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Independent specialist in SpLD (M.Ed, AMBDA); previously English teacher & Glos LA Lead English Teacher. Dyslexia and dyscalculia specialist teacher. Wife, vicar’s wife, mama of 4, SEN parent carer. Neurodivergent.
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Ash Wednesday #etymology #reading #dyslexia #linguistics #teaching #spld #literacy #spelling #vocabulary

How are the words ‘pancake’ and ‘placenta’ related? #etymology #reading #dyslexia #linguistics #teaching #spld #literacy #spelling #vocabulary

It’s interesting that our ‘Shrove’ is so different to other European languages. The majority reference fasting - either with a form of that word, or with a link to ‘fat’. #etymology #reading #dyslexia #linguistics #teaching #spld #literacy #spelling #vocabulary

I expected to find that ‘goblin’ came from a Germanic origin, but likely not! #etymology #reading #dyslexia #linguistics #teaching #spld #literacy #spelling #vocabulary #HarryPotter

I’ve lost count of the times we’ve listened to the ‘Harry Potter’ series in the car, but despite living only 15 mins away from the studios in Leavesden, this is the first time we’ve taken the boys. An influx of Harry Potter related words will now fill my page for the next week …

I think I saw a crocus earlier today … a glimmer of spring. #etymology #reading #dyslexia #linguistics #teaching #spld #literacy #spelling #vocabulary

Earlier this week, I was discussing Anglo-Norman loan words with one of my students, particularly some of foodstuffs that were adopted following the Norman invasion. ‘Beef’ is one of those words, and it turned out he was making Beef Wellington after the lesson …

Earlier this week, I was discussing Anglo-Norman loan words with one of my students, particularly some of foodstuffs that were adopted following the Norman invasion. ‘Beef’ is one of those words, and it turned out he was making Beef Wellington after the lesson …

1/2 I spotted this sign in the summer, in France. I took a quick picture to remind myself to explore the word. Yesterday, I was looking at ‘Gawain and the Green Knight’ with one of my students, so it seemed the right time to take a deep dive. ⬇️

Happy January!

1/5 Today is the 6th January, which means it is Epiphany. Epiphany celebrates the Magi, or wise men, visiting Jesus. ⬇️

Snow day!

When I started processing the translations, I wasn’t sure French ‘gel’ was correct … but, once I reached Catalan ‘gelada’, I realised that of course, the Italian desert ‘gelato’ must be related …!

When I started processing the translations, I wasn’t sure French ‘gel’ was correct … but, once I reached Catalan ‘gelada’, I realised that of course, the Italian desert ‘gelato’ must be related …!

Snow day!

1/5 Today is the 6th January, which means it is Epiphany. Epiphany celebrates the Magi, or wise men, visiting Jesus. ⬇️

Happy January!

“We can begin a whole new year together,” said Frog. “We will skip through the meadows and run through the woods. In the evenings we will sit right here on this porch and count the stars.” “You can count them,” said Toad. “I’m going back to bed.”

‘Mistletoe’ - perhaps not the romantic origins we might have expected … Bird-poo-twig #dyslexiaspecialist #etymology #historicallinguistics

‘Mistletoe’ - perhaps not the romantic origins we might have expected … Bird-poo-twig #dyslexiaspecialist #etymology #historicallinguistics

1/4 If you’re looking for a new series of books for a 9+ interest level, then I whole-heartedly recommend ‘Taylor & Rose Secret Agents’ series. ⬇️

Sounds of the season: carols #etymology #reading #dyslexia #linguistics #teaching #spld #literacy #spelling #vocabulary

Sounds of the season: carols #etymology #reading #dyslexia #linguistics #teaching #spld #literacy #spelling #vocabulary

Day 23: mighty #etymology #reading #dyslexia #linguistics #teaching #spld #literacy #spelling #vocabulary

Day 24: Christ #etymology #reading #dyslexia #linguistics #teaching #spld #literacy #spelling #vocabulary

Day 25: saviour #etymology #reading #dyslexia #linguistics #teaching #spld #literacy #spelling #vocabulary

Day 25: saviour #etymology #reading #dyslexia #linguistics #teaching #spld #literacy #spelling #vocabulary

Day 24: Christ #etymology #reading #dyslexia #linguistics #teaching #spld #literacy #spelling #vocabulary

Day 23: mighty #etymology #reading #dyslexia #linguistics #teaching #spld #literacy #spelling #vocabulary

I’m hoping to make a set of word cards each day during advent to share with my third son. Obvs I’m already behind, because I’ve only just finished, and he’s ‘asleep’. #adventcalendar #etymology #wordscards

Day 2 of advent brings us ‘birth’ #etymology #wordcards #advent #youwillnamehimjesus

On Day 3, I’m looking at the word pregnant - a state in my experience (x4) to be endured rather than enjoyed! #etymology #wordcards #advent #youwillnamehimjesus #adventcalendar2024

Not that ours will be up for a good few weeks!

Day 4: throne #morphology #etymology #reading #dyslexia #linguistics #teaching #dyslexia #spld #send #senco #sendco #literacy #reading #spelling #teachers #vocabulary

Day 5 is ‘holy’. This is a Germanic word, but it’s interesting to see the Italic translations, and how they link back to other words in English.

Day 6: dream (Additional slides in comments) #morphology #etymology #reading #dyslexia #linguistics #teaching #dyslexia #spld #send #senco #sendco #literacy #reading #spelling #teachers #vocabulary

Day 7: manger *I am informed by my vicar husband that these are not accurate depictions of 1st century Israeli mangers - apparently they were troughs dug into the ground.

A prickly word … (Additional cards in comments) #etymology #christmasetymology #linguistics #vocabulary #wordcards #dyslexiaspecialist #englishteacher

Day 11: Lord - who’d’ve thought it was something to do with bread!

Day 14 I’d always assumed that ‘babe’ was a shortening of ‘baby’, but it looks like the opposite is true … *the baby is one of my own. But I’m not entirely sure which. Maybe #4. #etymology #reading #dyslexia #linguistics #teaching #spld #literacy #spelling #vocabulary

Day 15 ‘peace’ #etymology #reading #dyslexia #linguistics #teaching #spld #literacy #spelling #vocabulary

Day 22: myrrh A more unusual origin for this word #etymology #reading #dyslexia #linguistics #teaching #spld #literacy #spelling #vocabulary