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And the consequences of self hating Jews/Israelis can be devastating. Of course calling out the death of innocent children should always bring people together, But failing to provide a viable alternative to get rid of Hamas IS not acceptable and can understandably be seen as treason.
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I agree on the principle but it's a fine line. I'm an Israeli Jew and my family posts palestinian flags on Facebook and calls for ceasefire.
But they're all boomers whose parents did all the hard work for Israel to exist, so they had it good.
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136 Israelis are still held hostage by Hamas. The IDF will not rest until they are home. I will not rest until they are home. All of Israel will not rest until they are home.
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Como assim ? Israel não manda em Gaza, o Hamas eleito decidiu não organizar mais eleições e matou various oponentes políticos.
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absolute trash 🤮
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neither do you, apparently.
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If you think Israel is the government in Gaza/the west bank, the stupid one isn't the one you think it is.
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Hopefully you're right. These guys really have no limits and the way I see it they pose a serious internal security threat to the US.
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I can't with your guys 🤣
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The population has been multiplied by almost 6 since 1967 what are you talking about. When has Israel ever stated it wanted to kill Gazans/Arabs/whoever you're thinking of? HAMAS on the contrary clearly state they want to kill in their charter. But keep ok feeding your fantasy.
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In their charter. Also they killed 1200 Israelis. Are you dense?
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Poor things
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No you terrorist supporter, there are no Jews in Gaza since 2005. Hamas terrorists went out of Gaza and killed ISRAELIS who were also ARAB MUSLIMS in their homes.
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lmao yeah I'm sure Gazans have much better rights than Israelis 🤣
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right, they just enjoy killing civilian Jews because... Remind me why again?
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Another thing you ignore: Hamas openly stating they want to kill all Jews,which correct me if I'm wrong, but does sound like genocide to me.
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I know it's hard to read for you but if you look at the line it goes up! That's right,not only are you full of shit but you also ignore proof when it's presented to you.
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Not as good as you think lol
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You fantasize about Israel being responsible for everything bad happening to Gazans, but I challenge you to do the same with any other geo political conflict. Maybe it's Ukraine's fault they were invaded by Russia?
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No it's not. Democracy = freedom of political opposition.
And yes brother, if you refuse a people its right to self-determination solely because of their religion or ethnicity, then I got news for you: you're a racist pos. Anti Zionism IS anti semitism.
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And you're gonna blame Israel too for the lack of election in Gaza?
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Pretty sure Hamas want to annex the entirety of Israel and get rid of every single jew so not sure who you're talking about here. Also what occupation? Just because you're anti Semite doesn't mean Jews don't have a right to their 3500 year old ancestral land sorry. It's actually a good reason for it
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I wish they would have traded ALL the hostages before bombing Gaza, and THEN bomb the shit out of them. But I don't know to which extend Hamas would have been open to give up on all the hostages, even once Palestinian prisoners would be returned to Gaza.
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I think if you say the word genocide one more time maybe it will become true, like calling beetle juice you know?
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You understand calling me a genocider doesn't make me one, right? Because at this point I'm pretty sure you're mentally challenged lol
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You support a state that openly admits it want to wipe all Jews from Israel but Jews are the genociders, got it 🤣
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I mean I still find it crazy that the entire world is asking Israel to stop firing at an enemy who openly says it wants its (Israel's) destruction even after such an horrific attack as 7th October, they want Israel to stand still. I don't get it.
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The Israeli govt is pretty clear on agreeing to a ceasefire if all hostages are released. But this unfortunately doesn't solve the Hamas problem and they need to get rid of it one way or another.
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You're such an idiotic racist you think nitpicking is serving your cause. While we're at it maybe you'll want to learn that "security forces" isn't a synonym for IDF but for EVERY security org. So that ranges from simple guard at the festival to police and army.
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Man I thought there was some way to discuss with you but you really are dense. Here's the director of an hospital in Gaza admiting it's used as a base for Hamas.
Now explain how you destroy Hamas' infrastructure without targeting "civilian" infrastructures.
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On the 7th of October? What are you doing haha I don't even know what you mean
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It's 1200 civilians butchers, not 700. You're supposed to wait bit longer before rewriting history so it's not that blatant lol
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Because yeah, that'll usually happen when you declare war on someone and lose.
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No brother. The Arab countries with the Palestinians attacked Israel as soon as it was declared a sovereign country in 1948. Guess what, Israel won this war and as a result also conquered the land that had been previously OFFERED to the Arabs in the the first partition deal.
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Fair enough, as for me that's where I draw the line. You don't "like" Hamas as in you don't like your annoying colleague at work? because www.thisishamas.com
You're doing exactly what their propaganda wants you to: blame the entirety of the situation in Gaza on Israel.
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Do you know why they were "forced" off their land?
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And you're gonna blame the lack of election on Israel too ? lol
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Yeah that's what I thought, there's nothing to talk about here. Go ask any Israeli Arab what their life is like in Israel and maybe you'll stop fantasizing about the big bad Jew wanting to kill the poor little Arab. But honestly I'm not getting my hopes up lol.
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You remove the Gazans ' responsability in electing Hamas and blame it on Israel. I'm sorry but that's insanity and I can't debate like that.
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God knows I hateBibi's guts but things aren't that simple.Don'tyou think he might, just might have tried buying them out by offering them money?Do you know what it is to live next to a neighbour whose only purpose and fantasy isto kill your?But again, happy to hear your suggestions to get rid of HMS
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You're being dishonest. Hamas' charter openly says they want to kill all Jews and wipe Israel out of the map. Now that sounds like genocide to me. Where does the the IDF says they want to kill all Gazans, are you out of your mind?
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Every civilian killed is a tragedy, no matter where. But please tell me how your eliminate Hamas without killing civilians, what's the point of keeping it a secret?
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Your do understand 60% of Gazans support Hamas ?
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am I not writing in English lol? Being an anti-zionist means you oppose the existence of Israel. So I'm saying that if you're against the existence of a country you're also against its inhabitants, in which case you do not care if they get killed in terrorist attacks.
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But I guess if Israel has no legitimacy to begin with then who cares about its population, right?
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? Why do you keep criticizing Israel's response to the Hamas attack but you don't give a viable alternative to eliminate Hamas? Surely you must have a pretty good knowledge of the ground in Gaza since your have so much data so what would you do if you were to protect your population from terrorism?
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yeah I guess they should have stood still
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Why do you argue with jews if you're against the very existence of Israel? Your know it likely isn't going to go very well, right?
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That's Palestinian support 101: turning them into eternal martyrs and victims and blaming it on Israel/Zionists/jews