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Music 🎢 Film 🎞️ Long form journalism 🧐 Hot Chips 🍟 Happiest by the sea 🌊 Here to hang with chronically ill & socially isolated peeps and advocate for better care for #pwME. Living small with ME on unceded Whadjuk Noongar country ("Australia")
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This is great. Really miss being out and people watching.
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Oh, and the answer to "Why are slurs making a comeback?" is... Fascism. It's fascism. I feel like that point could have been made a bit more obvious!
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They don't. And they don't realise, or care that these aggressions actually mean something and translate to the real world. The rhetoric coming from the US and UK govts at the moment flows down, and through to other countries too...
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I noticed πŸ™„
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Twitter these days! The "leftists" are loving the R word!
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For those interested:
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So this is where we are at! #Disability
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..."retard" has been detached from it's original use as a label and slur for disabled people. As an example, I was recently added to a twitter list "retarded hypochondriacs" - on checking the bio of the person who created the list they are a self proclaimed democratic socialist...
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Excellent. I have often wondered about the ability to lodge a class action for #pwME worldwide about the lack of access to healthcare/healthcare discrimination (which of course is linked to discrimination from govt and insurers). Will be interested to see how this plays out. #GreatestMEdicalScandal
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For those needing to manage their screen time and cognitive activity closely, you can save your responses as you go.
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The administration involved in being sick is terrifying. The system doesn't work for anyone and can never work for us when nobody understands our illness or wants to know about it. I'm sorry you weren't given space to grieve and that you are still fighting (I'm a fighter too - to my detriment!)
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The NIH recently published a study: one of every 22 covid infections triggers ME. People are not being warned that their whole life could just vanish. Journalism literally exists for situations like this. #JohnVsJonVsME #GreatestMEdicalScandal πŸ’—πŸ’πŸ’•πŸ’πŸ’—
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Yes, that sounds ideal. Hopefully, a neighbour that can bring you treats, preferably someone that bakes cakes that you don't have any reaction to. πŸ˜…
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Oh that would make a huge difference. Just being able to step outside easily and sit in the sun for a bit. I hope it happens for you x
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I fantasise about living on the ground floor. You feel trapped enough as it is - but stairs just make it worse.
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Stairs 😭 one of the banes of my existence
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Shame you've had a hand in denying the seriousness of post-acute infectious illness through your ongoing refusal to retract the PACE trial.. #GreatestMEdicalScandal
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Wishing your dad, you & your family all the best. Times like this make it very stark what ME takes away. β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή
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I was single for a long time even before I got sick. I rarely think about it these days it's been so long. Even if someone accepted my small housebound life, I'm not well enough to be present for someone else or live up to my own expectations of what a partner should be.
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#LastFourWatched #LetterboxdFriday
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Terms like β€œcan’t give in” and β€œME didn’t beat me” are so misleading and unkind. (Not blaming the person w/ME.) We all pushed and tried hard, probably a lot longer than we should have. People who get better are lucky. It’s not from trying harder.
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That sounds lovely. I'd love to visit Scotland. I'd love to visit anywhere outside my apartment actually πŸ™ƒ But I fantasise about somewhere quiet and cool where I can rug up.
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I'm sorry. It's such a small life. πŸ’› It's been so hot here it is draining what life is left of me. Just been trying to keep cool, and occupied.
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I'll check it out! I use letterboxd - there's good lists on there.My watch list is huge. I only started logging my watches last year since I was forgetting what I'd seen. I worked in a video store for years in my 20s & often think I've seen things when I probably just saw the cover multiple times πŸ˜…
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πŸ‘ I hope the no PEM streak can continue and hopefully give you some functionality back...
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Perfect Days was one of my favourites from last year too πŸƒ Zone of Interest was great, if not terrifying! A few I haven't seen, I few I saw so long ago I can barely remember. White Ribbon has been on my list to watch for ages. Thanks for sharing Andrew!
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Eh. Not bad, not bad.
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We can, and should change the date - because there is no pride in genocide. #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe #ChangeTheDate #NoPrideInGenocide
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...this date has no relevance to the other states of Australia. Federation did not occur until 1 Jan 1801. The 26 January national holiday didn't become the official date until 1994, and the holiday was not always on that day. For Aboriginal people the 26 January is a day of mourning.
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For my non-Australian followers, some context: Today is "Australia Day" which is meant to be our national day. It marks the 1788 landing of the First Fleet in Sydney. The arrival of the First Fleet brought the massacres of Indigenous people at the hands of the British settlers. Furthermore...
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A beautiful place, but also like many sites in Australia, it has a tragic history
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They live on a beautiful small island off the coast of Western Australia called Rottnest (traditional name Wadjemup "Place of spirits")
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Thank you for your persistence and candidness.
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Denmark has form here. You might remember the story of Karina Hansen from "Unrest". Karina was detained for over 3 years.
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Another good one by a pwME is "Ill Feelings" by Alice Hattrick
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"The general hum" - yes. I wish this could be more easily understood. It reminds me of this video by Vlad Vexler
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No escaping the clutches of PEM! Great illustration.
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It is so exhausting. I look forward to seeing them only to just feel terrible the whole time. We can never be at our best around others because the sheer energy of being with others makes us ill.
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I usually don't get "FOMO" because I'm usually just in my own world, just getting by day to day. But yes, it's the "glimpses of life" - of missed time shared with others - that reminds you how limited life is.