowhere a hint of human kindness.
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I’ve been faltering in my attempts to avoid Trump. The administration is just cruel, callous, mean, and heartless. Trying to describe them requires opening the thesaurus for words meaning inhumane. Every word enshrined by Trump’s agenda, nowhere a hint of human kindness.
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The Trump administration is just cruel, callous, mean, and heartless. Trying to describe them requires opening the thesaurus for words meaning inhumane. Every word enshrined in Trump’s agenda, nowhere a hint of human kindness.
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It’s not hard to understand the Trumpers. They have no understanding of what government does, they believe people on Medicaid are scammers, there is no need for a stable international order, and that it’s fine if 100,000’s lose their medical care and untold numbers die because of the end of USAID.
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Understandable. I live in Oregon and saw the ad campaigns for her and her MAGA opponent. He would have been a full fledged disaster. She doesn’t get a free pass on everything, but there are reasons.
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Perez is in a purple district. A prominent feature of her campaign was that she could work across the aisle. This vote is consistent with her winning approach to 2024.
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A poor choice, but the issue of Medicaid cuts to hundreds of thousands, of Medicare cuts, of attacks on social security, of ending lifesaving USAID grants, of handcuffing the CDC with a nut hostile to vaccines are the fights that should be center stage.
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The Republican war on the sick, the needy, the endangered throughout the world will be catastrophic for many. Ethically the purveyors of this outrage are not far different than those who pull the trigger as they terrorize a countryside. The Republican War on decency has no bottom.
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Which side of WWIII will the US be on?
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Here in Oregon. We have it better Voodoo Donuts! It’s an iconic donut place, a Portland tourist attraction.
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Nice. Except 44% is not glorious. How can 44% approve of Trump.
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In order to secure control of government Stalin purged his diplomatic corps and other high government officials. His methods may have been more brutal but this appears to be precisely what Musk and Trump are doing. It is a purge and coup. One can only hope the court’s make a difference.
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I’m not being critical of your comment - what should he be saying?
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The GOP doesn’t care what you believe. It’s hard to believe anyone still believes this anyway. They just don’t think they can be stopped.
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I don’t know any leftists who hate D’s more than R’s. They may be disappointed in Democrats for various reasons but not in R’s as they expect nothing from R’s, but when it comes to hating they get it right. There may be a subset of leftists who feel the way you say, but not the majority.
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Demograohics won’t matter. It’s not like they’d let everyone vote.
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Some of these people voted for Trump. How about the NYT article interviewing them. I am sure they could find some who will say I wouldn’t change my vote!
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Trump’s sitting down with Putin and excluding Zelensky is horrible. It’s as though in 1940, Lindbergh won the presidency and sat down with Hitler, excluding Churchill, to negotiate a treaty with Germany, threatening to withdraw all aid to England if Churchill refused the deal, which he would have.
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This is one of those quotes where you might wonder if it is true - it is and is from a Hitler speech in 1928.
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Sarcasm is a tough go here.
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Trump’s sitting down with Putin and excluding Zelensky is horrible. It’s as though in 1940, Lindbergh won the presidency and sat down with Hitler, excluding Churchill, to negotiate a treaty with Germany, threatening to withdraw all aid to England if Churchill refused the deal, which he would have.
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Musk as the voice of America is beyond shameful. His disregard for human life, the effect of implementing his world view will be fatal to many around the world, is staggering and infuriating. The fight will go on but it is clear that America’s path will be soulless for the next four years.
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Absolutely true. I don’t really read the Times anymore.
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The NYT has made many errors but what propelled Trump to the Presidency was racism, misogyny, and simple inflation, added to a deeply distorted understanding of how government works and what it provides voters everyday of their lives.
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Trump does nothing nicely. Asking nicely and Trump is an oxymoron. Emphasis on “moron.” (Cheap I know but I couldn’t resist!)
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I think they don’t see this as a dictatorship.
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I used to believe that their cowardice was the problem. It’s now obvious that the problem is that this is the America they want. A pox on them all. which as things are going may be back in play!
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It has been the Republican’s goal to undo the safety net of the federal government since the New Deal. Their perfidy makes me wish I believed that after they leave this earth there would be comeuppance for their sadistic, selfish, cruel assault on decency.
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When they lose their jobs and health insurance, not before. They’ll still have their guns of course.
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Yikes, that would leave neither in a god place!
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It’s not going to end well for anyone.
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Many just didn’t care as they have not even a glimmer of what all this means for the country. Higher costs, retaliatory economic actions that may cripple some industries, and the possibility that it will escalate.
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Trump has no interest in a government that helps people. He has no idea how government really works, what it does, and how it does it. He operates from a place of profound ignorance coupled with a nasty mean streak.
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He’s doing it because he wants and doesn’t care what Congress is willing to do. He does not believe in a government that helps people.
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Sadly, the SCOTUS has already made most of these things real already. Accused can be held for long periods, stop and frisk allows the police the power to stop people without probable cause and to racially profile as well. The bill is a horror but we have been going that way for a while.