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Grandmas and stuff are cool
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The first season lost me when they resurrected the black bad guy for the good black guy to have someone to fight. Like on one hand sure the brazenness was funny. But cmon man lol.
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I really dispute this use of golden goose. Fuckwit spoiled child seems more apt.
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Terraforming, scythe dune imperium, hansa tetonica I played andromedas edge a couple times not too long ago and I’m jonesing for another go. phenomenal game.
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I played outer rims twice. both times we got a the fame rule wrong and a gme that should have taken mom more than 3ish hours lasted 5. I’m too traumatized to try it again Dune is incredibly popular on tabletop simulator and there’s even a discord that sets up games for it in case your interested.
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I don’t tend to love a lot a tile placement games but harmonies was a surprise for me. Really elegant and beautiful in its execution too. And the art is A+
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new york's trash heap
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Nah manchin was from west Virginia. Disagree with him on Xyz all you want, but his votes and stances make a whole lot of sense in that context and was the best dems were ever gonna get from that state. Whereas with fetterman, when he’s being a shit, it’s because that’s he really wants to be a shit
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What a fucking nightmare.
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Highly recommend uprising + bloodlines if you have a chance. I think it’s the best version of the game. Though vanilla is still up there.
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Oh wow that looks bad. Curious if this was a call to write in uncommitted during the general election or the primary when Biden was still the presumed winner and a write in was a purely symbolic act to register their horror and anger. Would be quite the oopsie to portray the latter as the former.
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The London Review of Books (6 February) has a splendid piece by Tom Stevenson on Hamas; so very worth reading. Pulls no punches. Written for grownups.
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my beef with you is your inability to recognize how badly joe fucked it up in your haste and eagerness to blame these voters. regardless still enjoy your work, still gonna fight against trump, still gonna tell people not vote fucking stupidly.
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where did i fling genocide joe? youre ascribing arguments to me im not making. yes it was a binary choice and yes harris was the better one. that does not absolve Joes dog shit handling of the issue, nor does that in turn absolve people who didnt vote harris cuz of it.
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no if im angry its cuz rubes like you will defend israel doing insanely evil shit to no end, even if it comes at the cost of american democracy.
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The us isnt directly bankrolling/supplying the war crimes and whole destruction of any of the belligerents in those other conflicts. if the us started directly funding and bombing Mogadishu to smithereens at the behest of fascists it would be pretty weird is no voters had an issue with that
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oh fuck off here you dumb fuck. urban warfare doesnt mean turning an entire city into rubble. the us didnt do that in mosul, bahgdad or kabul. you know who did do it? russia, in allepo, grozny. israel is accused of war crimes its actually doing evil shit not because its jewish.
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you should learn that people arent computers and dont automatically vote or even know what their best interest is. emotions are powerful motivators, and the response to betrayal and contempt is disengagement at best.
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there is a reason why genocide scholars even is israel are calling it a genocide. and even if you disagree with that designation, its not being made for no good reason. israel has operated in the same manner as russia. acted like biden had no option here is dumb
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mr simon, there is no argument there that a military response was needed after october 7th. but there is limits and redlines to what western aligned country should be be allowed to do, and that is a line that mr biden closed his eyes as Israel willfully crossed in the worst way.
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the conventions are opportunities for different factions to unite, stage craft or not and focus on the general. Uncommitted offered the best way to move forward on this issue, and it was essentially spit on, making it harder to alienated voters. the dem party fucked it up.
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which is why i too call these voters dumbfucks. uncommitted tried to get its members to vote for harris. since youre the media guy, how do you think it would been better able to credibly tell its members incensed over bidens unwavering support for israel to vote harris.
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if you cant see the difference between a purity test over something like M4A and how the admins ME policy was actively alienating then your just as much as the problem s these people who made this choice deserve criticism. but not at the cost of defending bidens dog shit immoral enabling of israel
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these communities had members lose dozens of family, with others wounded ,displaced starved or otherwise suffering. theres a doctor in VA who lost over a hundred family members in gaza. the biden admin had to do more than give weak rhetorical brush off, and they failed.
comment in response to post that was the speech endorsing harris they were denied to give. here they beg members "vote against trump" and specifically to do so by avoiding third party votes. this is them trying to get people to vote harris
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heres the speech proposed by uncommitted member to give to the DNC to endorse harris. they were denied that opportunity. even still they begged its members to vote strategically against trump. acting like thy were the problem is stupid
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the "hype of genocide joe" was based on Bidens admins enabling of israels war crimes and unwillingness to engage with voters who flet alienated by it. again i have no issue with you calling these voters dumb, but your inability to hold Biden to account for his role in alienating them is the issue.
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been waiting on an answer to this myself. NTM what happens when a court or two or three says when something illegal is actually legal. or, just as bad, when trump admin ignores a court saying something is illegal and just continue doing it.
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its funny because uncommitted still effectively told its followers to vote for harris over trump, begged to allow a Palestinian American a spot on the DNC to make the the endorsement in real time, an still they get blamed as the reason why people were disgusted by the biden admin. its scapegoating.
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nothing here is about letting it slide. a portion of the electorate had an understandable, if dumbfuck, response to kids being killed by bombs supplied the admin. these people were wrong, but their response was predictable. this isnt like dumbshits sitting out over a policy disagreement like M4A.
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wheres the twitter screed at union voters? poor fucks on medicare/medicaid, or the millions of other people who voted against their supposed self interest. majority of ppl horrified at what biden helped enable in gaza still voted for harris, despite the dems doing their best to disenfranchise them
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Your constant harping on these voters is esp. dumb considering these voters didnt swing the election + the majority of people justifiably incensed by the bidens admins capitulation to israels war crimes and alleged genocide still voted for harris.
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you can bemoan the dumbfucks who voted for trump over anger at biden, but that doesnt require to make this weak ass shit defenses of bidens admins ME polic, which was shit before and after october 7th.
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I am 100% amenable to this argument because I think Beyoncé is a bit overrated and Grammy getting it wrong is nothing new.
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I’m trying to think of steel man arguments why Beyoncé shouldn’t have won country for not being country, and like they all fall flat and just became around to the point of music genres awards in the first place. But something tells me no1 is going to be making that arguments
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Makes me appreciate the cosmic nature of Hinduism a bit more. the abrahamic faiths just feel self centered in comparison. which gives rise to weird beliefs in random microcosm the further away you get from any central authority. Though there’s plenty of weird Hindu believers too I guess lol 😅
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you have a point that people who didnt vote for harris due to gaza made a counterproductive choice, and you are not wrong, but such proclamations without serious examinations towards bidens approach to this destruction and murder seems unserious and more like seeking pleasure in schadenfreude