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Today is a reminder of Zelensky's superhuman stamina and strength. He deflected deeply unfair vile attacks in his 3rd language and kept it together while two bullies threatened his country's existence and repeated the tired but infuriating propaganda tropes of the aggressor.

Donald Trump lâche l'Ukraine. Il a fait rentrer les experts US en charge de la reconstruction du réseau énergétique et dissout les cellules de propagande anti-Poutine sur les RS. Mais il peut faire pire, supprimer l'internet à haut débit Starlink d'Elon Musk pr couper les communications en Ukraine.

La question « les USA sont ils un allié ? » se pose de manière de plus en plus criante. Et ça ne fait qu’un mois…

"NATO is not the thing that Russia is afraid of. Russia is afraid of democracy expanding to Russia. Why are we in NATO? Its because we are afraid of Russia. And the only thing that really works – the only security guarantee that works – is NATO's umbrella," Kaja Kallas said in an interview with AFP

⚡️Journalist: If you had the opportunity to return to the White House right now, would you return? 🇺🇦 Zelensky: No

Europe’s leaders must realise that this could be any one of them. They must act accordingly, starting in Ukraine, to ensure our security.

Dear world, please do not judge us harshly. Most of us are good-caring people, and we hate him too.

President Macron: We all know the situation. The aggressor is Russia. Ukraine are a nation under attack. I think we were all right to help Ukraine and sanction Russia three years ago, and to continue to do so.

Given that the Trump people did nothing to induce Russia to end the war, it’s fair to conclude that the whole idea of pursuing peace was just a pretext to renew relations with Russia.

Force et honneur à Zelensky.

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk responds, something we hopefully see a lot more of that from other European leaders. It's never been clearer than in this moment that Trump is Putin's ally, not Europe's.

This photo will go down in history.

America, it’s up to you to deal with Trump. Europe, it’s up to you to deal with Putin. Now or never.

The US is ideologically and doctrinally on the side of the Russian criminal regime. Period. This reversal of alliances is a historic earthquake. If you still haven't understood that Europe must rearm massively and urgently switch to a war economy, you haven't grasped anything. We need leaders now.

Today was a day of infamy. USA dropped the shield of protecting legitimate democracies. what a fck shit show.

CheckNews Publicités clandestines, agressions sexuelles, insultes : le détail des 36 mises en garde et amendes de l’Arcom contre C8

Ingérence russe 🇷🇺 Nous avons eu des faux tags antisémites, des cercueils devant la Tour Eiffel et d'autres opérations russes de ce type. En UK, un réseau russe qui paye pour des actes racistes et des attentats contre les musulmans a été réopéré. Il n'y a pas de raison..

France wasn't wrong, it was just early. As Trump is seriously undermining the transatlantic relationship as well as NATO, Macron's concept of “strategic autonomy” is now set for its moment under the microscope. With

European markets were in the red on Friday morning after China vowed to retaliate as necessary to Donald Trump's extra 10% tariff hike.

Rape and support for rapists are now key aspects of U.S federal government policy.

C'est ce soir !

The EU wasn’t formed to screw anyone. Quite the opposite. It was formed to maintain peace, to build respect among our nations, to create free and fair trade, and to strengthen our transatlantic friendship. As simple as that. 🇪🇺🇺🇸

Elon Musk's only profitable company, Tesla, has created a cumulative grand total net income of $34 billion in its more than 20 years of existence. That's less than the total amount of US federal subsidies his empire has collectively received. The economics of Elon Musk are as bad as the politics.

Trump may demand the exclusion of Finland and Sweden from NATO in the interests of an agreement with the Kremlin, — Finnish political scientist Jussi Lassila.

Je vais de nouveau militer aujourd'hui pour que le sort de l'Ukraine ne soit envisagé que sous une théorie de la victoire totale, et non dans un cadre de pensée de négociations. Je me demande sous l'emprise de qui je suis. 😃

Continuing to work on close European coordination, today President Macron debriefed EU leaders on his meeting with President Trump earlier this week in Washington.

Ça continue. Un conseiller municipal tabassé parce qu’il a dénoncé le nazisme et le racisme.

What would you do if your country was brutally invaded? Meet Anton and Liudmila, who answered this question with humanity, compassion, and courage. Discover how European and UN support made a difference, and why we will keep standing by their side ⬇️

« Quand on rejoint Wikipédia, c’est pour rendre le monde meilleur, pas pour brimer ou détruire » La meilleure défense contre l’offensive réactionnaire et fachisante des anti Wikipédia

The coordination continues. Now back in Paris from Washington DC, Macron has spoken to Starmer and to Zelensky. Tomorrow he debriefs EU leaders

France Eyeing Deployment Of Nuclear-Armed Rafale Fighters To Germany: Report Amid concerns over U.S. commitment to European security, France is mulling the extension of its nuclear umbrella farther across Europe. Story:

Frapper les athlètes transgenres d'une interdiction définitive de visa est totalement contraire aux principes de l'olympisme. On va donc tolérer que les JO de 2028 soient organisés par un Etat qui viole gravement la Charte Olympique ?

❗️🇫🇷 France may deploy nuclear-armed fighter jets in Germany as part of Europe’s deterrence strategy if the U.S. decides to withdraw its forces from the region – The Telegraph writes.

«Les récents propos de Trump ont eu tendance à renforcer la solidarité des Français avec l’Ukraine» Les Français continuent de soutenir le pays attaqué, analyse Céline Bracq

« [il] n’avait [..], plus le droit de toucher les 2 994,84 euros mensuels au nom des règles des indemnités cumulées, le président du RN étant aussi député européen. Aucun parlementaire n’ayant la possibilité de toucher plus de 9 857 euros d’indemnités cumulées »

My husband is Ukrainian. 3 years ago, his family woke up from explosions of Russian bombs and since then, life of our family was divided into before and after. Today, I want to share a poem by Ukrainian writer Vasyl Sagaydak. Read more poems by 🇺🇦 writers here:

Le HKU5-CoV-2, un coronavirus de chauve-souris potentiellement transmissible à l'humain

Le cofondateur d'Airbnb a voté Trump et vient de rejoindre le Doge d'Elon Musk. Un appel au boycott est lancé, des hôtes s'inquiètent : «Ce boycott est réel et gagne en force»

The best way to confront a bully about the misinformation he is spreading is to confront him in front of everyone. Macron just did that.

Donald Trump: "je recevrai sans doute la semaine prochaine Volodymir Zelessky si celui-ci est accepte de signer l'accord." Emmanuel Macron corrige: "il s'agit de l'accord sur les terres rares..." Et il ajoute: "pour les négociations de paix, tout est encore à construire!.."

Do Americans want to be aligned with Russia against all of our traditional allies in Europe and Asia? I don't think so

#Ukraine vote d'une résolution de l'AG de l'ONU sur l'Ukraine réitérant le soutien à l'Ukraine et à son intégrité territoriale et demandant le retrait des troupes russes : 93 voix pour, 18 contre dont les Etats-Unis & Israël, et 65 abstentions. Les USA votent contre pour la première fois...

The sovereignty of a state is its most important right. A just and lasting peace cannot happen at the expense of Ukraine – emphasises in a video address to the OSCE Permanent Council meeting, commemorating the third year of Russia's aggression against 🇺🇦 #SupportUkraine

Surprise : la vidéo du discours de Steve Bannon au congrès du FN de 2018, disponible encore la semaine dernière sur la chaine Youtube de Marine Le Pen, a été supprimée. (Mais archivée)