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Musician | Dev | Dad | Crypto ₳ȺΣ●✕©👻🐍🟠 mostly Cardano I blow through tubes with holes in them 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇨🇵🇪🇺🇨🇳🇬🇧
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It seems to me cryptocurrencies aren't exactly commodities or securities. What separates them from other asset classes is that any holder can contribute with dApps, artistic content, games, videos or educational resources that help increase the value of the network, and the tokens.
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Ticketing is just one example of how decentralised digital assets are being used today in real-world scenarios to increase transparency and reduce costs while putting the end-user in control. Isn't owning a digital book better than renting from Amazon?
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If you really wanted to understand I'd explain why you're wrong, but you clearly don't so I won't. Major airlines, food producers, storage manufacturers and all sorts of real-world businesses understand the advantages of decentralised systems and are using them today, luddites notwithstanding.
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You ignore the services blockchain provides that people are happy to pay for, such as distributed, encrypted & compliant storage, cheap loans, profitable lending, secure supply-chain tracking, granular control over our private data... all without middlemen. Crypto has real value, it's just software.
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Please don't encourage people to type their password on a random website 🤣
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Comparing the energy used by software to private jets is a bit silly. Some networks do require a lot of power for intense calculations (e.g bitcoin) but the vast majority don't. Research shows even those that do aren't necessarily bad for the environment, it depends on how that power is produced.
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I don't understand that at all. An open-source, permissionless, decentralised ledger that anyone can use and build on to share value and services? Sounds more like democracy than fascism to me 🤷
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I'm visible again 🎉
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Yes. Can you see this one?
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Bientôt on les utilisera tous sans même le savoir. Nos billets de concerts ou d'avion, nos données médicales et nos transferts bancaires vont tous s'appuyer dessus et on gagnera en sécurité, fiabilité et transparence. Les systèmes centralisés sont moins coûteux, mais il faut tout confier à un tiers.
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En empêchant le vol des données (comme chez Free récemment), en permettant un prêt sans besoin de l'accord de la banque, en garantissant la provenance des aliments, en permettant les créateurs de musique/vidéo/livres de vendre directement à leurs fans sans entremetteur... Une phrase ne suffit pas.
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C'est impossible de les séparer parce que la sécurité du réseau, s'il est vraiment décentralisé, dépend des jetons. Je suis bien d'accord qu'il y en a beaucoup de jetons/reseaux qui ne servent à rien - mais il ne faut pas jeter le bébé avec l'eau du bain.
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La technologie open-source du blockchain ne se résume pas à une "arnaque pyramidale". Des dizaines de milliers d'ingénieurs, scientifiques et mathématiciens travaillent dessus pour améliorer la sécurité, la transparence et l'efficacité de nos systèmes centralisés. La spéculation est un seul aspect!
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Apparently not.
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You probably won't see this... but I've just got a spam label within 24 hours of joining after following about 20 people, posting a couple of tweets sharing music videos and a few random friendly interactions 🤷
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No idea, but I'm sure some clever wordsmith will think of something and we'll all say "wish I'd thought of that" 😁
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Deregulation? Looks to me as though there's a distinct possibility that proper regulation will be here soon, and that should separate the wheat from the chaff.
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Nobody here has come up with a better alternative to "retweet"?!
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It was buried in the replies... Here it is
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Check out this thread, there's a link to a browser extension that can help with that.
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My understanding is that it was a legal requirement before they could prosecute. Maybe not a great law... but they had no choice.
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Why would anyone be depressed at seeing others make some profit?!
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How does crypto "undermine" the dollar? Once you get past the purely speculative aspect it's a growth tech industry that espouses many of the ideals central to good democracy. It will boost the US and world economies and make the entire system more fair and transparent and be good for the dollar!
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It still is 😁