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I am Jen from the bad place, looking for my friends lost to the sea of bots and hate in the bad place Independent who is over the hate and nonsense of it all.
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Good morning, my friend Well said. Why people are afraid of others who don't look or think like them, I will never understand.
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Those that hold the idea that we are all Christian nation, skip the 1st amendment. They cherry pick our history, much like their Bibles.
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We all knew it was coming, since the day it happened and those in his camp started down playing the event.
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Sure, it not a done deal. I think this is the push needed to get it over the finish line or this Congress to show it true colors (which most already see).
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States tried to resend their vote for the 14th amendment and it didn't work. It's still a grey area, but there is a history to go on As for the deadline, that can be addressed. It's the only amendment that had one attached to it The 27th went 200+ years before it was added to the Constitution
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Which is a grey area in the Constitution, it's not clear that is allowed. It was tried before for the 14th amendment and ultimately rejected that they were allowed to do that. Who knows, though, with the current Congress and SCOTUS.
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It's met all the criteria. It just needs to be added. I think this is a push to do just that, make it legally recognized.
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True, the "best president of my lifetime" crowd is going to have a tough time spinning the "no new wars" when trump keeps pushing for these ridiculous acquisitions of land that in no way belongs to the US.
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You forgot the Healthcare plan that is coming in 2 weeks...wait no that was last terms lie. It might get recycled, knowing him.
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So it begins...
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I think our friends to North know exactly whom to blame for the chaos coming soon. I would say he has napoleon complex, but he is 6ft tall...well he says he is...🤔
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He doesn't care, he thinks they will save him Hopefully they do the right thing *Constitutionally*.
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I think the shear stupidness of all of this might just save us. Let him spend his time doing something like this, less time he spends screwing up our country. Oh all the "no new war" crowd, wonder if they are cheering on this idea. 🤔
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4 years of the same shit again. Talking about his "tone", ignoring his crazy ass wanting to take countries that isn't up for taking. I can't believe people still support that man.
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Oh, he is one of those guys. Mr know-it-all. Should have figured that, he definitely fit the type.
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We blinked, and it all went by so fast. I know that's cliche to say, but it's so true.
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What is wrong with people. Smh.
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Such a terrible realization that those being purposefully misleading don't care what the consequences of their lies are.
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Yeap, but it's ok as long as the speech he/they want to hear is free...🙄 The rest, well there was something about a face and know the rest.
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So many fell for his act. That guy doesn't give 2 shits about the US. He is after more money and less red tape for his companies. He might be a weirdo, but strategically he was smart. Put enough money behind someone, you can write your own rules.
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Oh my, so cute! Mine would probably eat the groceries as I put them in the cart.
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Morning Shelly, hope you have a great day!
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She is cute, all should be forgiven.
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Why people worship him is beyond me.
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The 27th Amendment makes the deadline argument kind of moot, imo.
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Yes, it's purple heart. That's the wood type. When it's all done, I will post some pictures. Yes, we think he is going to keep it forever. That is if my husband let's him take it(joke), it's quickly becoming one of the favorite things he has made.
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Good morning! Ready for the day Working on our son's Christmas present. A desk, with a little easter egg from his younger days. Yes, he is almost 18, but lightning McQueen will always be cool.
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Fair point
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Personally, I do believe in God. I don't take offense to your opinion. The crowd of "free speech" can't handle views that don't align with theirs. It's getting bad over there.
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I have ptsd from the grammar Nazi's over there. I knew what you meant.
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I know you were longer than I was. I don't know why I stayed so long. What were we thinking?
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If that doesn't sum up the thread from hell, no one ever wins, because the goal post always move.
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I say further proof he doesn't understand the Constitution, because he has never really read it.
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That's a good possibility.
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That relationship is going to sour fast. 2 big egos can't stand in the same room too long. Soon enough they will be midnight toliet tweeting one another. Post derogatory meme about the other.
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He already threw them under the bus once, so he is very likely to do it again.
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And he will blame someone else, never his fault or responsibility.
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Nail on the head. They want to be angry and miserable. What's the saying "misery loves company"
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You are on to something there. People aren't hanging out to be the punching bag(so to speak) on Twitter. They will have to argue with one another. That might actually be entertaining to watch.
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Agreed I was passing on what was sent to me.
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I never thought of it that way. That makes sense. There are some very miserable individuals there.
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They really did think everyone was him. I got a heads ups for yall Someone sent me a warning that someone we know has accounts here now. Just passing it on I blocked them all, but I am sure there will be more heading our way.
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I am aware There will be plenty that vote for it because they are told to, but i am holding out hope for the ones that have more sense. If I am wrong, so be it. Cautiously optimistic, is the best way I can describe it.
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This is, imo, another "all bark, no bite" These people seem to believe they have more power than they do. They can't cut veterans benefits, unless Congress votes for it. The people who have to be voted in aren't going to be easily sold on this. I hope i am right and not way off.
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I don't hate him, that take way too much energy and he doesn't deserve that kind of hold over my life. No judgement for those who have stronger disdain for him, i understand. He and his administration of millionaire fools are going to be more laughing stock than bruet squad.
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Happy Birthday
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It's a shame people put their faith in these overnight celebrities.
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Absolutely, she wants his attention. Remember this? Additionally, sorry my area keeps voting her back in. I did not vote for her.
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He is insane but they still love him. He called for 1 religion and they all twisted themselves in pieces trying to say "that's not what he said"