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Filmgoer, underwear lover, gay in reverse order
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Hi all, sometimes the most erotic is in just the hinted at or barely seen…well I’m hoping

So I love a pair of tighty-whiteys but they have to be brilliant white…I have had these a while so sadly they have lost their brilliance…but they are Intimissimi briefs and therefore still a joy to wear!

Good morning all, a short week for me and starting that with a pair of briefs that has a bit of a retro pattern to it. Like them?

Have been away for 10 days looking after a menagerie of animals and had no time for my self-expression. ☹️…but I’m back! I have lost about 3.5 kilos in the last 6 weeks or so and am back to feeling happier about my body…so have a pic of my arse too!

So me feeling virginal sailed a long time ago but is it wrong that these make me feel a little less corrupted? 🤣

I didn’t get a chance to show yesterday’s tight but smooth briefs so you get the changing of the guard today. Happy with the weight loss so far. Have lost about 5lbs in a month.

Think I’m ready for parkrun today

Abstract patterning for Friday but that is definitely a bum on my hip…Or is it a pair of bollocks?

These always make me feel as horny as fuck. I think it’s the horizontal fly hole…

If I lived in the US these would probably cost double what I paid for them. 🙄 I think they are cute and i spent ages getting the vertical line at the front straight for you 🥰

The steel was a bit cold when I first put it on but the feel is so good. These briefs pack a punch too. Have a great day all you gays and theys!

Wow. Am ready for a break back at work after such a busy weekend. I love the colour of these Lure briefs and I also love the idea of getting a slight wedgie that I will get later by wearing this brand. It always happens. 😈

The Friday horn is strong. Busy day ahead with an all day negotiation taking place and a friend arriving lunchtime. Might need to knock one out early doors. 😈

A bit of a Japanese style print today. Had some very sad news yesterday so hoping these cheer me up.

More Lure briefs in a pastel blue colour. The cotton is soooo soft. Tuesday is a tough day but we can do it! Have a great one.

Have been humming the Manfred Mann song since I put these on a few mins ago. Happy Monday everyone! Let’s get through another January week! 🥰

Lure be having a sale! And I had my eye on their pastel range for a while now. Hello, my name is xxxx and I have an underwear obsession…

I can pretty much guarantee that no-one else in the office will be wearing this brand, style or pattern today. Although nobody will know that I am, it excites me to know that I am. 😘

Very different vibe to yesterday’s wares. A little bit of a South Pacific vibe going on today. Have a great day!

This is a proper pair of briefs. No playing about with colours or different cuts. It’s an arse-hugging, ball-supporting item of beauty. Official. You’re welcome 🤣

Late today but wanted you to see these…which one are you?

So it’s bald bollocks Friday! They needed a bit of help to show themselves today…it’s sooo cold out! The feel of these BOX briefs helps with the coaxing of them out though…😘

Fun pattern to these. I was not very good at sciences at school but have always felt that big long equations had a certain beauty to them even if I did not understand them. I am also attracted to boffin nerdy looking guys so maybe these will get their notice? 🤣

Have always really liked retro style briefs and this red version from Englebert Strauss are right up there. Only Wednesday but it feels like it should be Thursday or Friday. 🙄

Very self indulgent with this Batman g-string today. It’s horrible outside but in the confines of my own flat I’m a superhero. 🤣 For those a bit concerned, I do live in the real world most of the time but it does us good to indulge in fantasy sometimes? Imagining a young val Kilmer in these…hmmm

So one thing (amongst many) I would like to do in 2025 is to pose for an artist. Can be a sexual pose or a more traditional life art thing. Any takers or can point me in the right direction? Usual undie post coming soon…

A day of driving up and down the M1 and moving some stuff. Not sure these were the right choice but let’s see. I think the opposite of the semi-wedgie is more likely…

I sometimes wish I had a bigger package to fill out my underwear more but really should not complain. Going for comfort today..the other choice was a Batman string! Ha ha

Hmmm. Not sure about these new Manties from Temu. Like the pattern and the colour but not sure about the cut. But anyhoo…they are going to the office with me today! First day there of the new year. Kind of looking forward to it…need to get back to the routine. Sad eh?

I did my usual nothing on NYE and it was fun but frankly only because I made it so. Lots of overthinking going on as usual with me and lots of self-doubting despite having a man currently in my life . I don’t make resolutions but I do want to keep wearing skimpy undies as they make me feel better.

A bit of wintry Olaf to wear on my travels up to the Midlands today. Had a great day with the bf yesterday, I’m very lucky to have met him. So all is good(-ish) in the world. Have a great day all you gays and theys! Xx

The ‘sexy’ transition from one pair to another was slightly ruined by my getting my toe caught in the new pair…🤣 I would be rubbish at making porn…