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Author of upcoming "The Slime Mold's Guide to World Domination" for Simon & Schuster; science writer of The Artful Amoeba (formerly at SciAm and now at Substack); Under-Loved Lifeform and Humor Enthusiast. Find me also at
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It might just be stuck to the bubble but it's still damn cute.

Lovely visit with a Lampocteis. dive 799 #SouthSandwichIslands #MarineLife

Nudibranch, black coral, soft coral on dead black coral stalk. dive 800 #SouthSandwichIslands #MarineLife

Hi friends! My monthly email newsletter went out this morning. Subscribe in the next month and you'll be entered to win a signed copy of the paperback edition of FLIGHT PATHS, which officially comes out 3/18!

I'm feeling this hard right now.

The odds of being attacked by a turkey are low, but never zero.

It’s #MothMonday! Let’s kick off the week with the magnificent air-shrimp, the Hummingbird Clearwing Moth! (Hemaris thysbe) Pennsylvania #inverts

And I definitely need a print of this one.

I low-key suggest renaming this squid Barad durensis

I really think we need more lavender animals generally. I'm looking at you, land animals.

Whoa. A bottom-living siphonophore! aka Sea Dandelion Basically a big gelatinous bag with stinging tentacles going off in all directions! if you are small and edible do NOT approach! Bank 9 south, #Okeanos #deepsea

COVID shots protect kids from long COVID—and don’t cause sudden death

My paperback comes out two weeks from tomorrow!

I saw a room decorated just like this at the House of Eternal Return at Meow Wolf Santa Fe

This checks out.

It's like the world's most prolific and ephemeral gemstone factory

“A new paper from researchers at Microsoft and Carnegie Mellon University finds that as humans increasingly rely on generative AI in their work, they use less critical thinking, which can ‘result in the deterioration of cognitive faculties that ought to be preserved.’”

HOLT SHIT, THIS IS *INCREDIBLE*. An actual treatment for prions! That's fucking ASTOUNDING. Those things are goddamn TERRIFYING.

Rudist bivalves! These were apparently the tribbles of Cretaceous reefs. The vase-shaped mollusks with lids appear only in the late Jurassic, take over reef-building in the Cretaceous, and then utterly disappear when the asteroid hits. 🤯 Amazing!

We used to only know Promachoteuthis sulcus from a single specimen that looked like it had a creepy, tooth smile. (It's actually folded, circular lips) But recently we saw the first Promachoteuthis live in the wild, and its so pretty! I'm sorry we thought you were a creep!

Gotta clean your face before starting the day! Spiders don't have eyelids so sometimes they wipe their eyes with their pedipalps (short leg-like appendages in the front). It kind of reminds me of windshield wipers. #Spiders #SciComm #Inverts #Bugsky #Behavior #Cute

This crazy thing looks like one of my kid's marble runs, halfway through construction

"It's like, how much more black could this be? And the answer is none. None more black." Couldn't get that "This Is Spinal Tap" quote out of my head while reporting this one! 🧪🎸🏴

I propose renaming this work of art Tatama tatanka

Foraminifera's Moving Castle

We all need more siphonophores in our lives right now.

When the down comforter is you

Happy #FossilFriday! Today we’ve got Edaphosaurus, an early synapsid and among the first terrestrial herbivores! Like its cousin Dimetrodon, it had a tall sail on its back, but unlike its cousin there were numerous crossbars on each neural spine that would have protruded the sides of the sail! 🧪⚒️🦊

#FridayFold a big one. Waterpocket Fold near Capitol Reef UT USA.

Exploring the Medieval World Through Illuminated Manuscripts at the Morgan Library

I just received this lovely lot of Cardita crassicosta, a member of the cockle family. The species is known for its stunning range of colours. The largest is 55 mm long. #seashell #seashells #mollusk #bivalves #sciart #marinelife

What a beautiful shot 😍 #SpotTheInsect

Even here in dry and non-exotic Colorado, I have these tiny masterpieces in my garden. *Hand lens required to appreciate.

These are spermatophores and if you put them in water they swell up and explode like a firecracker (or so my thesis advisor tells me)

Thank you Celeste Woo, latter-day Blaschka of the fiber arts. you have eels, & no idea what to do? Here's a 1670 recipe for eel pie to help you out: Flay the eel Cut off the flesh & mince it Mix w/ minced pear Season w/ ginger, pepper, cloves, mace, & salt Add currants, raisins, prunes, dates Add verjuice, butter, & rose-water 🗃️🧪

Good morning, please have a nice bug*. #invertebrates #BugADay #Bugsky *blue damselfly

Screen shot from Blade Runner or ... [checks notes] actual sunrise today in LA? Oh.

Love this place on the importance of risk in kids' play, by my smart and caring friend

If soldiers were about to plunder your Gothic church in Germany the 1600s, where would you hide your wealth? In the leg of this statue, it turns out! Read my latest:

A new solutions portal from Yale's - Thank you!

“I go up," said the elevator, "or down." "Good," said Zaphod, "We're going up." "Or down," the elevator reminded him. "Yeah, OK, up please." There was a moment of silence. "Down's very nice," suggested the elevator hopefully. "Oh yeah?" "Super." "Good," said Zaphod, "Now will you take us up?” #H2G2

I, too, have been waiting for this vital science, and for the exact same reason

“The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.” — Maya Angelou #crustmas

Fascinating paper about three caves in Madre de Dios, Chilean Patagonia, including Whale Cave with five blue whale skulls, at least one 37 m above sea level from a tsunami. Reading in another field and learning all kinds of new words: speleothem, varve.