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As Chris Hayes points out in his book, blame/negative attention is today a powerful and actionable asset. This may have worked before shamelessness became a superpower and algorithms pipelined narrative corrupting garbage directly into the amygdala of our fellow citizens. Brain rot too. +Nihilism 🤷🏼‍♂️
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Mike Johnson
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Raised Lutheran (Protestant) atheist here. I get it. It’s a joke and consumerism animates the corpse of true faith these days.
But what about John Milton? Anne Bradstreet? Oof. Stunning shit, their poetry.
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General Ed requirement. My English major students taking lit and creative writing are doing fine. It’s the students who have sadly been convinced that higher learning’s sole purpose is vocational who appear to be losing the inclination to sustain, develop, and express original thinking.
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I wouldn’t characterize hearing about it here and there in MS*N as “going strongly enough against.”
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Everything looked fine on paper, by conventional metrics: quarterly earnings/jobs reports, GDP, soaring stock market…none of which matters to working folk getting gouged by powerful business interests. Low unemployment takes on a darker hue when we know that many need multiple jobs to stay afloat.
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Not going strongly enough against 1publicly-traded rental companies collaborating to artificially inflate rent, or 2publicly-traded retailers collaborating to artificially inflate the price of goods did them (+ democracy) in. Both are represented by their big dollar donors, so. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Go neoliberalism!
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Wrote this to a batch of online students last year, never sent it, a bit too harsh.
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I teach community college comp, lit, creative writing. It’s pretty shocking. I don’t blame the students. The efficiency, frictionlessness, the attention economy, multi pronged attacks on public education, shallow neoliberal values convince them that they are a pay check only, not a whole ass human.
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Those struggling to keep their families afloat while *essential*ly supplying the blood and toil required of our so-called “frictionless” economy and the convenience it provides many of us. Those relegated to the #Shadowlands Documented or not, they deserve support and a say, not political terror.
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