reduce, reskeet, recycle | he/they
10 posts
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just like your only talking points are the left are meanies and trump will save us all. toughen up and have a good one, i've grown tired of you're puddle-depth commentary
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YOU said fascist, not me, i was just agreeing!
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sorry, i must've asked too many questions and you ran out of "evidence" im just trying to help you earn your paycheck, vlad!
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but he is a fascist you confirm? good to know. also this graphic you're showing me is ultimately useless. what are you attempting to teach here? that right news sources like right leaning candidates? and left ones don't? buddy if you need a graph for that, the russian school system failed you
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you didn't provide any of this evidence that you speak of though. i don't see any of your investigation. i DO see you kicking your feet and whining in reply to every comment, try not to be so sensitive. sorry vlad, hope you stay warm this winter! keep "thinking free" for your ruble!
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who are you getting paid by to ask this question? until further evidence i'm assuming you're bought by the russian government
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i wanna play on the version where everyone was just a t posing reaper shooting laser beams from their eyes on untextured dev maps